Museum Station - Easier Access and Second Entrance and Exit
Construction at Museum Station
Effective January 1, 2024until Q42025
What we are doing and why?
As part of the TTC’s commitment to safety and modernization, Museum Station (Line 1) will be getting a new second exit/entrance, and elevators to improve customer safety, accessibility and convenience by end of 2025*.
*subject to weather, unforeseen events
The Second Exit/Entrance will be constructed on the north end of Queen’s Park Circle. Elevator construction and structural rehabilitation will take place at the existing entrances to Museum Station on Queen’s Park.
Traffic, cyclist and pedestrian details
Queen’s Park lane restrictions will be in effect between south of Bloor Street to the north end of Queen’s Park Circle.
Minimum of one lane in each direction through the work zones will be maintained at all times.
A cycling detour is being maintained around the construction work zones Pedestrian travel around the work zones will be maintained.
Noise, Vibration and Work Hours:
Noise, dust and vibration associated with construction can be expected with this work. Efforts will be made to keep levels to a minimum.
Majority of the work will take place between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday to Friday, and on Saturday after 9 a.m., with work after hours and on Sunday after 9 a.m. if required. As permitted, some overnight work will be required during the course of this project for safety and efficiency.
Overnight work is scheduled, as part of the plans to make Museum Station accessible. Noise associated with construction can be expected with this work, however crews will monitor levels and make efforts to keep them to a minimum.
What to expect
Construction trucks, equipment and site staff will be present in the general area.
Transit Service
Subway service at the station will be maintained throughout construction.
Below: Rendering of the Museum Station elevator on the west side of Queen’s Park, looking towards the Royal Ontario Museum.
For further information:
Gurjeet Kaur, Senior Community Liaison, 437-551-4407,
If you would like to be added to the project e-mail list in order to receive future updates about this project, please email me at
Thank you for your patience as we work to make Museum Station accessible.