TTC supervisor dismissed over benefits irregularities
The TTC dismissed one employee today for their part in an alleged benefits fraud that is the focus of both an internal TTC investigation and criminal investigation by the Toronto Police Service.
Last July, police laid several charges against the owner of Healthy Fit, which was providing health care products and services to some TTC employees. It is alleged that receipts were provided to individuals by Healthy Fit for claim reimbursement where no product or service was obtained or where receipt amounts were inflated. It is further alleged that the health care provider and the person making the claim would then share the money paid out by the TTC’s insurer, Manulife Financial, for these improper and fraudulent claims.
The TTC immediately launched its own internal investigation this summer. Interviews with employees who made claims involving Healthy Fit services began several weeks ago. The TTC anticipates more employees will face discipline, up to and including dismissal. No criminal charges have been laid against any TTC employee at this time.
The TTC is insured to protect itself and the public from benefits fraud. However, the TTC will demand full restitution from anyone found to have defrauded its benefits plan.
The TTC takes the responsibility it has to protect public money extremely seriously. Two years ago it established an anonymous hotline called “Integrity.” It is this program where information about this alleged benefits fraud first came to the TTC’s attention. The TTC has a number of measures in place to prevent fraud, conflict of interest or other schemes designed to cheat it and the public. All managers must complete an ethics training course, for example, as well as sign acknowledgment of the understanding and adherence to TTC conflict of interest, purchasing and other policies and practices designed to ensure public money is protected.
The TTC will not disclose the names of employees disciplined nor will it disclose the details of an individual’s involvement in this scheme, as the investigation by the TTC and police continues, in addition to the matter now being before the courts.