Access - Summer 2024
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Message from the Head of Wheel-Trans
The year is off to a great start for Wheel-Trans. In January, the election for the TTC’s Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) was held. Anita Dressler returned to her role as ACAT Chair for the second consecutive year, along with co-Vice-Chair Erica Tanny. I welcome the new co-Vice-Chair, Betty Rivington-Law, and all other members of the 2024 committee. I look forward to working with the committee members toward our shared goal of providing accessible and inclusive transit to the people of Toronto.
In April, we held in-person and online public consultations to gather community feedback on Family of Services (FOS) and the accessibility of the conventional transit system. We also gathered feedback through a survey by Forum Research Inc., an independent research firm. We are in the process of putting together a detailed action plan to address the feedback we received through the consultations and the survey.
Looking ahead to the second half of 2024, we are focusing on several initiatives. This includes the ongoing efforts of our Wheel-Trans Eligibility Re-Registration Program which ensures that customers who registered prior to January 1, 2017, are categorized into one of the three AODA-mandated eligibility categories.
Further, in response to the growing demand for the Travel Training program, we made a significant investment by hiring three additional Travel Training specialists, bringing our total to four specialists.
Finally, on the technological front, we continue to modernize our systems. We are currently upgrading the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone system and working on a one-number call management feature as part of the IVR system to have a single contact number for Wheel-Trans.
On behalf of Wheel-Trans, I wish you a delightful summer!
Cameron Penman
Head, Wheel-Trans
TTC’s Annual Public Forum on Accessible Transit
Mark your calendars for the TTC’s 17th Annual Public Forum on Accessible Transit! This will be a hybrid event, with the opportunity to attend in person or virtually via live streaming. It is a great opportunity to meet TTC management, staff and members of the TTC’s Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) and learn about exciting changes happening across the TTC.
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
Location: North York Memorial Community Hall, 5120 Yonge St. (lower level), Burgundy Room. Beside Toronto Public Library.
Marketplace (6 to 7 p.m., in-person only): Interact with TTC staff and view information displays about various accessibility initiatives at the TTC.
Forum (7 to 9 p.m., hybrid): The Forum is similar to a town hall event, where a speaker’s panel comprised of TTC board members and staff will discuss TTC’s accessibility accomplishments over the past year. A moderated Q&A session will follow, and virtual attendees will be able to participate via chat.
Accommodations: Real-time captioning, sign language, and attendant care will be available at the Forum.
More information will be made available in the upcoming weeks at
Wheel-Trans application will be offered in various languages
As of September 1, 2024, Wheel-Trans will offer its eligibility application in the 16 most spoken languages as per the City of Toronto’s Census. Customers may request the application in their preferred language by speaking to a customer service representative via email, phone, or live chat. Wheel-Trans customers will continue to have the option of speaking to staff members with the assistance of translation services by calling 416-393-4111 and letting the representative know their preferred language.
You can reach out to Wheel-Trans Customer Service in the following ways:
- By phone: 416-393-4111
- By email:
- Via live chat: Available on the Wheel-Trans Self-booking Website
Wheel-Trans Customer Service is available from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., excluding holidays.
Increased staffing in customer service
We are delighted to announce that Wheel-Trans has increased customer service staffing to provide improved support to our customers! Since onboarding additional staff members in March 2024, wait times for customer phone calls, emails, and live chat messages have decreased significantly. Wheel-Trans will continue hiring staff over the summer to further reduce response wait times for customers.
Eligibility re-registration for Wheel-Trans service
Customers who were registered with Wheel-Trans prior to January 1, 2017, are required to submit a new Wheel-Trans application for re-registration. You can do this either by visiting the Customer Portal, or by contacting Wheel-Trans Customer Service by phone at 416-393-4111 or via email at
How do I know if this applies to me?
If you are unsure of whether you have to re-register for Wheel-Trans, you can contact a reservationist before booking your ride by phone at 416-393-4222 or via email at
If a customer has not re-registered, the following message will appear when they are scheduling their trips on the Wheel-Trans Self-booking Website.
TTC Travel Training
Since 2017, Wheel-Trans has been offering a free Travel Training program for all Wheel-Trans customers who want to learn how to travel safely and efficiently on TTC accessible conventional transit (bus, streetcar and subway). This program supports our aim to provide “an accessible transit service that ensures dignity, spontaneity, fairness and freedom of travel for all customers.”
To date, we have provided over 700 Travel Training sessions to customers.
