Board Meeting - August 26, 2009

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room 2, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1911
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

  • Chair Adam Giambrone
  • Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc
  • Commissioner Maria Augimeri
  • Commissioner Sandra Bussin
  • Commissioner Suzan Hall
  • Commissioner Peter Milczyn
  • Commissioner Ron Moeser
  • Commissioner Anthony Perruzza
  • Commissioner Bill Saundercook

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes

Item No. 11(b) "Toronto Police Service (TPS)/ Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Special Constable Transit Policing and Security Plan"

Committee Of The Whole Resolution

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Public Presentations

Presentations will be heard at 2:00 p.m. Requests to speak must be registered in writing by 12:00 Noon of day preceding meeting day.

Notices Of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation

  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
  2. Presentations
  3. NIL

  4. Budget matters
  5. Procurement Authorizations
  6. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  7. NIL

  8. Notice of Awards
  9. Service Matters
  10. Other Business
  11. New Business
  12. Correspondence
  13. A correspondence summary will be distributed at the meeting.

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday August 26, 2009 commencing at 1:10 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

A. Giambrone (Chair), J. Mihevc (Vice-Chair), B. Saundercook, S. Bussin, A. Perruzza, P. Milczyn, M. Augimeri, (Commissioners), G. Webster (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager - Executive & General Secretary), R. Cornacchia (General Manager - Operations), A. Bertolo (Chief Project Manager - Engineering & Construction), P. Matusiak (Solicitor - Legal), B. Ross (Director - Corporate Communications), S. Blakey (Executive Director -  Human Resources), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), M. Stambler (Manager - Service Planning), A. Smith (Chief Marketing Officer), S. MacDonald (Manager - Materials & Procurement), D. Garisto (Manager - Property Development), K. Lee (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.

A. Giambrone was in the Chair.

M. MacKay (EA Project Manager - Transit City) was present for Item No. 4(a).

S. Florindi (Project Manager - Engineering and Construction) was present for Item No. 4(c).

B. MacDiarmid (Senior Project Officer - Service Planning) was present for Item 7(a).

G. Shortt (General Superintendent - Plant Maintenance) was present for Item No. 12.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the Commission approve the minutes from meeting no. 1910 and that the Chair and General Secretary be authorized to sign the same.

The motion by Commissioner Saundercook carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes

11b)Toronto Police Service (TPS)/Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Special Constable Transit Policing and Security Plan

On motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc the Commission received Chair Giambrone’s July 15, 2009 memorandum on this item.

Committee of the Whole Resolution

a) Committee of the Whole - Thursday September 24, 2009

Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the Commission approve a resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole at 9:00 a.m. or later on Thursday, September 24, 2009 to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations or employee negotiations and to receive advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.



Public Presentations

a) Report No. 4(a) - Request for Approval of the Scarborough-Malvern LRT Environmental Assessment Study

Councillor Michael Thompson
(Submitted Brief)

The Commission received the deputation and referred the brief to staff for consideration as part of the environmental assessment process.

(see report no. 4a for minute)

Notice of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation


  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
  2. (a) Amendment to 15 Dundonald Ground Lease - Revised

    The Commission:

    1. Approved the recommendations contained in the confidential attachment; and
    2. That the information contained in the confidential attachment not be released until such time as the ground lease, including any amendments, between the Toronto Transit Commission and El-Ad for the lands at 15 Dundonald Avenue terminates.
  3. Presentations
  4. NIL

  5. Budget Matters
  6. a) Chief General Manager’s Report - Period 6 (May 31 to July 4, 2009)

    It is recommended that the Commission forward a copy of this report to (1) each City of Toronto Councillor and (2) the City Deputy Manager and Chief Financial Officer, for information, noting that the detailed CGM’s Report is available upon request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission.


  7. Procurement Authorizations
  8. a) Request for Approval of the Scarborough-Malvern LRT Environmental Assessment Study

    M. MacKay - EA Project Manager - Transit City gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.

    The Commission received the presentation for information.

