ACAT Meeting - May 29, 2009

Meeting Info

Date:Friday, May 29, 2009
Location:1900 Yonge Street, 7th Floor Boardroom
Meeting No:216
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

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Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.

Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.


  • Susan Davidson
  • Adam Cohoon
  • Bill Castor
  • Heather Green
  • Angela Marley
  • Garnett Martin
  • Marian McDonell
  • Robert Muzzy
  • Craig Nicol
  • Sam Savona
  • Valdo Tammark 

TTC Representatives

  • Dean Milton 
  • Bill Frost
  • Tom McPherson
  • Glenn Janet O’Sullivan Johnston


  • Fadumo Dirie 
  • Linda Napier
  • Howard Wax
  • Richard Greco 
  • Penny Lamy (ex-officio)  


  • Gary Webster
  • Vince Rodo
  • John Sepulis
  • Rick Cornacchia
  • Al Chocorlan
  • TTC Commissioners

1. Call to Order / Attendance

Susan Davidson, Chair, called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m. Roll call was taken.

Susan Davidson expressed congratulations on behalf of the members to Sam Savona on having the parkette with an accessible playground named for him in recognition of his continued contributions on behalf of people with disabilities. She also welcomed Valdo Tammark as a new member to the committee.

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest


3. Approval of Agenda

On motion of Bill Castor, ACAT approved the agenda.

4. Review and Approval of April 30, 2009 Minutes

On motion of Sam Savona, ACAT approved the minutes of the meeting held on April 30, 2009.

5. Business Arising Out of Minutes/Outstanding Items

Dean Milton informed the members that staff are producing a report to the Committee in response to Item 1, Free Transit for Wheel-Trans Customers using Conventional Transit, due prior to the June 2009 ACAT meeting.

In response to Item 2, Bus Destination Messages being used for Non-Route Related Purposes, Dean Milton informed the members that the Marketing Department is developing criteria to minimize alternate information on Destination Signs to be referred to the Communications Subcommittee. Craig Nicol and Susan Davidson asked to be included in the Subcommittee review.

Sam Savona reminded the members that all members can attend all Subcommittee meetings, but only Subcommittee members or invitees may participate in the discussion. It was requested that Grace Santos forward information for all Subcommittee meetings to all ACAT members.

6. Report on Commission Meeting Accessibility Matters

Garnett Martin informed the members that discussion at the Commission meeting involved modifications to the transit system which relate to various aspects of accessibility. It was suggested that members of the Design Review Subcommittee attend the Scarborough LRT meeting on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Sts. Peter and Paul Banquet Hall, 231 Milner Avenue and report back to ACAT.

Garnett also informed the members that the Federal and Provincial governments have committed $113 billion to the work on the Sheppard Line to start October 2009 with a completion date in 2013. Because people will have to walk about 1000 metres between services, Garnett suggests that ACAT propose that a people mover be installed.

He also suggests that ACAT oversee plans for the Etobicoke LRT line along Sheppard/Finch to ensure accessibility.

Susan Davidson to communicate ACAT’s request to have a TTC Commissioner appointed to be liaison to the Committee and attend monthly meetings.

On motion of Adam Cohoon, seconded by Sam Savona, and amended by Angela Marley (approved unanimously), ACAT requested that the Committee be added as an agenda item at the commission meetings to update the commission on ACAT matters.

7. Deputation


8. Subcommittee Reports and Updates

Design Review Subcommittee

Glenn Johnston briefed ACAT on the presentations and the discussions with the Subcommittee on the subject of Platform Screen Doors and Accessible Light Rail Services in Toronto.

It was noted that discussions on the design of a possible Next Vehicle Arrival System (NVAS) were postponed because the potential equipment suppliers and project managers were not yet in a position to consult further with ACAT members.

Further discussions will take place on the two initiatives as well as on the platform/subway car gap, the possible NVAS system, the interface between the LRT vehicles on the legacy system and the proposed streetscapes, the three approved Transit City lines Sheppard, Finch and Eglinton), and the request for timelines for the major transit initiatives (Transit City, Legacy LRT, and each subway service extension).

Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee

Angela Marley informed the members that, as a result of the weekly Subcommittee meetings, the Friendly Bus Survey is complete, a review of the Wheel-Trans Escort Policy has been undertaken, and the proposal to honour members of the public in the naming of the new Wheel-Trans buses is being reviewed. A request has also been made to develop a policy to ensure security for loading Wheel-Trans customers at large public forums. Thomas Hartley, Superintendent of Transportation, committed to providing a Mobile Supervisor at large public forums (e.g., baseball games at the Rogers Centre) to assist customers.

