Board Meeting - February 17, 2010

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room 1, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1916
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

  • Chair Adam Giambrone
  • Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc
  • Commissioner Maria Augimeri
  • Commissioner Sandra Bussin
  • Commissioner Suzan Hall
  • Commissioner Peter Milczyn
  • Commissioner Ron Moeser
  • Commissioner Anthony Perruzza
  • Commissioner Bill Saundercook

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Committee Of The Whole Resolution

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Public Presentations

Presentations will be heard at 2:00 p.m. Requests to speak must be registered in writing by 12:00 Noon of day preceding meeting day.

Notices Of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation


  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
    • Insurance Settlement (FOR ACTION)(This report contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor- client privilege)
    • TTC v. Kilmarten (FOR INFORMATION)(This report contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor- client privilege)
  2. Presentations
  3. Budget matters
  4. Procurement Authorizations
  5. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  6. Notice of Awards
  7. Service Matters
  8. Other Business
  9. New Business
  10. Correspondence
  11. A correspondence summary will be distributed at the meeting.

Supplementary Agenda

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 1, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 commencing at 1:10 p.m.


A. Giambrone (Chair), J. Mihevc (Vice-Chair), M. Augimeri, S. Bussin, S. Hall, P. Milczyn, R. Moeser, A. Perruzza, B. Saundercook (Commissioners), G. Webster (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), R. Cornacchia (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager – Engineering & Construction), B. Leck (General Counsel - Legal), B. Ross (Director – Corporate Communications), S. Blakey (Executive Director –  Human Resources), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), A. Smith (Chief Marketing Officer), S. MacDonald (Manager – Materials & Procurement), D. Garisto (Manager – Property Development), S. Ghaly (Program Manager – Transit City), K. Lee (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Co-ordinator – Corporate Secretariat Services) were present.

A. Giambrone was in the Chair.

S. Lam (Superintendent – LRV Engineering) was present for Item 2(d).

T. Silberberg (Senior Principal, Market & Financial Planning – Lord Cultural Resources) was present for Item 2(e).

S. Reed Tanaka (Manager – Engineering) and C. Tyrrell (Chief Conservation Officer – Toronto Hydro) were present for Item 2(f).

S. Rice (EA Project Manager – Eglinton) was present for Item 4(a).

Prior to commencing with the agenda, the Commission undertook the following business:

1. Chair Giambrone and Vice-Chair Mihevc announced that Mr. Steve O’Brien, General Manager of One King Street West, has been selected to Chair the TTC’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Customer Service.  Mr. O’Brien was officially welcomed and invited to come forward and speak about his appointment to the position and the work ahead for the panel.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner Saundercook moved that the Commission approve the minutes from meeting no. 1916 and that the Chair and General Secretary be authorized to sign the same.

The motion by Commissioner Saundercook carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Committee of the Whole Resolution

a) Committee of the Whole – Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the Commission approve a resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole at 9:00 a.m. or later on Wednesday, march 24, 2010 to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations or employee negotiations and to receive advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.



Public Presentations

a) Special Transit Passes for the Second World War and Korean War Veterans

Bob Kinnear
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 113

The Commission received the deputation for information and requested staff write to Mr. Kinnear summarizing the action taken on this item at the January 20, 2010 meeting. 
(also see minute c-6 and minute 13 from the January 20, 2010 Commission Meeting).

b) C-1 – Station Democratization Project

Chair Giambrone moved that in accordance with section 11a of the procedural by-law that councillor Howard Moscoe be invited to speak on this item. 

The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.

The Commission received the deputation for information.

