Board Meeting - February 27, 2008

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room 1, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1894
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

  • Chair Adam Giambrone
  • Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc
  • Commissioner Sandra Bussin
  • Commissioner Glenn De Baeremaeker
  • Commissioner Suzan Hall
  • Commissioner Peter Milczyn
  • Commissioner Anthony Perruzza
  • Commissioner Bill Saundercook
  • Commissioner Michael Thompson

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

  • Chair Adam Giambrone
  • Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc
  • Commissioner Sandra Bussin
  • Commissioner Glenn De Baeremaeker
  • Commissioner Suzan Hall
  • Commissioner Peter Milczyn
  • Commissioner Anthony Perruzza
  • Commissioner Bill Saundercook
  • Commissioner Michael Thompson

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Committee Of The Whole Resolution

Committee of the Whole Agenda - February 27, 2008

Declaration of Interest -  Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

  1. Review of Minutes
    • January 23, 2008
  2. Business Arising Out of Minutes
  3. First Offer Discussion - VERBAL (Labour relations or employee negotiations)
  4. Large Litigation Matters (FOR INFORMATION) 
    (Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality of local board)
  5. Traf-Park (FOR ACTION) 
    (The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose)
  6. Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension – Federal Funding – VERBAL UPDATE 
    (Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality of local board)
  7. Correspondence
  8. New Business

Notices Of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Public Presentations

Requests to speak must be registered in writing by 12:00 Noon of day preceding meeting day.

Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation


  1. Budget Matters
  2. NIL

  3. Procurement Authorizations
  4. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  5. Notice of Awards
  6. NIL

    Other Business

  7. Safety Critical Program Orion V Rear Axle Bolt Replacement (FOR ACTION)
  8. Commissioner Attendance - 2008 Transit Conferences (FOR ACTION)
  9. Union Subway Station New Platform Project – Preliminary Design and Artist Selection Approvals (FOR ACTION)
  10. TTC Corporate Policy Review 6.10.3 - Advertising on Vehicles, Property & Miscellaneous Media (FOR ACTION)
  11. TTC Corporate Policy Review 6.7.2 - Charitable Requests (FOR ACTION)
  12. Senior Management Review of Safety System Minutes of October 4, 2007
  13. Staff Response to Commission Inquiry
  14. Correspondence


  15. New Business


Supplementary Agenda (2)

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 1, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 commencing at 1:00 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

A. Giambrone (Chair), J. Mihevc (Vice-Chair), M. Thompson, S. Hall, B. Saundercook, P. Milczyn,  S. Bussin, G. De Baeremaeker and A. Perruzza (Commissioners), G. Webster (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), R. Cornacchia (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager – Engineering & Construction), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), A. Smith (Chief Marketing Officer), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Coordinator – Secretariat Services) were  present.

A. Giambrone was in the Chair.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Commissioner Perruzza declared an interest with respect to Item No. 3(a) entitled, “Procurement Authorization – Birchmount Bus Garage – Acoustical Barrier Wall – Contract E3-28”, as his uncle is an owner of the company noted in the report.  Commissioner Perruzza took no part in the discussion or the decision made by the Commission concerning this matter.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner Saundercook moved that the Commission approve the minutes from meeting nos. 1892 and 1893 and that the Chair and General Secretary be authorized to sign the same.

The motion by Commissioner Saundercook carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Committee of the Whole Resolution

a) Committee of the Whole Agenda – February 27, 2008

The Commission received the Committee of the Whole agenda from the meeting held on February 27, 2008.

b) Committee of the Whole Resolution

Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the Commission approve a resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole at 9:00 a.m. or later on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations or employee negotiations and to receive advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.



Public Presentations

Chair Giambrone moved that the Commission waive section 13a of its procedural by-law in order to hear a deputation from John Cartwright of the Toronto and York region labour council concerning the issue of Canadian content in TTC contracts which is not an agenda item at the meeting today.

