On this page
All About Wheel-Trans
Wheel-Trans is the City of Toronto's para-transit service that provides a safe and reliable accessible transit option for persons with disabilities. Our Wheel-Trans team accommodates trips booked by our customers either online or by phone.
Apply for Wheel-Trans
Wheel-Trans provides a safe and reliable transportation option for persons with temporary and/or permanent disabilities. The TTC requires eligible customers to submit a completed application to use the Wheel-Trans service. The application is available below in the “Sign in to Self-Serve Portal” link.
Booking a Trip
The easiest and fastest way to book your trip is to use our self-booking website. In this section we have included essential information on what to expect on the day of your trip, related services, and what happens when you miss your trip or cannot cancel in time.
Important Links
Information on policies, committees, and developments to Accessibility and Wheel-Trans services