TTC diversions during marathon this Sunday
On Sunday, May 2, many TTC routes will be on diversion during parts of the day during the Sporting Life 10K marathon.
The following routes will divert:
97 – 320 Yonge
During the formation period, buses operating on the 97-320 Yonge route will divert in both directions utilizing Lawrence Avenue., Mt. Pleasant Road and Eglinton Avenue. At 7:30 a.m., Yonge Street will be closed to all traffic between Eglinton Avenue and King Street. At this time, buses operating on the 97-320 Yonge may be required to divert in both directions via:
Northbound; north on Yonge Street., west on King Street., north on Bay Street., west on Davenport Road., north on Avenue Road., east on Lawrence Avenue., north on Yonge Street to route.
Southbound; south on Yonge Street, west on Lawrence Avenue, south on Avenue Road, east on Davenport Road, south on Bay Street, east on King Street, south on Yonge Street to route.
511 Bathurst
To divert in both directions utilizing Bathurst Street, King Street, Spadina Avenue, Queen’s Quay to Fleet Loop.
509 Harbourfront
During the westbound trip, streetcars to turn back at Fleet. Eastbound trip on regular routing to Union Station.
509 Harbourfront Shuttle Buses
With the closure of Fleet Street, shuttle buses will operate between Exhibition Place and Spadina Loop.