Filming on TTC property
2. Productions
Major Movie/Commercial Productions
Please be aware that the TTC will not approve any scripts that depict any of the following activities:
- Suicide or attempted suicide by train or pushing to track level
- Recreation of real life traumatic and violent events (e.g. subway crash)
- Scenes which endanger others through potential copy-cat
- Explicit scenes of sexual assault on transit property
All requests are to be submitted in writing including a script and/or brief outline/story board of the film’s/commercial’s plot, the location of filming, date, time, duration and crew size, including talent.
It is advisable that when filming requires special effects, a train or access to track level, a meeting with TTC staff be held as soon as possible to discuss details.
For platform only (no trains, track level, special effects or stunts) filming – your work plan (see description below) must be submitted 5 business days prior to start of film shoot (the “film shoot” includes set-dressing, prep, filming and wrap). If your prep includes placing lights in tunnels, changing advertising above the power rail, or any work required at track level, this falls under the next category.
For track level or train (stationary or moving) filming – a completed work plan is required 13 business days in advance of the start of the film shoot (the “film shoot” includes set-dressing, prep, filming and wrap).
Location Scouts/Technical Surveys:
- Track level location scouts (walking tour) or track level technical surveys require 13 business days written notice prior to the tour and must include: proposed date, time, total number of people, equipment required and purpose of tour/survey. Confirmed date will be determined by staff, equipment and location availability and will be no earlier than 10 days after receipt of request;
- platform only location/technical surveys require 2 business days notice prior to the platform tour and must include: proposed date, time and total number of people expected to attend. Confirmed date will be determined by staff, equipment and location availability;
- you will be charged for any technical surveys at track level (staff hours and equipment). The cost will be quoted at the time of your request;
- any track level prep work or set-dressing done prior to the actual start of filming is considered part of the film shoot and details must be submitted in writing as part of the work plan 13 business days prior to the start of any work and must include: date, time and number of people involved, along with any equipment being brought to track level;
- for any surveys outside of regular work hours (9 am – 4 pm), there is a minimum 3 hour charge for staff and/or equipment;
- any time film employees are at track level whether for filming or location scouts/technical surveys, they are required to wear CSA approved work shoes/boots, hard hats, reflective tear-away (at shoulders, front and sides) vests, reflective wrist and ankle bands and safety glasses (to be provided by the production company).They must also wear long pants that are not baggy in the legs (absolutely no shorts);
Requirements Prior to Filming Approval:
- A script outlining all scenes to be filmed on TTC property must be submitted for review and approval prior to the 13 business days (track/train) or 5 business days (platform/no train/no track) deadline for submission of the detailed work plan.
- If the script is approved, it is advised that a meeting be held between TTC staff and film company staff to review and answer questions regarding activities proposed for TTC property prior to the work plan submission.
- If the script is approved, a detailed work plan must be submitted no later than 13 business days (track/train) or 5 business days (platform/no train/no track) prior to the actual film shoot start date (the “film shoot” includes set-dressing, filming and wrap).
Work Plan:
The work plan must include the following:
- Date(s), time(s), locations of filming;
- A list of activities taking place at each time and location, including a list of load in, set-up, filming and wrap activities;
- A list of all equipment to be used and brought into the station. Attached are some items that are approved for use in the TTC:
- fibreglass ladders (not metal ones)
- portable diesel fuelled generators equipped with scrubbers;
- Explanation of how equipment will be moved in and out of station;
- Details and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on any toxic or hazardous material, including paint; these details are to include how you plan on using the product, how long, how much product and what controls (if any) you will have in place while using the product;
- Any special effects and any special materials to carry out the effect;
- A description of any stunts and the safety procedures associated with each stunt.
If the detailed work plan is not received 13 business days (track/train) or 5 business days (platform only) prior to start of film shoot, the original start date will be moved forward one day for each day that the work plan is late. The TTC will not be held liable for any costs, damages or losses incurred as a result.
Changes to your approved work plan will not be accepted less than 72 hours prior to the start of filming. Minor changes may be allowed once the film shoot has commenced. This will be at the discretion of the TTC’s Staff-in-Command on site during the film shoot. The TTC’s Staff in-Command will be clearly identified on site, by the TTC’s Filming & Tours Co-ordinator.
Production ID Badges must be worn by each and every crew member requiring access onto TTC property.
At any time prior to the approval by TTC staff of the detailed work plan no final approval should be inferred. TTC will notify you no later than 7 days prior to the start of the proposed film shoot of final work plan status (either approved or not approved). If more than 7 days advance notice is required, submit your detailed work plan earlier than 13 business days in advance of the start of filming.
Small productions:
The following rules/regulations apply when conducting filming/photography in the subway.
Filming under a Property Permit:
Filming in the subway station only, with less than 4 people (no access to trains)
Limited equipment ie. camera and tripod (if absolutely necessary)
Access is 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to closing – Monday to Friday.
Saturday and Sunday no time restrictions
Cost of property permit is $250.00 + HST for all commercial shoots. Free to students.
Proof of General Liability Insurance of not less than $2.0 million with TTC named as added insured
Property permit must be picked up at TTC head office, located at 1900 Yonge St.
(Davisville subway station) between the hours of 7 am to 5 pm
Supervised filming:
Filming in station and inside trains
Access of more than 4 people but no more than 6 (includes crew and cast)
Limited equipment ie. camera, tripod, small handheld light(s) – if necessary and props
Access times are 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Monday to Friday billed at $55.00 per hour. Everything else outside of these hours (including weekends) is billable at $93.00 per hour (4 hour minimum) + HST.
Proof of General Liability Insurance of not less than $2.0 million with TTC named as added insured
The following information must be submitted to:
Total Crew Size:
Description of Shots:
Tourists, families and individuals filming or photographing within the public areas of the transit system for non-commercial purposes, are not expected to contact the TTC to obtain permission or a permit so long as such filming/photographing does not interfere with the safe and orderly operation of the transit system and/or our customers.
Sandy Tsirlis
Filming & Tours Co-ordinator
t: (416) 393-3764
c: (416) 919-6517
f: (416) 338-0127