Early nightly closures and service adjustments starting Monday
Starting Mon., Jul. 15 until Fri., Jul. 19, subway service on the portion of Line 1 Yonge-University between St Clair West and Sheppard West stations will end nightly at 11 p.m. to accommodate track maintenance.
A frequent shuttle bus service will run, stopping at each station along the route. TTC staff will be on hand to direct customers to shuttle boarding locations. Customers who require Wheel-Trans service can speak with any TTC customer service staff member for assistance.
All subway stations will remain open for customers to load PRESTO cards, purchase PRESTO tickets, and connect to surface routes.
Also from 11 p.m. nightly, Mon. to Fri. next week, there will be limited subway service between Sheppard West and Finch West stations, with trains operating on a single track. This is to accommodate tunnel maintenance, including leak remediation work. Northbound customers will need to change trains at Sheppard West Station. Longer than normal travel times of approximately 20 minutes can be expected.
While the TTC does most subway maintenance at the conclusion of service each night, it continues to require weekend and early weeknight closures to complete critical infrastructure and state-of-good-repair work.
Bloor Street West road construction – temporary route adjustments
Effective next week, TTC routes along portions of Spadina Ave. and Bloor St. W. will undergo temporary redirections. The adjustments are to accommodate City of Toronto construction work to install bike lanes along Bloor St. W. at Spadina Ave.
Starting at 5 a.m. on Mon., Jul. 15 until 5 a.m. on Mon., Jul. 22, the 510/310 Spadina replacement bus service will operate to and from St George Station, bypassing Spadina Station and all stops between the station and Harbord St. For service to and from Spadina Ave., customers are advised to board the 510/310 Spadina at St George Station. Buses will run in both directions via Harbord St. and St. George St.
Additionally, from Tues., Jul. 16 until Mon., Jul. 22, the 300 Bloor Night service will be adjusted. This adjustment will redirect the service from Bloor St. W. running both ways along Harbord St., between St. George and Bathurst streets.
Jane Station – Bus Terminal closure
Starting Mon., Jul. 15, until early 2025, the Jane Station Bus Terminal will be closed for pavement repair work. All station entrances and subway service will be maintained during construction.
Buses will serve Jane Station at stops outside the station, with the following adjustments:
- 35/335 Jane and 935 Jane Express buses will board on the street near Jane Station. Customers will be dropped off at a new temporary stop at the northwest corner of Jane St. and Bloor St. W. Customers will continue to be picked up on the east side of Jane Street, outside the Jane Station bus terminal.
- 26 Dupont and 55 Warren Park buses will board on the east side of Jane Street, outside Jane Station. Customers will be dropped off at Jane and Folkes streets (two blocks north of Jane Station), approximately a two-minute walk south along Jane St to the station. Buses will also extend to Runnymede Station via Bloor St. W., picking up and dropping off customers within the station to connect to the subway, Line 2 Bloor-Danforth.
- Wheel-Trans service at Jane Station will be available outside of the Armadale Ave. entrance.
The TTC is committed to keeping customers informed about work and events that impact service, as well as alternate route options. For the most up-to-date information, follow @TTCNotices on X or sign up for eAlerts.