TTC employees and pensioners help their community-$1.3 million raised for the United Way
December 17, 2009
TTC employees and pensioners have shown that the TTC also stands for Transit That Cares, by raising $1,364,652 for the United Way, a new TTC record.
Pizza sales in the subway, payroll donations and the annual TTC Idol are just a few of the dozens of events held during the 2009 United Way campaign.
“Our employees and pensioners have once again demonstrated their commitment to those seeking a hand-up in the community,” said TTC Chief General Manager, Gary Webster. “The dedication of our employees and pensioners in serving their community goes hand-in-hand to their dedication to move 1.5 million riders every day.”
A cheque was presented today to the United Way by representatives from TTC management, employees, pensioners and its unions.