TTC signal and track work on Line 1 this weekend
This weekend, March 19-20, subway signal and maintenance work between St George and Lawrence West stations on Line 1 will require subway service to be suspended and shuttle buses to operate.
TTC crews will lay up to 11,000 feet of cable for the TTC’s new Automatic Train Control (ATC) signal system and install other ATC equipment (radio, beacons and antennae). Crews will also replace more than 2,500 feet of subway track as part of ongoing state-of-good-repair work.
Additional work will be performed at the following stations:
• Eglinton West Station will be closed for Metrolinx work. Shuttle buses will stop at the intersection of Eglinton Ave. W. and Bathurst St. rather than at the station. This Metrolinx work will also require the 63/363 Ossington and 109 Ranee buses to divert.
• Glencairn Station will be closed as crews conduct platform edge re-tiling and electrical cabling for future installation of new fare lines. The 14 Glencairn bus will continue to operate (with additional service), but subway shuttle buses will stop at Glencairn Ave. and Bathurst St.
• St. Clair West subway station will remain open for increased local bus and streetcar service, however, shuttle buses will not enter the station, stopping instead at Bathurst St. and St Clair Ave. W.
Wheel-Trans buses will be available for customers who require accessible transit. Customers can speak to any staff member at any station to request the service.
A video explaining the work being done during the weekend closures is available on the TTC’s Official YouTube Channel.
The next portions of the subway scheduled for weekend maintenance work include:
• April 2: Line 2 Bloor-Danforth, Kennedy to Victoria Park
• April 9-10: Line 2 Bloor-Danforth, Bathurst to Jane
• April 16-17: Line 1 Yonge-University, St George to Lawrence West
See a full list of upcoming subway closures.
Media contact: TTC Corporate Communications, 416-981-1900,