    The Commission approved the recommendation contained in the staff report, as listed below:

    “It is recommended that the Commission:

    1. Approve the recommendation, of the joint City/TTC Scarborough-Malvern Transit Project Assessment Study, for a Light Rail Transit (LRT) line from Kennedy station to Sheppard Avenue East along Eglinton avenue, Kingston Road, Morningside Avenue, Ellesmere Road, and Military Trail, as outlined in this report;

    2. Forward this report to the City of Toronto, requesting that City Council, at its meeting on September 30, 2009, approve the recommendations of the Scarborough-Malvern LRT Transit Project Assessment Study and authorize submission of the Environmental Project Report (EPR) to the Ministry of Environment;

    3. Note that City planning is proceeding to amend map 5 of the Toronto official plan to identify Morningside Avenue (from Kingston Road to Sheppard Avenue East) and sections of the roadways in the general vicinity of the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (portions of Military Trail and Ellesmere Road) as part of the official plan’s “Surface Transit Priority Network”, in support of this project;

    4. Note that City Planning is proceeding to amend the right-of-way widths shown on map 3 of the Toronto Official Plan for a section of Morningside Avenue, North of Kingston Road to 36 metres (from 30m) and Military Trail between Ellesmere Road and Morningside Avenue to 36 metres (from 27m).

    b) Procurement Authorization Birchmount Bus Garage Repair Bay Modifications Phase 2 – Contract E3-21

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to Buttcon Limited in the amount of $9,983,000.00 for Contract E3-21 Birchmount Bus Garage Repair Bay Modifications Phase 2.


    c) Union Station New Platform Station Finishes - Contract U85-6

    S. Florindi - Project Manager - Engineering and Construction gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.

    The Commission received the presentation for information.

    The Commission approved the recommendation contained in the staff report, as listed below:

    “It is recommended that the Commission approve the finishes for the Union Station New Platform Project”.

    Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that staff report back with a presentation on construction timing and project management as it relates to other construction projects occurring in the area.

    The Motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.

    Chair Giambrone moved that staff report back on appropriate ceiling finishes that address the TTC’s current station ceiling maintenance and cleaning challenges to ensure they can be maintained in a state of good repair.

    The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.
    d) Procurement Authorization - Supply of Knorr Brake Parts

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a three-year inventory supply contract to Knorr Brake Limited for the supply of various Knorr brake parts for the period from September 2009 to August 2012 for an upset limit contract of $10,892,000, including applicable taxes.


    e) Summary of Authorized Expenditures between $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 for the Period May 1, 2009 to May 31, 2009

    It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists Expenditures ($1,000,000 up to $5,000,000) for the period May 1, 2009 to May 31, 2009 which were approved by the Chief General Manager.


  9. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  10. NIL

  11. Notice of Awards
  12. a) Notice of Award - Procurement Authorization - Pape Station Modernization - Contract D5-18

    It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of Chair Giambrone, Vice-Chair Mihevc and the Chief General Manager awarding Contract D5-18, Pape Station Modernization, to Struct-Con Construction Ltd. in the amount of $19,704,314.00.


  13. Service Matters
  14. a) Transit City Bus Plan  

    B. MacDiarmid - Senior Project Officer - Service Planning gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.

    The Commission received the presentation for information.

    The Commission approved the recommendation contained in the staff report, as listed below:

    “It is recommended that the Commission:

    1. Endorse the attached Transit City Bus Plan, noting that, when fully implemented, the plan will increase the TTC’s Annual Ridership by 7.5 million customer-trips per year and will significantly improve bus travel for all transit customers across the city, as a result of these major initiatives:

    A) Improving service through the creation of a 21-route Transit City Bus Network which will feature:

    • Service every 10 minutes or better, during the daytime and evening, every day, to be implemented in the fall of 2010;
    • New or enhanced express service on 15 of the Transit City Bus Network routes, to be implemented in the fall of 2014;
    • New or enhanced express service in three future Transit City Light Rail corridors, to be implemented in the fall of 2011;

    B) Implementing the outstanding recommendation from the Ridership Growth Strategy (RGS), approved by the Commission in 2003, to provide service every 20 minutes or better, during the daytime and evening, every day, on virtually all routes throughout Toronto, to be implemented in two equal stages in the fall of 2011 and 2012;

    C) Providing faster and more-reliable bus service by installing transit signal priority at 1,150 intersections by year-end 2013;

    D) Improving bus service reliability through the construction of queue-jump lanes at 10 locations between 2010 and 2014;

    E) Improving the overall quality of bus service through the hiring of 52 additional on street route supervisors;

    F) Improving customer comfort by installing 75 shelters at bus stops between 2010 and 2014, in addition to the shelters normally supplied through the city’s existing contract; and

    G) Improving customer comfort and convenience by undertaking physical improvements to bus facilities at specified subway stations, between 2010 and 2014;  
    2. Authorize staff to bring forward the operating and capital costs of these initiatives for approval in future budget cycles, noting that the 2010 operating budget submission, which will be presented to the commission for approval this fall, already includes the 2010 operating cost for the proposed 10-minute-or-better service and some of the additional route supervisors, and the 2010-2014 Capital Program submission, also to be presented for approval this fall, will include provision for queue-jump lanes, additional buses, some of the Transit Signal Priority Installation Initiative, and the physical improvements for customer comfort at five specified stations;

    3. Note that the additional buses required for the Transit City Bus Plan are also included in the proposed TTC bus fleet plan, which will be presented to the Commission for approval at its September 24 2009 meeting; and

    4. Forward this report to all Toronto City Councillors, Metrolinx, the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, the Regions of York and Durham, and the City of Mississauga”.

    Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that staff be requested to:

    1. Work with the Commission to conduct public information and input meetings throughout the city and with groups like the Pedestrian Committee, Bicycling Committee and 905 Transit Authorities. The goal of these meetings will be to further develop the TCSP with the goal of reporting back in 6 months;

    2. Refer the communication by Steve Munro to staff for consideration as part of the report back, especially on the criteria for inclusion of routes in the ten-minute network, and these criteria be included in the TTC’s service standards;

    3. Report back on options for headway-based, rather than schedule-based management on all routes with frequent service, including transit city bus plan routes.

    The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried. 

    Chair Giambrone moved that the issue of additional funding for signal priority in the 2010-2014 Capital Program be considered to be moved “above the line” in the Capital Budget Process.

    The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.

  15. Other Business
  16. a) Seneca Bus Loop Agreement
    It is recommended that the Commission approve the execution of an agreement, in a form satisfactory to Commission’s General Counsel, with Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology and the City of Toronto for the reconstruction of the Seneca Bus Loop (also known as the Newnham Loop) located at 1750 Finch Avenue East in Toronto, under the general terms outlined in this report.


    b) Russell Hill Subway Train Accident of August 11, 1995 - Due Diligence Checklist Update

    It is recommended that the Commission:

    1. Receive for information the updated Due Diligence Checklist relating to the Russell Hill Subway Train Accident of August 11, 1995, which provides a status report on the progress toward closing the Coroner’s Jury Recommendations and the TTC’s Internal Team Recommendations.

    2. Forward this report to the Chief Coroner of Ontario, the City of Toronto, and the Province of Ontario for information.


    c) Environmental and Health & Safety Management Systems Annual Review, Minutes of April 29, 2009

    It is recommended that the Commission receive for information, the minutes of the April 29, 2009 Environmental and Health & Safety Management Systems Annual Review.


    d) Wheel-Trans Contracted Taxi Performance Review

    The Commission received this report for information noting that a report will be coming back on this item in 3 months.

  17. New Business
  18. NIL

  19. Correspondence
  20. C-1 Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc requesting a report on re-naming Dupont Station and improving the connection to Casa Loma (as per the attached resolution from the Casa Loma Board of Trustees).

    The Commission received the communication and referred the item to staff to report back before year-end.

    C-2 Councillor Frances Nunziata, City of Toronto, concerning idling TTC buses.

    The Commission received the communication and referred the item to staff to report back before year-end on a plan regarding idling TTC buses.

    C-3 Susan Davidson, Chair - Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation, regarding the 2009 Public Forum.

    The Commission received the communication and referred the letter to staff noting that staff will continue to report out on the public forums, including comments received from ACAT.

    C-4 Steve Munro regarding the Transit City Bus Plan.

    The Commission received the communication and referred the correspondence to staff.

    See Report NO. 7(a) for minute.

    C-5 Jason Ash regarding the inclusion of Laird Drive Station in the Eglinton Crosstown LRT project.

    The Commission received the communication and referred the correspondence to staff for consideration as part of the Environmental Assessment process.

    C-6 Bud Purves, President, York University Development Corporation, requesting an opportunity to address the Commission at its meeting on September 24, 2009 in support of the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension (TYSSE).

    The Commission received the communication and referred the correspondence to staff to invite Mr. Purves to the next TTC Spadina York Subway Extension working group meeting.

    C-7 David Senater requesting an opportunity to address the Commission at its meeting on September 24, 2009 on making the TTC cell phone friendly.

    The Commission received the communication noting that the TTC is currently preparing a request for proposals (RFP) for the fall and that staff will continue to communicate with Mr. Senater.

Supplementary Agenda

    Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)


  1. Transit City - Lease of Office Space (Deferred from July 9, 2009)
  2. The Commission approved the recommendation contained in the staff report, as listed below:

    “It is recommended that the Commission approve the offer to sub-lease office space at 5160 Yonge Street with Maple Leaf Foods under the terms detailed in this report”.

    Chair Giambrone also moved the following:

    1. That space for parking be secured only at a level sufficient to provide it for employees who are required to use an automobile in carrying out their duties;

    2. Staff report back on a policy providing free parking at this facility only for employees who are required to use an automobile in carrying out their duties.