(see item c-1 for minute)

c) Report No. 4(a) – Eglinton Crosstown LRT – Transit Project Assessment Study Public Consultation Results

Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong
City of Toronto

Councillor Frances Nunziata
City of Toronto

Alan Tonks, Member of Parliament
York South – Weston

Laura Albanese, Member of Provincial Parliament
York South – Weston

Bryndon Davies, President
Parkway Honda
(Submitted brief)

Rick Ciccarelli
Mount Dennis Community Association Executive
(Submitted brief)

Richard Leftley

Steve Tasses

Gayle Christie and Trustee Rob Davis

Larry Downey

Joe Gennaro

Mark Dieu
(Submitted brief and petition)

Karl Vasarais

Ms. Vitols

Arnis Markitants
President – Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre
(Submitted petition)

Benjamin Shindman

Polly Sutton
(Submitted brief)

Mike Mattos
(Submitted brief)

Nick Dominelli

Moe Irshad

Albert Dieu
(Submitted brief)

Andris Lagzdins
Latvian Credit Union

Chair Giambrone moved that the Commission waive section 13a of the procedural by-law to hear a deputation on report no. 4(a) from councillor Frank Di Giorgio who did not meet the registration deadline of 12:00 noon the day before the meeting.

The motion by Chair Giambrone carried, with two-thirds of the members present voting in favour.

The Commission received the deputations for information (see report no. 4(a) for minute).

d) Report No. 13 – Customer Service

Chair Giambrone moved that the Commission waive section 13a of the procedural by-law to hear a deputation on report no. 13 from Mr. Miguel Avila as the deputation request lacked sufficient detail at the time of submission.

The motion by Chair giambRone carried, with two-thirds of the members present voting in favour.

The Commission received the deputation for information (see item c-7 and report no. 13 for minute).

Notice of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation


  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)

a) Insurance Settlement

The Commission:

1. Approved the confidential recommendation regarding the insurance settlement as described in the confidential attachment; and

2. That the contents of the confidential attachment remain confidential in their entirety as it contains advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.
b) TTC v. Kilmartin
The Commission:
1. Received the information as set out in the confidential attachment; and

2. Approved that the Commission not authorize the public release of the confidential information in the attachment until such time as the litigation and any settlement is finalized.

  1. Presentations

a) Special Acknowledgement by Commission to TTC’s Canadian 2010 Winter Olympic Torchbearers

On behalf of the Commission, Chair Giambrone acknowledged the following TTC employees and one retired Employee for participating in the Winter Olympics torch relay on its passage through Toronto and Ontario in December 2009:

    • Murray Dowey (pensioner) - absent
    • Operator Daniel Cross
    • Staff Sergeant Fern Taillefer
    • Subway line mechanic Rick Ball

b) Award of Merit Presentation - Draftsperson Balvinder Budwal, Collectors Chander Bhatta and Edward Yasney

On October 29, 2009, at 2:20 p.m., Design Draftsperson Balvinder Budwal was standing on the subway platform at Islington station, on his way home, when he observed what appeared to be a woman in emotional distress.  Balvinder approached the woman and offered assistance; the woman declined and moved away from Balvinder to the east end of the westbound platform.  Balvinder immediately went to the Collectors booth and advised Collectors Chander Bhatta and Edward Yasney of the situation.  All three then returned to the platform and found the woman standing near the edge of the platform.  Immediately Chander and Edward positioned themselves beside the woman and just as the next train was entering into the station the woman tried to jump in front of the train.  Chander and Edward were successful in preventing the woman from jumping to the tracks.  All three stayed with the woman and comforted her until emergency personnel arrived on the scene and took her into custody.  The woman was later transported to hospital.

On behalf of the Commission, Chair Giambrone presented an award of merit to Balvinder Budwal, Chander Bhatta and Edward Yasney in recognition of their actions on October 29, 2009.

c) Presentation – 2009 Sharing the Flame Certificate of Recognition

On behalf of the Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) and the Commission, Chair Giambrone presented a CCL ‘Sharing the Flame’ certificate of recognition to the following individuals for their excellent work on the Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program:

    • Rahel Eynan, St. Michael’s Hospital
    • Mary Lynn Porto, Trillium Health Centre
    • Rochelle Monas, Trillium Health Centre
    • Karen Grant, Trillium Health Centre
    • Mary Hague, Trillium Health Centre
    • Paolo Maglietta, TTC Training Department
    • John O’Grady, TTC Safety Department

d) LRV Public Consultation Process

Stephen Lam, Superintendent – LRV Engineering, gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to the above matter.

