TTC hosts 2020 Underground Freedom Train Ride Virtually

This evening, the TTC in collaboration with a Different Booklist Cultural Centre and the Emancipation Day Underground Freedom Train Ride Committee will virtually host the eighth annual midnight Underground Freedom Train Ride, commemorating Emancipation Day on Aug. 1. The event is symbolic of the role the Underground Railroad has played in Canadian history. The theme of this year's event is Crossing Water, Across the Global African Village to Toronto and the Underground Railroad. The event usually begins at Union Station and in past years has been attended by well over 1,000 participants. This year, the commemoration will feature contributions including poetry, singing, drumming, moments of reflection and remarks by TTC CEO Rick Leary.

The Underground Freedom Train Ride is open to the public. Those interested in attending can live stream it beginning at 10:45 p.m. here

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