Board Meeting - November 14, 2007
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
Toronto Transit Commission Board Members
Toronto Transit Commission Board Members
- Chair Adam Giambrone
- Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc
- Commissioner Sandra Bussin
- Commissioner Glenn De Baeremaeker
- Commissioner Suzan Hall
- Commissioner Peter Milczyn
- Commissioner Anthony Perruzza
- Commissioner Bill Saundercook
- Commissioner Michael Thompson
Toronto Transit Commission Board Members
Toronto Transit Commission Board Members
- Chair Adam Giambrone
- Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc
- Commissioner Sandra Bussin
- Commissioner Glenn De Baeremaeker
- Commissioner Suzan Hall
- Commissioner Peter Milczyn
- Commissioner Anthony Perruzza
- Commissioner Bill Saundercook
- Commissioner Michael Thompson
Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act
Minutes Of The Previous Meetings
Business Arising Out Of Minutes
Committee Of The Whole Resolution
- Committee of the Whole Agenda – November 14, 2007
- Committee of the Whole Resolution – Thursday, December 6, 2007
Notices Of Motions
Motions Without Notice
Motions of Which Notice has Previously Been Given
Public Presentations
Requests to speak must be registered in writing by 12:00 noon of day preceding meeting day.
Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation
- Presentation: Toronto Construction Association (TCA 2006) “Best of the Best” Award for Project Achievement - Large Project (Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts)
- Presentation: National Quality Institute of Canada 2007 Gold Award for Excellence
- 2008 Wheel-Trans Budget- Presentation (For Action) (Report to Follow)
- 2008 TTC Operating Budget- Presentation (For Action) (Report to Follow)
- 2008-2010 Capital Program and 10-Year Forecast - Presentation (For Action) (Report to Follow)
- Project Approval- Transit City Light Rail Plan (First Priorities) (For Action)
- Procurement Authorizations
- Procurement Authorization - Procurement Authorization – Duncan Shop, Eglinton and Lakeshore Garages and Greenwood Shop- Installation of Overhead Doors – Contract G60-144 (For Action)
- Waterfront West Streetcar- Expansion of Park Lawn Bus Loop to Accommodate Streetcars (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization- York University Busway- Contract A60-16 (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization- Inglis Building 4th Floor Interior Renovations- Contract N1-12 (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization- Consultant Design Services - Scarborough Rapid Transit Extension EA Amendment and Municipal Class EA - Contract J85-21 (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization - Supply of Cellular Modems and Cellular Antennas (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization - Supply of Various Commodity Stock Papers, Carbonless Papers and Miscellaneous Papers (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization - Purchase of Rockwell Meritor Brake Parts (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization - Supply of Knorr Brake Parts (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization - Supply of Daimler Parts (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization - Supply of Conductor Cable (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization - Purchase of Wabco Parts (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization - Purchase of Wood Track Ties (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization – Supply of Signals Equipment – South Yonge Resignalling (For Action)
- Procurement Authorization - Consultant Services – Signals Engineering (For Action)
- Purchase Authorization – Supply of Currency Packaging Materials (For Action)
- Summary of Authorized Expenditures Between $200,000 to $500,000 for the Period August 1, 2007 to August 31, 2007 (For Information)
- Summary of Authorized Expenditures Between $200,000 to $500,000 for the Period September 1, 2007 to September 30, 2007 (For Information)
- Procurement Authorization Amendments
- Procurement Authorization - Purchase Order Amendment for the Provision of Towing Services - TTC Revenue, Non-Revenue and Miscellaneous Equipment (For Action)
- Notice Of Awards
- Notice of Award – Procurement Authorization – Birchmount Garage New Office and Storage Area – Contract E3-25 (For Information)
- Notice of Award – Procurement Authorization – Supply of Steel Poles for Fleet Street and St. Clair Avenue R.O.W. (For Information)
- Kipling Station Redevelopment Handover to GO Transit (For Action)
- Release of TTC Property Interest at Eglinton Avenue and Black Creek Drive – Report Withdrawn
- 2008 Commission Meeting Schedule (For Action)
- Information Technology Services Strategic Direction (For Information)(Presentation Available)
- Geospatial Technology Review – E-Commerce and Next Bus Arrival Project Status Update (For Information) (Presentation Available) (Report to Follow)
- TTC Corporate Policy Review - Policy 6.6.3 Product Endorsement (For Action)
- TTC Corporate Policy Review - Policy 6.12.1 Marketing Co-op Promotions/Campaigns (For Action)
- TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 2.6.3 Subway/SRT Rule Book Training (For Action)
- Update #2 - Carbon Monoxide Incident of February 7, 2006 (For Information)
- 1998, 2001 & 2004 APTA Rail Safety Audits – Updates (For Information)
- Senior Management Review of the Safety System - July 3, 2007 (For Information)
- Response to Correspondence – Inaccessibility of TTC to People with Non-Evident Disabilities (For Information)
- Staff Response To Commission Inquiry
- Construction of a New Fence at the Eglinton West (East) Commuter Parking Lot (deferred from September 19/07) (FOR ACTION)
- Correspondence
- New Business
Budget Matters
Other Business
Supplementary Agenda
Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act
- Transit City Light Rail Plan: Evaluation and Comparison of Routes (For Action)
A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 1, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 commencing at 1:15 p.m.