The Commission received the report and presentation for information.

e) Transit Visitor Centre Study – Phase 1 Status Update

Ted Silberberg, Senior Principal, Market & Financial Planning, Lord Cultural Resources, gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to the above matter.

The Commission received the presentation for information. 

Chair Giambrone moved that the commission:

1. Approve in principle the Danforth Garage location for the Transit Visitor Centre and Museum.

2. Authority be granted for staff to proceed with an assessment of the Danforth Garage building in the context of plans for the Visitor Centre.

3. Authority be given for TTC staff and Lord Cultural Resources to develop and report on options for governance of the Visitor Centre and Museum.

Commissioner Milczyn called for a recorded vote.

In favour: Chair Giambrone, Vice-Chair Mihevc, Commissioners M. Augimeri, S. Hall.

Opposed: Commissioners A. Perruzza, P. Milczyn.

Not present during recorded vote: Commissioners S. Bussin, R. Moeser and B. Saundercook.

The recommendation contained in the staff report and the motion by Chair Giambrone carried on a 4-2 vote.

f) Agreement with Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. – Solar Photovoltaic Project

Susan Reed Tanaka, Manager – Engineering, and Chris Tyrrell of Toronto Hydro gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to the above matter.

Commissioner Saundercook removed himself from voting on this item.

The Commission received the presentation for information and approved the recommendation contained in the staff report, as listed below:

“It is recommended that the Commission authorize staff to negotiate and execute a sole source agreement with Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. to install a Solar Photovoltaic System on the Roof of an existing TTC facility.  The agreement will be prepared in a form acceptable to the TTC’s Chief General Manager and General Counsel.”

Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that;

1. Staff be requested to report back on the business aspects of the deal;

2. One of the options to be explored in this pilot project is possible TTC ownership and/or lease to own options of future solar installations on TTC roofs.

The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.

Chair Giambrone moved that the Commission approve a program for the installment of solar photovoltaic systems on all appropriate buildings with Toronto Hydro Energy Services or another company if Toronto Hydro Energy Services is not willing or able, and direct the Chief General Manager to take actions to enable this.

The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.

  1. Budget Matters
  2. NIL
  3. Procurement Authorizations

a) Eglinton Crosstown LRT – Transit Project Assessment Study Public Consultation Results
Sameh Ghaly (Program Manager – Transit City) and Stephanie Rice (EA Program Manager – Eglinton) gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter. 

The Commission received the presentation for information.

Commissioner Perruzza moved that the underground alignment in item 2 on page 3 of the staff report be approved as the preferred alignment.

Commissioner Saundercook moved to amend Commissioner Perruzza’s motion to read as follows:

“That conditional on the federal infrastructure plan either initiating a phase ii or possibly finding surplus funds from ineligible projects, that the ttc consider exhibit ii.”

The motion by Commissioner Saundercook lost.

Chair Giambrone called for a vote on Commissioner Perruzza’s motion.

The motion by Commissioner Perruzza lost.

Chair Giambrone moved adoption of the recommendation in the staff report, as listed below:

“It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive this report on the Eglinton Crosstown LRT Transit Project assessment public consultation meetings held between November 23, 2009 and January 14, 2010;

 2. Endorse the staff recommendation to submit the Eglinton Crosstown LRT Environmental Project report to the Ministry of the Environment, as approved by the Commission on November 17, 2009 and by city council on November 30, 2009; and

3. Note that, in order to comply with the Transit Projects Regulation (231/08) of the Environmental Assessment Act, the environmental project report must be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment no later than march 12, 2010.”

