TTC signal work on Line 1 this weekend

Some surface routes diverting for construction

This weekend, May 28-29, TTC crews will conduct signal work on Line 1 (Yonge-University) between St Clair West and Downsview stations only, requiring that portion of the subway to close. Shuttle buses will operate throughout the weekend, stopping only at subway stations along the route.

Crews will lay up to 46,500 ft. of cable for the TTC's new Automatic Train Control (ATC) signal system and install other ATC equipment (beacons, junction boxes). Crews will also use this opportunity to complete other state-of-good-repair work, including track maintenance and tile replacement in stations.

To provide a faster trip for customers, shuttle buses will not service local stops between subway stations, and parking will be restricted on Bathurst St. between Lawrence Ave. W. and Ava Rd., just south of Eglinton Ave. W.

Shuttle buses will not enter Glencairn or Yorkdale stations. Instead, customers must board and exit shuttle buses at the intersection of Glencairn Ave. and Bathurst St., and at the Yorkdale Rd. and Allen Rd. underpass.

Glencairn Station will be closed for the weekend; all other subway stations affteced by the closure will remain open for fare media sales.

Wheel-Trans buses will be available at St. Clair West, Eglinton West and Downsview stations for customers who require accessible transit. Customers can speak to any staff member at these stations to request the service.

Regular service resumes Monday morning at 6 a.m. The next scheduled subway closures are:

  • Line 2 (Bloor-Danforth): Pape to St George closure – Sat., June 4 only
  • Line 2: Pape to St. George closure – Sun., June 12 only
  • Line 1: St Clair West to Downsview closure – June 18-19

For more information on subway closures, watch the TTC's explainer video at

For a full list of upcoming subway closures, visit our Service Advisories page

501 Queen

This weekend, from Fri., May 27 at 8 p.m. until Mon., May 30 at 5 a.m., streetcars on the 501 Queen route will divert both ways via Church St., King St. and Parliament St., and will turn back at the TTC’s Russell Carhouse at Queen St. E. and Connaught Ave. as TTC and City of Toronto crews will conduct the following work:

  • replace worn streetcar rails at the intersection of Queen and Jarvis Sts.
  • overhead rewiring inside Neville Loop
  • borehole drilling at the intersection of Queen St. E. and Coxwell Ave.

Shuttle buses will operate between Queen St. W. and University Ave. to Neville Loop in the Beach.

As a reminder, streetcars continue to divert for watermain work on Queen Street W., between Shaw St. and Spadina Ave. This diversion will continue until October.
Though shuttle buses operating on streetcar routes are Proof-of-Payment, only a limited number of buses are equipped with PRESTO readers. Customers should carry cash and tokens during this transition period.

Eglinton Ave. Metrolinx Work

Starting Sat., May 28 at 8 p.m. to Mon., May 30 at 5 a.m., the following routes will divert as a result of Metrolinx work on Eglinton Ave. E. between Bayview Ave. and Laird Dr.:

  • 34/334 Eglinton East
  • 51 Leslie
  • 100 Flemingdon Park
  • 54/354 Midland

For more information on upcoming diversions, visit our Service Advisories page

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