The motion by Chair Giambrone carried, with two thirds of the members present voting in favour.

The following individuals appeared before the Commission concerning the issue of Canadian content in TTC contracts:

John Cartwright
Toronto and York Region Labour Council

Bill Murnighan
Canadian Auto Workers
(Submitted response to Booz Allen Report re: Canadian Content Issue)

Jenny Ahn
Canadian Auto Workers

The Commission received the deputations.

Commissioner Bussin moved that staff be requested to conduct an analysis of the Canadian Autoworkers submission and report back at the next meeting.

The motion by Commissioner Bussin carried.

Notice of Motions

a) Inclusion of Brimley Road Station on Scarborough Rapid
Transit Line in Environmental Assessment and Capital Program

Moved by: Commissioner De Baeremaeker
Seconded by: Commissioner Thompson

The Scarborough Centre Secondary Plan (and the former Scarborough Official Plan) anticipates growth of approximately 40,000 residents and 23,000 jobs in the Brimley Road and Scarborough Centre area, and

The Scarborough Town Centre Station currently has over 12,200 daily passengers, making it the busiest station on the SRT line, and

The TTC estimates the engineering and construction cost of the Brimley Road Station at $22 million (in 2002 $) and acknowledged that building of the Brimley Station is a long-term objective, and

The TTC, in August 2006, endorsed the conclusions of the Scarborough RT Strategic Plan which recommended upgrading the SRT to accommodate larger, new generation RT vehicles.  The estimated cost of line upgrade was put at $190M (2006$)  and cost of new generation RT vehicles at $170M (2006$) and,

The TTC is conducting an environmental assessment study for the extension of the SRT from McCowan Station to the Sheppard/Markham area and possibly beyond to the Malvern Town Centre.

Therefore be it resolved: 

That the Toronto Transit Commission direct staff to include the construction of the Brimley road Station on the Scarborough Rapid Transit line (SRT) in any upcoming environmental assessment study and in all Capital Budget planning initiatives related to the SRT line upgrade or extension.

The Commission received notice of the foregoing motion.

Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation


  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
    1. NIL
  2. Presentations
  3. 1. CUTA Employee Excellence Awards

    M. Shuell, Director of Communications, Canadian Urban Transit Association presented the following TTC employees with Employee Excellence Awards which were recently received by the Commission at the Canadian Urban Transit Association’s Fall Conference and Trans Expo in Quebec City, Quebec:

    Wasyl Lewycky
    Mario Boras
    Guy Shaw

    2. Kennedy Derailment

    R. Cornacchia, General Manager – Operations gave an overhead slide presentation with respect to this matter.

    The Commission received the presentation for information.

  4. Budget Matters
    1. NIL
  5. Procurement Authorizations
  6. a) Procurement Authorization – Birchmount Bus
    Garage - Acoustical Barrier Wall Contract E3-28

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize:

    1. The award of Contract E3-28, Birchmount Bus Garage – Acoustical Barrier Wall to Yukon Construction Inc. (Yukon) in the amount of $1,489,300.00;

    2. Forwarding this report to the City for the reallocation of debt funding in order to increase CTT038 Birchmount Garage Renovations by $250,000.00 which can be accommodated by reducing funding in CTT024 Fire Ventilation Upgrade by $250,000.00; and

    3. Holding funds of $250,000.00 if necessary in TTC accounts pending City Approval.


    b) Procurement Authorization Structural Assessment and
    Design Services – Triennial Contract Contract No. G85-246

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of contracts to the following firms in the upset limit amounts listed below, for Structural Assessment and Design Services – Triennial Contract for a three-year period, commencing from notification of award:

    1. Delcan Corporation (Delcan) for $2.5M

    2. LEA Consulting Limited (LEA) for $2.5M

    3. Morrison Hershfield Limited (MH) for $2.5M

    4. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (1997) Limited (TSH) for $2.5M


    c) Procurement Authorization – Purchase of Impulse Parts

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the awarding of a three year inventory supply contract for Impulse parts to IMPulse NC, Incorporated for the period of March 2008 to February 2011 for an upset limit of $2,209,500 (CAD) ($2,253,000 USD), including applicable taxes.