 The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.

 b) Procurement Authorization – Contract No. TC85-20 - Geotechnical, Geo-environmental and Hydrogeological Consultant Services for Transit City 
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of contracts to the following companies on the basis of lowest priced qualified in the upset limit amounts listed below for geotechnical, geo-environmental and hydrogeological services for up to a five-year term commencing upon notification of award for Transit City Projects:

1. Coffey Geotechnics - $15,000,000.00; and
2. SPL Consultants Limited - $15,000,000.00; and
3. AMEC Earth Environmental (A Division of AMEC Americas Limited) - $6,000,000.00

 c) Procurement Authorization Easier Access Phase III Design Services Contract G85-271       
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of contracts to the following firms, in the upset limit of $5,000,000.00 each, for design services of the Easier Access Phase III project, for a total upset limit of $15,000,000.00:

1. URS Architects & Engineers Canada Inc.
2. ZAS Architects Inc.
3. HDR Corporation


d) Procurement Authorization Easier Access Phase III – St. Andrew Station Contract U45 3

It is recommended that the Commission authorize a total expenditure of $5,023,200.00 to make St. Andrew Station accessible in two parts as follows:
1)  The award of a Contract to  J.J. McGuire General Contractors Inc. in the amount of $3,290,700.00 for Contract U45-3, Easier Access Phase III – St. Andrew Station for the installation of an elevator (E2) and associated equipment; 
2)  The issuance of a Contract Amendment to J.J. McGuire General Contractors Inc. in the amount of $1,732,500.00 for the Specified Option of building an additional Elevator (E1) at 145 King Street West, to be issued subject to the resolution of property issues.


e) Procurement Authorization – Supply of Detroit Diesel Bus Parts

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a three-year inventory supply contract for the supply of Detroit Diesel and Allison bus parts for the period April 2010 to April 2013 to Harper Power Products Incorporated in the upset limit amount of $14,600,000 including applicable taxes.


f) Summary of Authorized Expenditures between $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 for the Period December 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.  It lists Expenditures ($1,000,000 up to $5,000,000) for the period December 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 which were approved by the Chief General Manager.


  1. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  2. NIL
  3. Notice of Awards
  4. NIL
  5. Service Matters

a) 29 Dufferin – Post-Implementation Review of Extension to Exhibition Loop

Commissioner Saundercook moved the following motion:

That item 2 of the recommendation contained in the report be approved and that the balance of the report be defered until the March 24, 2010 commission meeting.

The motion by Commissioner Saundercook carried. 
b) Service on Claireville Drive – 96B Wilson Routing Change

Chair Giambrone moved adoption of the recommendation contained in the report, as listed below:
“It is recommended that the commission:

1. Approve a trial service on Clairville Drive, as described in this report, operating seven-days-a-week, effective May 9, 2010; and

2. Forward this report to Councillor Suzan Hall, and Baps Shri Swaminarayan Mandir.”

The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.

Commisssioner Hall moved the following ancillary motion:

“In recognition of the very low ridership levels in the very late evening and very early morning;

    • Service on the 96c Wilson branch be modified so that no bus operations occur on Thistledown Boulevard prior to 6:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m., seven days per week, and that this change to the schedule for this service be made effective at the earliest opportunity to make such changes; 
    • Staff take all reasonable and practical actions in order to ensure that buses operating on Thistledown Boulevard adhere strictly to the posted speed limits and be respectful of the residential character of this area; 
    • Staff take all reasonable and practical actions to ensure that buses do not have excessive layovers anywhere on Thistledown Boulevard, out of respect for the residents who live adjacent to this service; and 
    • Staff be requested to monitor the continued operation of the 96c service on Thistledown Boulevard for the purpose of making the service as compatible as possible with the residential nature of this area.” 