Present - Committee of the Whole
A. Giambrone (Chair), J. Mihevc (Vice-Chair), S. Bussin, G. De Baeremaeker, M. Thompson, S. Hall, B. Saundercook, P. Milczyn and A. Perruzza (Commissioners), G. Webster (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), R. Cornacchia (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager – Engineering & Construction), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), S. Blakey (Executive Director - Human Resources), A. Smith (Acting Chief Marketing Officer), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), T. Andrews (Chief Special Constable), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Coordinator – Secretariat Services) were present.
A. Giambrone was in the Chair.
H. Wax, Chair, TTC Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation was also present.
R. Thacker, General Superintendent, Wheel-Trans was present for Item No. 3.
M. Anders, Marketing Research Director, Marketing & Public Affairs was present for Item No. 4.
A. Foster, Director, Project Management, IT Services was present for Item No. 14.
In this section
In this section
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the Commission approve the minutes from meeting no. 1888 and that the Chair and General Secretary be authorized to sign the same.
The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.
Committee of the Whole Resolution
a)Committee of the Whole Agenda – November 14, 2007
The Commission received the Committee of the Whole Agenda from the meeting held on November 14, 2007.
b)Committee of the Whole Resolution – Thursday, December 6, 2007
Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the commission meet as the Committee of the Whole at 9:00 a.m., or later, on Thursday, December 6, 2007 to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations or employee negotiations and to receive advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.
The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.
1.Toronto Construction Association (TCA 2006)
“Best of the Best” Award for Project Achievement
Large Project (Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts)
John Mollenhauer, President and CEO, Toronto Construction Association presented a Certificate of Excellence to Chair Giambrone and Dominic Garisto, Acting Manager, Property Development Department for work in connection with the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts project.
2.National Quality Institute of Canada 2007 Gold Award for Excellence
Kathryn Cestnick, Vice President and COO of the National Quality Institute of Canada presented the 2007 Gold Award to Chair Giambrone, John Cannon, Chief Information Officer, Allan Foster, Director, Project Management, Anthony Iannucci, Director, Technical Services, Oscar Norman, Director, Quality Assurance, Kevin MacLeod, Director, Client Services and Dora Cheng, Director, Application Services in recognition of significant and sustained improvements made by the TTC Information Technology Services Department, over the past six years, in the areas of: Leadership; Planning; Customer Focus; People Focus; Process Management; and Supplier/Partner Focus.
Public Presentations
a)Smart Commute and TTC in Collaboration
Brian Shifman, Executive Director
Smart Commute
The Commission Received The Deputation.
b)Important Issue Facing Seniors Using the Transit System
Joyce Cohen
Co-Chair, Accessibility Committee
Toronto Seniors Council
Carolyn Singer
Accessibility Committee
Toronto Seniors Council
Lilian Wells
Co-Chair, Accessibility Committee
Toronto Seniors Council
(Submitted communication)
The Commission received the deputations.
Commissioner Perruzza moved that the suggestions submitted by the deputants be referred to staff for consideration and that staff look at the possibility of providing better rates for seniors who travel on the transit system during off-peak hours.
The motion by Commissioner Perruzza carried.
c)Report No. 22a) – Construction of a New
Fence at the Eglinton West (East) Commuter Parking Lot
David Bundas
The Commission received the deputation.
(see report no. 22a) for minute)
items deferred from last meeting to permit debate/public presentations - nil
Budget Matters
3. 2008 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget
R. Thacker, General Superintendent, Wheel-Trans gave a presentation with respect to this matter.
The Commission received the presentation.
Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the commission approve the recommendation contained in the report, as listed below:
“It is recommended that the commission approve:
1.The 2008 Wheel-Trans operating budget (summarized in appendix a) as described in this report and the following accompanying reports:
•2008 Wheel-Trans operating budget overview
•2008 TTC departmental goals & objectives
•2008 TTC organization charts
2.Consider this report in concert with:
a)The 2008 ttc operating budget
b)The 2008-2012 capital program and 10-year capital forecast
3.Note that based on flat-lined City of Toronto operating subsidy levels, the proposed Wheel-Trans operating budget includes a base budget shortfall of $4,584.9k as summarized below:
Expenditures* / $73,862.2
Revenues** / 3,742.5
Subsidy Needed / $70,119.7
City Operating Subsidy Available / 65,534.8
Shortfall / $ 4,584.9
* Includes no provision for the impact of the next collective bargaining agreements. Each 1% increase in wages/benefits equates to about $0.4 million annually in the Wheel-Trans operating budget ($0.3 million for the 2008 wheel-trans operating budget).
