TTC and Herbert H. Carnegie Foundation team up again to acknowledge good deeds on the TTC
The Toronto Transit Commission and the Herbert H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation are teaming up for the second year in a row, to recognize and reward people who help others while travelling on the TTC. On numerous Sundays over the next year, high school students from school boards in the Greater Toronto Area will visit various subway stations, looking for customers and TTC employees caught in the act of doing good deeds, such as picking up litter or opening a door for another person.
The students will issue Special Future Aces Positive Tickets and a coupon to the good deed doers. The coupon can be redeemed for a drink at Mac’s Convenience Stores. The Investors Group, Sterling Dental and Creative Print Club are also participating sponsors.
The students will be looking out for many things, including:
• respecting the environment by picking up litter
• helping others by holding open a door
• helping mothers with children and helping people with mobility devices
The participating high school students will receive community hours for their involvement.