July Metropass use extended to August 4 for MDP customers
Subscribers to the Toronto Transit Commission’s Metropass Discount Plan have advised the TTC of delays in receiving their August Metropass in the mail. By this time, all MDP subscribers should have received their August Metropass. As a result of this delay, the TTC is extending the use of the July Metropass until Aug. 4 for its MDP subscribers.
The July Metropass can only be used on surface vehicles or in subway stations where there is a Station Collector. The July pass will not work at automatic entrances or subway station turnstiles after July 31.
TTC customers who receive their August Metropass between now and Aug. 4 should immediately use their new pass when travelling on the TTC. Any MDP subscriber who has still not received their August Metropass by Aug. 4, should call the TTC MDP office at 416-397-8827, or come in person to the MDP office at Davisville Station between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. The TTC’s offices are closed this Monday, August 1.