TTC introducing service improvements, Sept. 6
Starting on Tuesday, September 6, the TTC is introducing service improvements to several of its bus, streetcar and subway services to reduce crowding, as a result of increased transit ridership. More than 70 service increases are being made on over 40 routes. Approximately 20 additional peak period buses and streetcars are being added. Many of the service increases are at off peak times, and will make TTC travel more reliable and attractive.
In 2010, the TTC set an all-time record of 477.4 million rides. This year, the system is on track to carry more than 490 million customers.
Service increases
7 BATHURST: In the afternoon peak, Monday to Friday.
9 BELLAMY: In the early evening, Monday to Friday, and during the daytime and early evening on Saturdays.
11 BAYVIEW: In the afternoon, Monday to Friday.
12 KINGSTON RD: In the morning peak, Monday to Friday.
16 MCCOWAN: In the early evening, Monday to Friday.
17 BIRCHMOUNT: In the afternoon peak, Monday to Friday.
20 CLIFFSIDE: In the morning peak, Monday to Friday.
23 DAWES: In the early evening, Monday to Friday.
28 DAVISVILLE: In the afternoon, Monday to Friday.
32 EGLINTON WEST: In the evenings from Monday to Friday.
34 EGLINTON EAST: In the afternoon peak period and in the evening from Monday to Friday.
36 FINCH WEST: In the midday, Monday to Friday.
41 KEELE: In the midday, Monday to Friday.
43 KENNEDY: In the morning and afternoon peaks and midday, Monday to Friday.
44 KIPLING SOUTH: In the afternoon peak, Monday to Friday.
45 KIPLING: In the afternoon peak, Monday to Friday.
53 STEELES EAST: In the morning peak, Monday to Friday.
58 MALTON: Throughout the day, Monday to Friday.
60 STEELES WEST: In morning peak and evenings, Monday to Friday.
63 OSSINGTON: In the early evening, Monday to Friday.
64 MAIN: Between approximately 2:30-3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
68 WARDEN: In the afternoon peak, Monday to Friday.
73 ROYAL YORK: In the morning peak, from Monday to Friday.
75 SHERBOURNE: In the morning peak, Monday to Friday.
76 ROYAL YORK SOUTH: In the afternoon peak, Monday to Friday.
79 SCARLETT RD: In the late evening, Monday to Friday.
84 SHEPPARD WEST: In the morning peak and early evening, Monday to Friday, and in the afternoons on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
102 MARKHAM RD: In the midday and early evening, Monday to Friday, and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
108 DOWNSVIEW: In the afternoon peak, from Monday to Friday, and in the evening on Saturdays.
112 WEST MALL: In the afternoon on Saturdays.
124 SUNNYBROOK: In the afternoon peak, Monday to Friday.
125 DREWRY: At the end of the morning peak, Monday to Friday.
126 CHRISTIE: In the early evening, Monday to Friday.
168 SYMINGTON: In the midday, Monday to Friday, and during the daytime on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
191 HIGHWAY 27 ROCKET: In the midday, Monday to Friday.
199 FINCH ROCKET: In the morning peak and in the early evening, Monday to Friday.
504 KING: In the midday and afternoon peak, Monday to Friday, and throughout the day on Saturdays.
506 CARLTON: In the midday, Monday to Friday.
509 HARBOURFRONT: In the morning and afternoon peak, Monday to Friday, and in the afternoons on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
BLOOR-DANFORTH SUBWAY: In the midday, Monday to Friday.
YONGE-UNIVERSITY-SPADINA SUBWAY: In the midday and early evening, Monday to Friday, and during the day on Sundays and holidays.
Note seasonal service change for 101 DOWNSVIEW PARK customers: Monday to Friday service will be eliminated after Labour Day, Friday, September 2. There will be no change to service on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
For more information on these and other service changes, TTC customers can visit the TTC’s official website at or call the information line at 416-393-INFO (4636).