Leslie Barns community office opens doors
Today TTC Chair Karen Stintz, CEO Andy Byford and Councillors Paula Fletcher and Mary-Margaret McMahon joined the Leslieville Business Improvement Area and local business owners to celebrate the opening of the Leslie Barns Project Community Office.
In keeping with the TTC’s renewed commitment to modernization, proactive community engagement and communications, the community office will serve neighbourhood residents and businesses throughout the construction process to ensure concerns that may arise are addressed directly by TTC staff on the ground.
The office is located at 1258 Queen Street East (at Hastings Avenue). Office hours throughout the summer are 9 am – 5 pm, Monday – Friday, and evenings by appointment.
Construction is underway on the Leslie Barns Streetcar Maintenance and Storage Facility, located at Leslie Street and Lake Shore Boulevard. This facility, being built to Toronto Green Development standards, will house the TTC’s new fleet of low-floor accessible streetcars. The Leslie Barns will feature a green roof and stormwater management pond.
Construction is also set to begin on the Leslie Street Connection Track. Work will include streetscaping along Leslie and Queen Streets, hundreds of new trees and plantings, new lighting and widened sidewalks.
Project details and construction information will be readily available through the community office at lesliebarns.ttc.ca and on Twitter @TTCLeslieBarns.