    d) Procurement Authorization – Purchase of Bombardier Parts

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the awarding of a three year inventory supply contract for Bombardier parts to Bombardier Transportation Canada Inc. for the period of March 2008 to February 2011 for an upset limit of $7,716,000 including applicable taxes.


    e) Procurement Authorization – Supply of Bus Steering Parts

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the following for the supply of bus steering parts for inventory:

    1. The award of the following contracts with expiry set for August 2009:

    • New Flyer Industries Canada ULC for $160,000 including applicable taxes.
    • Prevost Car (US) Incorporated for $52,000 including applicable taxes.
    • Baker Transit Parts for $45,000 including applicable taxes.
    • MCI Service Parts Incorporated for $15,000 including applicable taxes.
    • Mohawk Mfg & Supply Company for $7,000 including applicable taxes.

    2. Additional authority in the amount of $483,500 to DaimlerChrysler Commercial Buses North America Limited for the newly identified bus steering parts for the period ending August 2009 to be added to their existing contract resulting in a revised upset limit of $564,500.


    f) Procurement Authorization – Supply of CLRV Air Suspension Kits

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the issuance of a purchase order for inventory to Bombardier Transportation Canada Inc. for CLRV Suspension kits as follows:

    • A quantity of 150 to be delivered in 2008 at a total cost of $595,707.75 including applicable taxes.
    • A quantity of 132 to be delivered in 2009 at a total cost of $524,222.82 including applicable taxes.
    • A quantity of 132 to be delivered in 2010 at a total cost of $550,434.71 including applicable taxes.
    • A quantity of 132 to be delivered in 2011 at a total cost of $564,194.72 including applicable taxes.


    g) Procurement Authorization – Supply of Ticketed Fare Media

    It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order in the total upset limit of $3,220,000 to The Data Group Limited Partnership for the supply of ticketed fare media for a five year period from April 15, 2008 to April 14, 2013.


    h) Summary of Authorized Expenditures between $200,000 to
    $500,000 for the Period December 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007

    It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.  It lists expenditures ($200,000 up to $500,000) for the period December 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007, which were approved by the Chief General Manager.


  7. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  8. a) Procurement Authorization Amendment – Supply of
    Orion VII Next Generation Hybrid Bus Parts for up to a 2 Year Term

    It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order amendment to extend the contract with DaimlerChrysler Commercial Buses North America (Daimler) for the supply of Orion VII Next Generation Hybrid (NG Hybrid) bus parts from February 29, 2008 to January 31, 2010 and to increase the upset limit by $2,600,000 to a revised total upset limit of $3,000,000.


  9. Notice of Awards
    1. NIL
  10. Service Matters
    1. NIL
  11. Other Business
  12. 6. Safety Critical Program Orion V Rear Axle Bolt Replacement

    It is recommended that the Commission approve:

    a) The unbudgeted addition of ten (10) temporary coach technicians, one (1) temporary welder and one (1) temporary machinist for the period March 2, 2008 to November 30, 2008, for the implementation of a rear axle bolt replacement program for the Orion V 96 and Orion V 97 bus series; and

    b) The unbudgeted amount of $1,104,973 (for labour and material) to complete this project.

    7. Commissioner Attendance – 2008 Transit Conference

    It is recommended that the Commission approve the following:

    1. That the budgetary provision of $18,000.00 included in the 2008 TTC Operating Budget for Commissioner Travel be distributed equally between the nine Commissioners; and

    2. That the General Secretary’s Office be requested to canvass each Commissioner to determine their respective plans for Conference travel in 2008.


    8. Union Subway Station New Platform Project – Approval of Proposed Artwork

    It is recommended that the Commission approve the artwork proposed by Stuart M. Reid, for the Union Subway Station New Platform Project.


