Accessibility enhancements at York Mills Station Bus Terminal
TTC is testing out new accessibility features at York Mills Station Bus Terminal
The TTC has recently installed the following new accessibility and wayfinding enhancements at its York Mills Station Bus Terminal:
- Red tactile wayfinding guidance tiles leading to the front door of all of the 9 bus stops to help customers with vision loss find their bus;
- A “first on, last off” decal on the ground intended for customers using mobility devices to wait at to help them board first (it is in clear line of sight to the bus operator as they arrive);
- Stop poles at each stop which include tactile and braille route information, bus bay numbers and information about the ground decals; and
- Bus bay numbers above the doors leading onto the bus platform.
New accessible stop design
Stop marker decals
Doorway signs
These changes have been installed to guide customers with low vision to the stops, clearly indicate a location near that stop that people using mobility devices can wait to board the bus first, and to assist Operators better align their buses to each stop in a more consistent manner. York Mills is currently the only station these features are being tested at.