TTC's 510 Spadina buses and 505 Dundas streetcars to resume regular routing
On Tuesday, August 12, the Toronto Transit Commission will complete phase two of track work at Spadina Ave. and Dundas St., restoring 510 Spadina replacement bus and 505 Dundas streetcar service through the intersection.
During the two-week closure, City and TTC crews worked around the clock to upgrade tracks and switches, install a new watermain, and address unplanned issues in a tight timeframe.
Phase three of the project will see 510 Spadina buses continue to operate on Spadina Ave. between Spadina Station and Queens Quay while TTC crews put the finishing touches on platforms ahead of the launch of the new low-floor streetcar on the 510 Spadina line on August 31.
The TTC and City would like to thank customers, residents, businesses and motorists as we work together to improve and reinvest in Toronto's infrastructure.