Schedule "B" Rules and Regulations

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Performance Locations:

  2. Performance Start/Finish times:
    • Morning (MO) – 6:00 am to 12 noon
    • Afternoon (AF) – 12 Noon to 6:00 pm and,
    • Evening (EV) – 6:00 pm to Midnight/Station Closing
  3. All performance locations are currently marked with our TTC Underground Sounds branded performance locations.
  4. Stations and Special Instructions:  Some stations have special instructions, due to unique circumstances.  Please refer to Schedule “A” Performance Station and Locations for the special instructions and ensure compliance.
  5. Emergency Situations: The following procedures must be followed by all musicians during emergency situations in subway stations.
  6. Bloor-Yonge station platform location:  Please use extra caution.
    • If you notice trains are not arriving in the station, lower volume so customers can hear public announcements.
    • As large crowds begin to gather, please stop performing, move all equipment against the wall and away from the passenger flow to ensure no tripping hazards occur.
  7. Safety:
    • Narrow Hallways: please place your case against the wall or beside you so that TTC customer flow is not obstructed.
    • Do not move move away from your performance location to try a new spot in that station without permission from Subway Musicians Program administrator. This is to ensure that we can conduct a site visit to monitor the suggested location.
    • If you notice that you are attracting a large crowd and safety is becoming an issue, please stop performing or take a break.  This is in the best interest of both our musicians and our customers.
  8. Number of Musicians Performing in Performance Location:
    • No more than two (2) Licenced musicians are allowed to play in one allocated spot. Anyone caught performing with more than one partner or an unlicenced musician will lose their licence.
  9. Subway Station Access prior to scheduled start time: To avoid potential conflicts amongst musicians as to who has arrived first at the performance location, a musician entering a subway station prior to the scheduled start time of 6:00 am must:
    • stay at the performance location with their equipment to ensure their spot;
    • should perform a minimum of 30 minutes before leaving the performance location to take a break.
  10. Unscheduled musicians: Unscheduled musicians wishing to occupy a performance location:
    • will be on a first come first serve basis;
    • must be present and waiting at the performance location;
    • reserving and/or holding performance locations is not permitted

      Unscheduled Performance Start/Finish times: 
    • Morning (MO) – 6:00 am to 12 noon
    • Afternoon (AF) – 12 Noon to 6:00 pm and,
    • Evening (EV) – 6:00 pm to Midnight/Station Closing

      Note: Musicians must honour the 3 shifts above throughout the day and cannot play more than one shift at the vacant performance location, even if no other musician comes afterwards. Musicians can play a max of 6hrs and then must move to another station. We will not allow for musicians to overlap the other shifts, for example playing from 10:00am to 4:00pm. If the musician starts at 10am they must vacate the performance location at 12pm.
  11. “Optional” performance locations:  Optional performance locations are designated for the use by licenced musicians as follows:
    • any time, on a first come first serve basis
    • are not included in the regular rotating schedule, which incorporates stations to which specific musicians and performance times are assigned.

      Optional Performance Start/Finish times:
    • Morning (MO) – 6:00 am to 12 noon
    • Afternoon (AF) – 12 Noon to 6:00 pm and,
    • Evening (EV) – 6:00 pm to Midnight/Station Closing

      Note: Musicians must honour the 3 shifts above throughout the day and cannot play more than one shift at the vacant performance location, even if no other musician comes afterwards. Musicians can play a max of 6hrs and then must move to another station. We will not allow for musicians to overlap the other shifts, for example playing from 10:00am to 4:00pm. If the musician starts at 10am they must vacate the performance location at 12pm.
  12. Bumping of Musicians in Performance Locations: If one musician of a duo act is playing in a spot other than their scheduled spot they must vacate if:
    • another musician (solo act) or both musicians of a duo act show up.
      This applies whether the act doing the bumping is scheduled or not.
    • Queen Station location is exempt from this rule. Please refer to Special Instructions in Schedule “A” – Performance Stations and Locations.

No Background Music or Accompaniment:

  • Musicians must not use or permit the use of, any percussion instruments, background music or accompaniment playing from a tape recorder, compact disc player, MP3 player, cell phones, keyboard or any electrical equipment including but not limited to, microphones, reverberation units and effects pedals, stomp or multi-effects boxes, strobe lights and spot lights. Musicians found using any of this equipment will automatically lose their Licence and it will not be returned for the remainder of the Term.

Restricting of Specific instruments:

  • Musicians are reminded that TTC reserves the right to limit or restrict the use of specific instruments that may cause excessive sound, or are deemed to be inappropriate for use in our stations.

Musician Signage:

  1. All musicans have been issued with a TTC Subway Musicians Program Branded sign top be displayed clearly and visibly for TTC Staff. The sign must be displayed at all times along with the Photo I.D. Licence when performing.  The sign must be completed and used during musician breaks. 
  2. Hand-written signs are not acceptable of any kind.
  3. Unattended items on the TTC are taken seriously by Special Constable Officers and subsequently they investigate anything left unattended as a “suspicious package”.  All Musicians must use the issued TTC Subway Musician Program break sign when leaving the performance location for a break.
  4. All musicians are reminded not to leave valuable instruments unattended in the performance location.  TTC is not responsible to lost or stolen items.

Musician Breaks and Occupying  Performance Locations:

  1. Musician (single or duo) arriving at a performance location where another musician’s articles are present, but no musician is present, the arriving musician may not bump the musician returning from the break.  (45 minute maximum).
  2. If one musician of a duo act is waiting or performing at a station without their partner, and is asked by another musician - solo or duo to leave the spot as it is not their scheduled spot, the musician waiting to occupy the performance location is asked to allow a minimum 20 minute grace period.  If during this time their partner arrives, the musician(s) waiting to occupy the spot must leave.
  3. Any scheduled musician bumping another musician is asked to show some courtesy and wait until the musician finishes the current song before approaching them to stop or asking when they will be finished.  (Maximum 5 minutes).
  4. Musicians selected must be aware that various Commission activities (charities or other TTC events) will regularly take place during the Term within the subway system.  During these times, scheduled musicians may be required to stop playing or vacate his/her designated playing location.

Muzak Stations:

Muzak has been installed at Finch (Below Bus); Runnymede and Dundas West Stations.

As a result, musicians can perform Monday to Friday during the following time slots:

  • Runnymede – 6 am to 2 pm and 6 pm to 9 pm;
  • Dundas West – 6 am to 2 pm and 6 pm to 9 pm;
  • Finch – Below Bus – 10 am to 2 pm and 6 pm to 9 pm

Musicians can perform at these locations on weekends as there will be no Muzak played.

Amplifier / Sound Tests:

  1. All musicians wishing to use a battery operated amplifier will undergo sound test for their guitars/instrument to determine amplifier/instrument volume levels.
  2. All musicians using keyboards will also undergo sound test to determine amplifier/instrument volume levels.
  3. All musicians who have been approved the use of a battery operated Amplifier will be issued a card which indicates:
    • Amplifier Card indicates the approved maximum level that your amplifier may be set at.
    • This card must be displayed at all times.  


  • Amplifier volumes must be strictly adhered to -- any deviations will result in automatic removal of licence.
  • All AMP Cards will be mailed to musicians following sound test dates.

Sound Volume/Ampifier Test Dates:

  • Musicians must attend one of the four scheduled dates (TBD)

Sound Test Location:

Location: TBD
Dates: May 8, 2024 or May 9, 2024
Time: 12pm to 4:00pm

Please direct all questions regarding sound tests to Stephen Cartaciano by email

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