    9. TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 6.10.4 
    Advertising on Vehicles, Property & Miscellaneous Media

    It is recommended that the Commission approve the following TTC Corporate Policy, as amended, which is attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’:

    • Policy 6.10.4 Advertising on Vehicles, Property & Miscellaneous Media


    Commissioner Hall moved that the General Secretary be requested to communicate to Commissioners by memorandum on how groups can get on the list for the use of unsold advertising space.

    The motion by Commissioner hall carried.

    10. TTC Corporate Policy Review 6.7.2 – Charitable Requests

    It is recommended that the Commission approve the following TTC Corporate Policy, which is attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’:

    • Policy 6.7.2 Charitable Requests


    11.Senior Management Review of the Safety System Minutes of October 4, 2007

    It is recommended that the Commission receive for information, the minutes of the October 4, 2007 Senior Management Review of the Safety System meeting.



    a) Bicycle Stair Channels

    The Commission had before it a memorandum dated February 27, 2008 from G. Webster, Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Bicycle Stair Channels.”

    The Commission received the memorandum for information.

    Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that staff be requested to report back to the Commission on costing, design, timing and perhaps a pilot for bicycle channels in subway stations.

    The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.

    b) Subway Emergency Transfers

    The Commission had before it a memorandum dated February 27, 2008 from G. Webster, Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Subway Emergency Transfers.”

    The Commission approved the recommendation contained in the memorandum, as listed below:

    “It is recommended that, for reasons outlined below, the Commission does not replace subway emergency transfers with a “credit note” to be used by customers at any time.”

  13. New Business
    1. NIL
  14. Correspondence
  15. C-1 Joe Clark, dated February 27, 2008 forwarding comments regarding deficiencies in proposed Union Station signage.

    The Commission received the communication.

    (also see report no. 8 for minute)

    C-2 Councillor Adrian Heaps, dated February 25, 2008 requesting the installation of bicycle channels in all TTC stations that do not have accessible elevators.

    The Commission received the communication.

    (also see report no. 12a for minute)

    C-3 Alan Heisey, dated February 26, 2008 requesting the installation of bicycle channels in all TTC stations that do not have accessible elevators.

    The Commission received the communication.

    (also see report no. 12a for minute)

    C-4 Joe Clark, dated February 27, 2008 forwarding comments regarding failure of OneStop advertising panels to inform of emergencies.

    The Commission received the communication.

    (also see report no. 17 for minute)

    C-5 Gary Webster, Chief General Manager, TTC to Chair Adam Giambrone, dated February 22, 2008 advising of TTC support to the City’s lead in the Earth Hour lights out event from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on March 29, 2008.

    The Commission received the communication for information.

    C-6 John Cartwright, President, Toronto & York Region Labour Council, dated February 7, 2008 requesting the opportunity to present an analysis undertaken by the Canadian Auto Workers Union with respect to the Booz Allen Hamilton report concerning Canadian content for the LRT vehicle purchase.

    The Commission received the communication.

    (also see public presentations for minute)

    C-7 Jonathon Markowski, undated, requesting the opportunity to speak at the March Commission meeting concerning bus service along Eglinton Avenue, specifically between Mount Pleasant Road and Eglinton Station.

    The Commission referred the communication to the Chief General Manager for consultation with Mr. Markowski.

    C-8 The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Ontario Minister of Finance, dated February 21, 2008 acknowledging receipt of TTC reports regarding the 2008-2012 Capital Program and Transit City Light Rail Plan (First Priorities).

    The Commission received the communication.

    C-9 Councillor Gord Perks, City of Toronto, dated February 20, 2008 confirming that the Western Waterfront LRT Environmental Assessment will be put on hold until there has been considerable progress on the Western Beaches Master Plan.

    The Commission received the communication.

