2018 Operating Statistics

The TTC Operating Statistics publication contains all the key facts and figures about the system’s performance in an annual period and is an invaluable quick reference when talking about the TTC’s achievements in service. The Operating Statistics are compiled by the Corporate Communications Department.

3. Wheel-Trans

As a division of the TTC, Wheel-Trans is responsible for door-to-door accessible transit service for people with physical functional mobility limitations who have the most difficulty using conventional transit services. Service is provided 24 hours beyond city limits to the airport, and to established boundary transfer points in order to co-ordinate trips with other accessible door-to-door transit services within the Greater Toronto Area.

Wheel-Trans Operating Statistics

Category 2018 2017 Increase/ (Decrease)
Passenger Trips 4,100,688 4,141,842 (Decrease of 41,154)
Average Daily Trips 11,348 11,384 (Decrease of 36)
Kilometres Operated 29,148,419 28,160,613 Increase of 987,806
Scheduled Vehicle Service Hours 1,197,085 1,167,394 Increase of 29,691
Revenue Vehicles 3,425 3,062 Increase of 363
Number of Active Registrants 45,140 42,672 Increase of 2,468

Notes: Passenger Trips, Average Daily Trips, Kilometres Operated, Scheduled Vehicle Service Hours, and Revenue Vehicles categories include contract vehicles (including 260 Wheel-Trans buses; 365 accessible taxis and 2,800 sedan taxis operating during peak hours).
The Number of Active Registrants category refers to customers who have used Wheel-Trans at least once in 2016 (as per Auditor General’s new definition).

Community Bus

Accessible, fixed-route bus service primarily focused on individuals who have some difficulty accessing the conventional transit system. Wheel-Trans registrants and seniors comprise the majority of customers served. However, all individuals are eligible for the service.

Community Bus Operating Statistics

Category 2018 2017 Increase/ (Decrease)
Passenger Trips 56,627 43,443 Increase of 13,184
Average Daily Trips 217 159 (Decrease of 58)
Kilometres Operated 153,236 152,019 Increase of 5,472
Scheduled Vehicle Service Hours 10,269 10,188 Increase of 81
Revenue Vehicles 7 7 0
Number of Routes 5 5 0

Note: Community Bus does not operate on weekends or holidays and this is reflected in the Average Daily Trips category values.

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