    The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.   

  3. Subway Station Appearance Improvement Update

    Gary Shortt (General Superintendent - Plant Maintenance) gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.

    The Commission received the presentation for information.

  4. Procurement Authorization - Consultant Design Services - Expansion of Union LRT Station - Contract U85-12

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize:

    A. The award of a contract in the upset limit amount of $7,000,000 to Hatch Mott MacDonald Ltd. for the Contract U85-12 - Consultant Design Services - Expansion of Union LRT Station for the preliminary design of  loop expansion for the new LRT lines (East Bayfront [EBF], Port Lands, Bremner)  and the detailed design including engineering support during construction of the loop expansion for the EBF LRT line; and

    B. The issuance of contract amendment in the upset limit amount of $4,000,000 for the detailed design including engineering support during construction of the loop expansion for the Bremner LRT line.

    Therefore, bringing the total upset limit amount to $11,000,000 allocated as follows:

    • Preliminary and detailed design and engineering support during construction for the Waterfront Toronto (WT) portion of loop expansion - $5.5M;
    • Preliminary and detailed design and engineering support during construction for the Bremner portion of loop expansion - $5.5M.


  5. Transit City - Interim Funding Agreement with Metrolinx and the City of Toronto

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize:

    1. The Chief General Manager to enter into an agreement with Metrolinx and the City of Toronto, consistent with the principles set out in the Discussion section of this report, for interim funding to December 31, 2009, for the implementation of components of the Sheppard East LRT, Finch West LRT, Eglinton Crosstown LRT, and Scarborough RT transit projects on terms and conditions acceptable to Commission’s General Counsel.


    The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.

Commission Endorses Transit City Bus Plan

Commissioners voted in favour of major improvements to TTC bus service over the next five years. In partnership with the City of Toronto’s Transportation Service, the TTC’s Transit City Bus Plan (TCBP) calls for:

  • Bus service every 10 minutes or better on 21 Transit City Bus Network routes, during the day and evening, daily, starting in the fall of 2010.
  • New or enhanced express bus service on 15 Transit City Bus Network routes, starting in the fall of 2014.
  • New or enhanced express bus service on three future Transit City LRT corridors, starting in the fall of 2011.
  • 20-minutes-or-better service on all other TTC bus routes during the day and evening, daily, starting fall 2011 and fall 2012.

The new plan also proposes additional on-street route supervisors, transit signal priority at 1,150 intersections, 10 new queue jump lanes at some of the city’s busiest intersections, and 75 more bus shelters at locations specified by TTC.

When fully implemented, the TCBP will attract an additional 7.5 million customer-trips annually. The cost of the network is estimated at $77 million to build and $39 million (net) annually to operate. The TTC will be conducting public information meetings about the plan.

Union LRT Station Expansion Gets Go-Ahead

Commissioners approved the award of a contract worth $11 million for the preliminary design and engineering support to expand the streetcar loop at Union LRT Station. The underground loop is an essential piece of infrastructure to service future waterfront development, which includes new light rapid transit lines in the East Bayfront and West Donlands areas. The expansion plan would involve widening the existing station and constructing new platforms on the east and west sides of the existing LRT tracks.

The Union LRT Station is served by 509 Harbourfront and 510 Spadina cars.

Union Second Platform Construction To Begin 2010

Commissioners approved the final finishes for the Union Station New Platform project. The $137.5 million project will add a new subway platform to the south of the existing centre platform and reconfigure the concourse level to improve the flow of commuters and accommodate future passenger volumes.

Construction is scheduled to begin in 2010 and end by 2014. Funding for the project is provided by Waterfront Toronto.

Environmental Study For Scarborough Malvern LRT Approved

Commissioners approved the environmental assessment study for the Scarborough Malvern LRT project. The study recommends the preferred alignment for the 13-km run from Kennedy Station on the Bloor-Danforth Subway to Sheppard/Morningside Avenues. The report will be sent to Toronto City Council and then to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment for approval.

The Scarborough Malvern LRT is designed to provide service in the Eglinton Avenue/Kingston Road/Morningside Avenue corridor in northeast Toronto. No funding for this project is committed by the provincial or federal governments.

Pape Station Modernization Contract Awarded

Commissioners received a notice of an award for a contract worth $19.7 million to modernize Pape subway station. Pape will see an upgrade to its station finishes, lighting, signage, easier access, second exit features and street presence. The program will also have a public art component. Station Modernization is a design and construction program to rejuvenate subway stations, many of which are more than 40 years old and showing wear in their original wall, floor and ceiling finishes.

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