TTC welcomes Santa and Mrs. Claus
Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus will visit various subway stations on Friday, December 12. This is an annual Christmas season event at the Toronto Transit Commission.
You can see Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive at Bloor Station at 11 a.m. Santa will hand out candy canes, wishing TTC customers and employees a Merry Christmas and a safe and joyous holiday season. Santa and Mrs. Claus will then make their way to Dundas Station.
Santa will be performed by Ian Beaton, an Engineering Assistant with the Subway Wiring section, who just completed his 25th year of service with the TTC. Mrs. Claus will be performed by Sandy Tsirlis of the TTC’s Special Events department. Sandy has been with the TTC for 32 years.
What: Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus spread Christmas joy on the subway
Where: Bloor Station, southbound mezzanine level
When: Friday, December 12, at 11 a.m.