Station Improvements and Maintenance - Tile and Panel Replacement
Work to remove and replace tiles, ceiling and wall panels is ongoing at some stations
Effective August 2023until further notice
What we are doing and why
In an effort to facilitate station improvements such as upgrades, maintenance and safety features, some stations will be undergoing tile, ceiling and wall panel replacement.
The following stations will undergo these various tile, ceiling and wall panel replacements: York Mills, St Patrick, Dupont, Sherbourne, Queens Park, Bay, Wellesley, Greenwood, Donlands, College, Summerhill, Spadina, Christie, Royal York, Yorkdale, Wellesley, Chester, Wilson, Runnymede, Keele, King, Museum, Lansdowne and Dundas West.
Tiles, ceiling and wall panels have been removed at some stations to for various reasons such as for investigative purposes, to assess the condition of the wall and the utility services located behind these panels. TTC will be replacing those areas with new wall panels at these stations. Various service upgrades and relocations are also taking place behind these panels including required upgrades to our fire prevention system/sprinkler lines, electrical conduit and pipes.
At stations where major retrofits are planned (for future elevators or second exit/entrances), station finishes are removed for investigative purposes and to assess the condition of the wall for these future station features. Art is an important component of major station upgrades and will be installed in coordination with the completion of the ongoing tile replacement work. You can view the chosen art concepts for stations that are undergoing major retrofits here.
Work hours and noise
Work to remove and replace some tiles and wall panels will take place in phases over the next few years (during non-service hours) in order to minimize the disruption to our customers. For safety reasons, workers need to access the subway areas/track level (when the subway is not running) and to schedule work in areas when customers are not present (in customer pathways/platforms etc., for example).
Transit service changes
No impact to subway service as a result of these works.