    (also see report no. 26 for minute)

Supplementary Agenda

  1. Procurement Authorization – Bay Station
  2. Cumberland Entrance Improvement – Contract D1-5

    It is recommended that the Commission:

    1. Authorize the award of a contract to Aplus General Contractors Corp. in the amount of $560,000.00 for Contract D1-5, Bay Station Cumberland Entrance Improvements;

    2. Approve an increased project cost of $255,000 for the Cumberland Entrance to Bay Station Project for a total estimated final cost of $855,000;

    3. Consider funding this project on a 3:1 ratio (75% funded by other sources), noting that this project will be transferred to Program 3.1 Finishes (CTT010) and the increased funding requirement in 2008 will be accommodated by funds available within the Station Modernization Program; and

    5. Forward this report to the City of Toronto – Chief Financial Officer requesting confirmation of these project adjustments.


  3. Purchase Authorization – CA Maintenance Contract/Licenses
  4. It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to CA Canada Company for the Unicenter Software Maintenance for a three year period, in the upset limit amount of $1,126,000, commencing February 28, 2008 to February 27, 2011.


  5. Procurement Authorization Amendment - OneStop

  6. Media Group Proposal – Next Bus Arrival Screens

    Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the Commission approve the staff recommendation, in principle, and delegate final authority to award to the chief general manager, subject to the chief general manager ensuring that:

    1. The implementation of this work is completed in a timely enough manner to fully accomplish the benefits contained in the report;

    2. Concerns are addressed around the display layout (e.g. size of font for regular time and arriving time, not increasing the size for advertising portions of the screens, for the subway station installations ensuring that the top band on the next bus arrival screen is clearly limited and defined in the contract, and ensuring that no advertising is included on the next bus arrival screen);

    3. That the on street next bus information sign project be tendered out and not subject to further negotiations with CBS and/or OneStop; and

    4. The public is consulted on the screen layout.

    The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.

  7. Procurement Authorization Amendment St. Clair West Station

  8. Bus/Streetcar Loop Rehabilitation Change Directive A7-7-6 Contract A7-7

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize an increase to Change Directive A7-7-6 to Dig-Con International Limited, in the amount of $150,000.00 for a total of $400,000.00, to allow for the completion of the work associated with embedded conduits within the expansion joints.


  9. City Auditor General’s Report – “Information

  10. Technologies Projects – Opportunities for Improvements”

    It is recommended that the Commission:

    1. Receive the report from the City Auditor General, “Information Technology Projects – Opportunities for Improvements”, for information; and

    2. Staff be directed to forward the report to the City Audit Committee for their information.


  11. Cellular Phones and Wi-Fi in the Subway
  12. It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information noting that at the Committee of the Whole meeting of December 6, 2007, approval was received to proceed with the following recommendations:

    1. Staff to issue the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) to determine the interest of cellular phone carriers in providing cellular coverage in subway stations at their expense, and to estimate the potential revenue stream for the TTC;

    2. Staff to consult with Ontario’s Information and Privacy Office to determine the applicability of privacy guidelines and regulations prior to the issuance of the REOI; and

    3. Staff to further review public Wi-Fi after additional operational experience has been obtained, and interference issues are better understood.


  13. Procurement Authorization Steeles West

  14. Station – Storm Sewer Relocation Contract A40-11

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract submitted by Dufferin Construction Company, a Business Unit of St. Lawrence Cement Inc. (Dufferin) in the amount of $1,595,000 for Contract A40-11, Steeles West Station – Storm Sewer Relocation.


  15. Procurement Authorization Project Control

  16. Services Spadina Subway Extension Contract A85-70

    It is recommended that the Commission:

    1. Authorize the award of Contract A85-70 to Stantec Consulting Ltd. in the upset limit amount of $30,000,000 for a period of seven years for Project Control Services.

    2. Authorize the release of an initial $1,800,000 for the period March 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008.  Further authorization will be in accordance with an approved work plan prepared annually.

