TTC to close portion of Line 1 for 10 days to accelerate system improvements
Based on the success of two previous 10-day closures, the TTC is once again taking advantage of reduced ridership to advance essential system improvements and upgrades that will minimize customer inconvenience in the longer term.
Beginning at 6 a.m. on Mon., April 12, the TTC will close the portion of Line 1 between St George and St Andrew stations to carry out tunnel lining repairs, asbestos removal, station cleaning, and track upgrades.
This closure in the downtown "U" will eliminate several years' worth of early access and weekend closures in this section of Line 1. Similar successful closures were carried out in December 2020 and March 2021, allowing the TTC to accomplish more than two years' worth of work in 10 days.
The closure will last 10 days, with regular service resuming at 6 a.m. on Thurs., April 22.
"We are getting this work done now during the pandemic so that there will be less disruption in the future when our economy has fully reopened," said Mayor John Tory. "These upgrades are needed to ensure we continue to have a safe and reliable transit system - a crucial part of our economic recovery. I want to thank all of our TTC workers who have kept the system running throughout the pandemic while also ramping up our repairs and upgrade plans."
The TTC continues to capitalize on reduced ridership during the COVID-19 pandemic and identify opportunities to carry out vital state-of-good-repair work with minimal inconvenience to customers.
"By accelerating this critical state-of-good-repair work, we are limiting the need for station platform closures and reducing future disruption for transit riders," said TTC Chair Jaye Robinson. "The TTC's innovative approach to major capital work during the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant cost and time savings. I want to thank Toronto transit riders for their patience and understanding as we work to improve our transit infrastructure and service for years to come."
During the last 10-day closure in March, TTC crews made significant advancements on electrical work and upgrades to traction power, asbestos removal, and station floor and platform upgrades.
Customers can expect shuttle bus service every 60 seconds or better during peak periods and very consistent service to continue throughout the day. Service levels have been designed based on current customer volumes. Designated pick-up and drop-off locations will be outside each station, at street level.
If travelling into the city, customers are encouraged to start their journey at Finch Station, or at any other station on the Yonge side of Line 1, to avoid the closure area.
"We are taking every opportunity to speed up infrastructure improvements while keeping customer inconvenience to a minimum," said TTC CEO Rick Leary. "There's never a perfect time to close portions of the subway, but we know from speaking to our customers that 80 to 90 per cent are supportive of us doing this work now while ridership is lower."
East-west service will be available, as usual, on College (506 Carlton), Dundas (505), Queen (501) and King (504) streets, for customers to connect from Yonge St.
Museum, Queen's Park, St Patrick and Osgoode stations will be closed during this work. Customers should note that all subway entrances/exits will also be closed, including TTC connections to hospitals. St George and St Andrew stations will remain open for fare sales and connection to surface routes and Line 2.
Customers who require Wheel-Trans service can speak with any TTC customer service staff member for assistance.
From Mon., April 19 to Thurs. April 22, service on the portion of Line 1 between Sheppard West and Lawrence West stations will also end at 11 p.m. nightly for leak remediation work and to prepare for track switch upgrades. A following 10-day closure will be held from April 26 - May 5 from Sheppard West to Wilson for switch installation and replacement.
More information on this early closure and alternate service will be released next week.
Customers should remember that face coverings are mandatory while travelling on the TTC. More information on how to wear a mask properly is available online. Some exceptions apply.
The TTC is using a variety of tactics to ensure customers are aware of this extended closure and to minimize the inconvenience as much as possible. Customers looking for more information or assistance planning their trips are advised to visit or call Customer Service at 416-393-3030.
The TTC thanks its Board, local City Councillors, and the essential workers based along University Ave., for their assistance and patience with this closure.
The TTC is committed to keeping customers informed about work and events that impact service and about alternate routes. For the most up-to-date information, follow @TTCNotices on Twitter or sign up for eAlerts.