TTC holds first town hall meeting, Nov. 24
The Toronto Transit Commission will hold its first town hall meeting this Thursday, Nov. 24 from 6-9 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Toronto City Hall.
In 2010, the TTC Customer Service Advisory Panel considered various actions the TTC could take to improve customer service. The panel made 78 recommendations, including holding regular public forums to hear from customers about their TTC experiences.
This Thursday marks the first of these meetings. The first hour, from 6-7 p.m., will feature information areas in the Members’ Lounge where the public can get more information about specific TTC initiatives and operational matters, as well as speak one-on-one with TTC staff. Hours two and three, starting promptly at 7 p.m., features a forum where people can publicly ask questions, make comments or offer suggestions for improvement.
As seating in the Council Chamber is limited, admittance is first-come, first-seated; overflow seating will be set-up in the rotunda of City Hall. As well, the meeting will be carried live on Rogers Cable 10 in Toronto and the TTC will be live-tweeting the meeting – follow @TTCNotices or use the hashtag #TTCtownhall. ASL interpretation and closed-captioning will be available at the meeting.