Travel Training is designed to meet the needs of every customer. The Travel Training specialist plans a personalized route along with you, keeping in mind the accommodations you may need, and accompanies you on your journey. The Travel Training program will help you improve your travel skills, reduce anxiety or fear of the unknown, and increase your confidence in using the conventional transit system.
Through the Travel Training sessions, you learn how to:
- identify accessible routes
- locate and use the accessibility features available at TTC stations and on vehicles
- board and exit vehicles with or without mobility devices (e.g. wheelchairs, scooters, walkers)
- use the PRESTO fare payment system
- interpret TTC maps and signage
- recognize landmarks
- request help from transit operators
- manage unexpected challenges, such as delays and closures
If you are interested in participating in the Travel Training program, please email or call 416-472-2393. For more information, please visit the Travel Training page on
Note: Travel Training does not determine Wheel-Trans eligibility.
Train the Trainer partnership with organizations supporting people with disabilities
The Train the Trainer initiative is part of the TTC Travel Training program. We invite organizations that work with people with disabilities to partner with us and enable our customers to lead independent and confident lives. This initiative offers the opportunity for an organization’s staff members to be trained by a TTC Travel Training specialist.
Over a pre-defined period, a Travel Training specialist will accompany the organization’s staff members on the TTC’s conventional system.
We also welcome the staff members to shadow our specialists while they train Wheel-Trans customers.
Our specialists are also available after the training sessions to answer questions about travel planning and accessibility on the TTC. If this sounds like an opportunity an organization you know would be interested in, please spread the word. Representatives can get in touch with us by email at or by phone at 416-472-2393.
Digital PRESTO card now available to load in Apple Wallet
If you have an iPhone or Apple Watch, you now have a new way to pay your fare on the TTC and other transit agencies that use PRESTO in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area, with the introduction of PRESTO in Apple Wallet. PRESTO in Apple Wallet is a digital PRESTO card you can load into your Apple Wallet for free from the PRESTO app. If you already have a PRESTO card, you can convert it into a digital card and load it into your Apple Wallet. All the information on your physical card, such as fare type, auto-load/auto-renew agreements, or registered card information, will automatically transfer to your digital card. If you are loading a new digital card, you will need to have your card reset if you require a fare type other than an adult fare. You can do this by taking your device, along with government-issued identification, to any Shoppers Drug Mart location or the TTC’s Customer Service to have the fare type set.
If you prefer to keep your physical card and not load a digital card, that’s ok! Your physical PRESTO card will continue to work.
Visit to learn more about PRESTO in Apple Wallet, or call TTC Customer Service at 416-393-3030.
Wheel-Trans public consultations for community feedback
The TTC hosted two public consultations in April to gather community feedback on Family of Services (FOS) and the accessibility of the conventional transit system. The sessions were attended by Wheel-Trans customers, persons with disabilities, and community-based organizations that provide support services for people with disabilities.
Further, a survey was administered on behalf of the TTC by Forum Research Inc., an independent research firm, to gather feedback from as many stakeholders as possible.
The purpose of the consultations was to gather customer and stakeholder feedback to inform any potential changes to the design and implementation of the Family of Services program. We also listened to and addressed customer concerns around safety, equity, and the impact of service disruptions within the conventional transit system on FOS customers. Finally, through the consultations, we addressed concerns about the impact of crowding on conventional transit on people with disabilities.
The TTC thanks everyone who participated and provided their valuable feedback. We are currently developing a detailed action plan to address the feedback we received through the consultations and the survey. The results will be reported to the TTC’s Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT), the TTC Board, and the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee (TAAC).
TTC is seeking new members for its Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT)
Are you interested in improving accessibility on the TTC? Apply now to become a member of ACAT.
ACAT members provide advice and guidance to the TTC Board and staff on accessible public transit matters, such as:
- Improving accessibility on buses, streetcars, subways, and stations
- Wheel-Trans’ eligibility criteria
- Family of Services
- Training of TTC operators, collectors, and customer service agents in providing accessible services
The TTC is dedicated to ensuring that ACAT members mirror the diversity of the communities we serve. We actively encourage applications from Indigenous, Black, and other racialized individuals.
Applications will be accepted until 4 p.m. on August 27, 2024.
Applications can be submitted in the following ways:
- Online application form
- Email:
- Fax: 416-338-0126
- Mail:
ACAT Applications
c/o Wheel-Trans Customer Service
580 Commissioners Street
Toronto, Ontario M4M 1A7
Visit to learn more and apply.