The motion by Commissioner Hall carried.

c) Accessible Transit Services Plan:  2009 Status Report

 It is recommended that the Commission forward this report to the City of Toronto, the  Ontario Ministries of Community and Social Services, Transportation, Energy and  Infrastructure, the Ontario Human Rights Commission, and Metrolinx, noting that:


    • this report fulfils the provincially-legislated requirement in the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 for an annual documentation of the TTC’s accessibility plan;
    • the TTC is making steady progress in the implementation of its Accessible Transit Services Plan, with accessibility initiatives underway on bus, streetcar, and rapid transit modes;
    • the status of the TTC’s current activities to improve the accessibility of its facilities and services are described in more detail in the attached Appendix 1, entitled, TTC Accessible Transit Services Plan - 2009 Status Report;
    • due to budget constraints imposed through the TTC’s 2010-2014 Capital Budget process, the TTC will not be able to retrofit subway stations with elevators and accessibility features as quickly as previously planned. Previous plans called for all stations to be retrofitted by 2020, while the current plan defers this date to 2024;
    • the TTC could accelerate the rate at which its accessibility plan can be implemented if senior levels of government or Metrolinx were to provide additional funds for station accessibility; and
    • Provincial regulations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities, 2005 (AODA) are being enacted, and these will apply to all public sector agencies, including the TTC. Regulations regarding customer service came into effect January 2010, and the TTC has taken the appropriate actions to implement these regulations. Harmonised regulations for accessible transportation, the built environment, employment, and communications are expected to be finalised in 2010. The Province has not yet made a commitment to assist with any operating and/or capital cost increases which might result from the AODA regulations.


  1. Other Business

a) Lease Agreement – Free Daily News Inc.
It is recommended that the Commission approve the terms and conditions of a new four-year and four month agreement with Free Daily News Inc. (Metro) as outlined in this report.


b) TTC Corporate Policy – 11.3.5 Non-Employee Transportation Passes

It is recommended that the Commission approve the following TTC Corporate Policy, as amended, which is attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’:

    • Policy 11.3.5 Non Employee Transportation Passes


  1. New Business
  2. NIL
  3. Correspondence
  4. C-1 Councillor Howard Moscoe proposing a station democratization project.

    Commissioner Hall moved that:

    1. A station pilot be approved;

    2. The pilot project operate within the current TTC budget and staff report back to the Commission on the budget amount, both operating and capital, that will be segregated for the operation of the pilot station;

    3. Staff report back on any issues regarding implementation.

    The motions by Commissioner Hall carried.

    C-2 Marilyn Toft for City Clerk regarding employment and sustainable development opportunities on the Kodak site as part of Transit City.

    The Commission received the communication for information and referred the correspondence to staff for appropriate action.

    C-3 Councillor Michael Thompson regarding the Eglinton-Crosstown LRT Transit Project Assessment Study Public Consultation Results.

    The Commission received the communication for information.
    (see report no. 4(a) for minute)

    C-4 Councillor Frances Nunziata requesting an opportunity for Mr. Mannella to address the Commission regarding the westbound bus stop on St. Clair Avenue West at Britannia Avenue.

    The Commission received the communication for information and referred the correspondence to staff for appropriate action.

    C-5 Dianne Young, CEO – Exhibition Place, requesting a deferral of report entitled “29 Dufferin – Post-Implementation Review of Extension to Exhibition Loop.”

    The Commission received the communication for information.
    (see report no. 7(a) for minute)

    C-6 Darwin O’Connor regarding report entitled “Transit Visitor Centre Study – Phase 1 Status Update.

    The Commission received the communication for information.
    (see report no. 2e for minute).

    C-7 Miguel Avila regarding report entitled “Customer Service”.

    The Commission received the communication for information and directed that Mr. Avila’s correspondence be referred to the blue ribbon panel.
    (see report no. 13 for minute)

Supplementary Agenda

  1. Award of Merit
  2. On December 25, 2009, at 4:30 p.m., Queensway Operator Nazih Kanaan was operating his bus at Royal York Road and Dealesford when he observed a female attempting to jump from a bridge. Nazih immediately secured his vehicle and ran towards the woman. The woman already had one leg over the bridge railing when Nazih pulled her back and prevented her from jumping. Nazih then escorted the woman to the safety of his bus and comforted the woman until the arrival of police. Police later attended and transported the woman to hospital.