    3. Forward this report to the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Executive Task Force and to the Move Ontario Trust for information.


  17. Procurement Authorization Project Management 

  18. Services Spadina Subway Extension Contract A85-69

    It is recommended that the Commission:

    1. Authorize the award of Contract A85-69 to Spadina Link Project Managers (a joint venture of Hatch Mott MacDonald Ltd., Delcan Corporation and MMM Group Limited) in the upset limit amount of $100,000,000 for a period of seven years for Project Management Services.

    2. Authorize the release of an initial $4,800,000 for the period March 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008.  Further authorization will in accordance with an approved work plan prepared annually.

    3. Forward this report to the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Executive Task Force and to the Move Ontario Trust for information.


  19. 139 Finch-Don Mills – Post Implementation Review of Off-Peak Service
  20. It is recommended that the Commission:

    1. Approve the elimination of the trial Monday-Friday midday and early evening service on the 139C FINCH-DON MILLS (Don Mills Station-Middlefield) branch, because of low ridership and unacceptable financial performance, effective June 23, 2008; and

    2. Forward this report to Councillors Carroll, Del Grande, Kelly, Lee, and Shiner; and

    3. Forward this report to Metrolinx for information.


  21. Service Increases to Reduce Crowding
  22. It is recommended that the Commission forward this report to all City of Toronto Councillors, York Region Transit, Mississauga Transit, Metrolinx, and the Ontario Ministries of Transportation and the Environment, noting that:

    • a total of 180 service increases were made on 46 TTC bus and streetcar routes starting on February 17, 2008
    • these service increases will reduce overcrowding and reduce waiting times for TTC customers;
    • these service increases would normally have been made at regular intervals over the past two years as part of the TTC’s service adjustment programme, but they could not be implemented until now because of shortages in  workforce and vehicles, and due to TTC and City budget restrictions; and
    • these service increases are the first of many that are planned and budgeted in response to continuing growth in ridership, with implementation throughout 2008.


Supplementary Agenda (2)

  1. Presentation – Toronto Transit City Light Rail Plan – City/TTC Team Progress Update, February, 2008
  2. M. Stambler, Manager, Service Planning gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.

    The Commission received the presentation for information.

    (also see correspondence no. c-9)

    The meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.

More Service for More Riders

Commissioners received a report detailing the massive service improvements recently introduced on 46 TTC bus and streetcar routes. The report was forwarded to all Toronto Councillors, York Region Transit, Mississauga Transit, Metrolinx and the Ontario Ministries of Transportation and the Environment. A total of 180 service increases to reduce crowding and wait times began on Feb. 17. More service increases addressing ridership levels will be added throughout 2008, along with the planned fall improvements that are part of the TTC’s Ridership Growth Strategy.

Transit City Update

Commissioners received an update on the Toronto Transit City – Light Rail Plan. A presentation made by TTC staff addressed numerous issues, including: vehicles, design standards, proposed connections, preferred alignments and public consultation. The TTC and Metrolinx have ranked the Sheppard East, Etobicoke-Finch West and Eglinton Crosstown LRTs as the top three Transit City priorities. Environmental assessments are underway on all seven light rail transit lines.

Union Station Platform Art

Commissioners approved an artwork proposal for the Union Station New Platform Project. The artwork will reside between panes of glass that will run the length of the new platform (about 500 feet). The concept proposed by artist Stuart M. Reid is called Zones of Immersion. Construction on the new platform is scheduled to begin by fall of 2009.

Kennedy Derailment Conclusion

Commissioners received a final report on the cause and corrective action taken in the subway train derailment near Kennedy Station on Feb. 4. A failure of the torque arm link and safety pin caused a gearbox to drop and derail the last car of the train. The TTC inspected the entire subway car fleet, over and above the regular 35-day inspection cycle, and all H-6 cars were retrofitted with a new safety pin design as a precaution. “We’re satisfied the incident that occurred will not happen again,” said CGM Gary Webster.

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