9. AODA Standards Update

Christene Jeffries was unavailable and no update was provided.

10. People in Motion Update

Dean Milton informed the members that the show will be held Friday, June 5, and Saturday, June 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. A forty-foot (40’) TTC bus will be placed outside the building to demonstrate ramp loading. Large billboards and a working model will be used to illustrate the new LRV. Wheel-Trans will be highlighting Integrated Travel, technological advances in communications, and the Friendly Bus. Shuttle service to and from the show will be available from Bathurst Accessible Subway Station.

11. Public Forum Update

The Public Forum will take place on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. As Chair, Susan Davidson will speak at the Forum. A draft of the presentation will be circulated to members within the next two weeks.

In response to a question from Sam Savona, Glenn said that the meetings will continue beyond the three-year commitment.

12. Friendly Bus Update

Bill Frost advised the members that the Commission has approved the Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL / GPS) system on all buses. Automatic Vehicle Location will allow scheduling “on the fly” and will be used to develop a callout system that will call the customer to let them know that the vehicle will arrive in “X” minutes.

The prototype Friendly Bus is currently in service. At this time, production is on schedule and we anticipate arrival of the first two vehicles in the second week in July with two buses arriving every two weeks after that.

13. Recognition for Sam Savona - Accessible Parkette

Covered after the Call to Order and Attendance.

14.  Other/New Business

Only Subcommittee members may participate at their meeting. Observers invited to address specific issues because of their expertise may also participate.

15. Next Meeting

The next meeting of ACAT will be held on Thursday, June 25, 2009, in the 7th Floor Boardroom, 1900 Yonge Street.

16. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:10 p.m.

Janet O’Sullivan
For Secretary


From: Garnett Martin
Date: 17 June 2009
Subject: Notes for consideration for ACAT Agenda 25 June 2009.

1. Apology from G.M. for absence (Medical). But will be at ACAT meeting 25 June 09.

2. Report on Commission meeting - Accessibility Matters May 28 2009

Sheppard LRT Funding, update on construction priorities,
Section - Nielson Rd to Meadowvale Rd.
Section - Kennedy Rd to Midland Ave. GO underpass.
Section - Don Mills subway to Consumers Rd.

SRT Proposed extension (Public consultation 2 June 2009)
Section - McCowan Rd, Progress Ave. to 401.
Section 401 to Sheppard Ave E.
Section - Sheppard Ave E, McLevin Ave, Malvern Town Centre EA is being prepared

Eglinton Crosstown LRT. Six Open House public meetings have been held to explain the underground section Brentcliffe to Keele) Alternative corridors for the extension from Martin Grove Rd. to Pearson International Airport were also exhibited

It is also noted that this underground section will present considerable challenges in accessibility issues.

Waterfront/Queen's Quay easterly extension is being studied to include access to the Martin Goodman trail, bicycle and pedestrian paths, streetcar lines and rights of way and car lanes.

Access to the Redpath Sugar Refinery and potential traffic problems was the subject of a deputation.

3. Design Review Sub-Committee.

No meetings were held in June
From meeting 25 May 2009. Two items need attention:

a. The proposed platform screens may need rebuilding or reinforcement of the platform edge. Investigation of the "Gap filler" may need rebuilding or reinforcement of the platform edge.

b. The subject of signage should be referred to Communications/ Service Planning Sub-Committees.

4. Other Outstanding Items

Metrolinx - "Status Report on Cross Boundary Specialized Services and Creation of an Accessibility Advisory Committee"
Heather Walker, Metrolinx as of 4 June 2009 "We are currently working on a reply NAYS 25 May 2009. Navs was referred to Design Review. This is not a
Design Review matter. Should be referred to Service Planning/ Communications Sub-Committees.
Next meeting(s) for Design Review and appointment of Chair. "Presto" cards. Should this be a matter for Service Planning SubCommittee?
Re APS at St. Clair stops. This should have been a Design Review accessibility matter. It will certainly be relevant to the new LRT, SRT and Streetcar projects.
Discussion re ABE-SDC.

5. I believe that it is time for a meeting with the Design Review Sub-Committee to review the committees role in accessibility and standardization.

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