    On behalf of the Commission, Chair Giambrone presented an Award of Merit to Operator Nazih Kanaan for his actions on December 25, 2009.

  3. Subway Suicide Prevention
  4. Commissioner Saundercook moved that the report be deferred until the next meeting of the commission on March 24, 2010 to permit debate and public presentations.

    The motion by Commissioner Saundercook carried.

  5. Customer Service
  6. Chair Giambrone moved adoption of the recommendation contained in the report, as listed below:
    “It is recommended that the commission approve the following actions as set out in this report:

    1. That an Advisory Panel on Customer Service be established to help guide the TTC through a customer service transformation; and

    2. That action be taken to reinforce to employees what customer service expectations are and that all TTC employees are accountable for their performance; and

    3. That any necessary reassignment of workforce be undertaken to support employees through this initiative; and

    4. That short-term actions be identified and implemented immediately.”

    The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.

    Chair Giambrone further moved that staff report back at the March Commission Meeting on:

    1. All e-initiatives in general;

    2. Station entrance and collector information enhancements, including electronic screens at the entrances to subway stations;

    3. The implementation plan for making the last 5 stations ready with platform video screens; and

    4. Surface e-alerts and Next Vehicle Arrival System.

    The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.         

    The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

TTC introduces Chair of Customer Service Advisory Panel

Commissioners welcomed Steve O’Brien as the volunteer Chair of the TTC’s Customer Service Advisory Panel. He is the General Manager of One King West Hotel & Residence, in downtown Toronto. Mr. O’Brien has 30 years experience in the Toronto hotel industry, and has been an integral part of the opening team for four Toronto hotels. He has also served on several high-level hotel brand and customer service councils.

Commissioners also approved a customer service report that outlines short-, medium- and long-term actions to re-establish the proud reputation of the TTC.

System accessibility status report

Commissioners received a status report on the TTC’s Accessible Transit Services Plan. Currently, 91 percent of bus routes (or 153 of 168) are accessible, and that will grow to 95 percent by the fall with the arrival of 155 new, accessible buses through 2010 and 2011. All bus routes are expected to be accessible next year. In the subway, four more stations are expected to have new elevators in service (Lawrence West, Victoria Park, St. Andrew and Pape) bringing the total number of accessible stations to 33. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, requires that all public facilities and services be accessible by 2025.

Eglinton Crosstown LRT next step

Commissioners received and endorsed a report on the Eglinton Crosstown LRT Transit Project Assessment. TTC staff was directed to submit the Eglinton Crosstown LRT Environmental Project Report to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment no later than March 12. Public consultation meetings were held between Nov. 23, 2009 and Jan. 14, 2010.

TTC prepares public consultation on future LRVs

Commissioners received a presentation by TTC staff outlining the public consultation process now underway for the 204 new, accessible, low-floor light rail vehicles (LFLRVs), which are currently in the technical conceptual design phase. March will see the launch of a public consultation campaign through an interactive website. Public meetings will be held in April and July. A further public meeting and presentation of a half-vehicle mock-up is scheduled for January 2011. The TTC and Bombardier entered a contract through a competitive process for the design and supply of 100% low-floor LRVs on June 26, 2009.

TTC to proceed with rooftop solar panels

Commissioners voted in favour of working with Toronto Hydro for a pilot installation of a roof-mounted photovoltaic panel system to support the City’s Sustainable Energy Strategy and the TTC’s Environmental Plan. The Commission also approved that solar panels continue to be installed on all TTC buildings.

TTC to pilot station master concept

Commissioners voted in favour of conducting a station democratization pilot at one station. Station operations will be the responsibility of a sole employee, or station master. The pilot could be under way as early as June.

TTC employees receive merit awards

Commissioners congratulated four employees for meritorious actions: Operator Nazih Kanaan prevented a distraught woman from jumping off a bridge on his route; and Design Draftsperson Balvinder Budwal and Collectors Chander Bhatta and Edward Yasney all played a role in preventing a distraught woman from committing suicide at a subway station.

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