**Based on November, 2007 fare structure
4.The Wheel-Trans service plan which encompasses the following key factors:
- Eligibility criteria and application process remain unchanged
- Registrant base increasing by 5.9% to 54,000
- Trip demand increasing by 6.5% to 2,236,500
- Accommodating 98% of trips
- Trips provided by accessible vehicles remain at 87.5%
- Further integration with the conventional transit system
- Community bus routes increase from five (5) to seven (7)
- Implementation of new accessible and sedan taxi contracts
- Workforce increasing by 34 to a year-end complement of 492
- No impact from atu 113 negotiations
- No impact from aoda legislation
5.Forward this report to the City of Toronto requesting approval of:
A)The required City 2008 operating subsidy for the Wheel-Trans operation; and
B)Confirmation of the establishment of an additional receivable in the amount of $830,000 to cover post-retirement benefit non-cash expenses for 2008 consistent with previous accounting treatment approved by council
6.Forward this report to the TTC’s Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation (ACAT) for information;
7.Forward this report to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, the Honourable Jim Bradley, the Ontario Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Honourable David Caplan, and the Ontario Ministry of Finance, the Honourable Dwight Duncan for information; and
8.Forward this report to Rob Macisaac, Chair of the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority for information.”
The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.
4.2008 TTC Operating Budget
M. Roche, Chief Financial Officer and M. Stambler, Manager, Service Planning gave presentations with respect to this matter.
The Commission received the presentations.
Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the commission approve the recommendation contained in the report, as listed below:
“It is recommended that the Commission:
1.Approve the 2008 TTC operating budget (summarized in exhibit 1) as described in this report and the supporting documents:
•TTC 2008 operating budget overview
•TTC 2008 departmental goals & objectives
•TTC 2008 organization charts
2. Consider this report in concert with:
A)The 2008 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget
B)The 2008-2012 Capital Program and 10-Year Capital Forecast
3.Note that based on current City of Toronto operating subsidy levels, the TTC 2008 operating budget includes a base budget shortfall of $14 million as summarized below:
Expenditures * / $1,158 million
Revenues / 872 million
Subsidy Needed / 286 million
Current City Operating Subsidy / 272 million
Shortfall / $ 14 million
*Includes no provision for the impact of the next collective bargaining agreements. Each 1% increase in wages/benefits equates to about $8 million annually in the TTC operating budget ($6 million for the 2008 ttc operating budget).
4.Approve the contribution of any 2007 net operating surplus to the TTC stabilization reserve fund for utilization against the 2008 TTC operating budget shortfall.
5.Forward this report to the City of Toronto requesting approval of:
A)The required 2008 Transit operating subsidy to the TTC;
B)Confirmation of the establishment of an additional long-term subsidy receivable in the amount of $17.6 million to cover post-retirement benefit non-cash expenses for 2008 consistent with previous accounting treatment approved by council; and
C)The contribution of any 2007 net operating surplus to the TTC stabilization reserve fund for utilization against the 2008 ttc operating budget shortfall.
6.Forward this report to the Ontario Minister of Transportation, the Ontario Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, and to the Ontario Minister of Finance for Information.
7.Forward this report to the Federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities for information.
8.Forward this report to the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority for information.”
The Motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.
Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that staff be requested to provide briefing notes for the commissioners and city budget committee members on the following:
-Savings to date;
-Energy efficiencies;
-Potential parking lot revenues;
-Gapping for non-operational staff;
-Projected ridership and its relationship to the budget.
The Motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.
5.2008-2012 Capital Program and 10-Year Forecast
M. Roche, Chief Financial Officer gave a presentation with respect to this matter.
The Commission received the presentation.
Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the Commission approve the recommendation contained in the report, as listed below:
“It is recommended that the Commission:
1.A)Approve the amended 2008 capital program in the amount of $751.6 million ($697.2 million city adjusted), as outlined in this report (and as shown in table 1) and the supporting documents:
•TTC 2008-2012 Capital Program Overview
•TTC 2008-2012 Capital Program (Blue Books)
B)Approve the amended 2008-2012 capital program in the amount of $4.401 billion as outlined in this report and the supporting documents.
C)Approve the amended 10-year capital forecast in the amount of $7.426 billion as outlined in this report and the supporting documents.
D)Approve the budget for the spadina Subway Extension Project which has an estimated final cost of $2.634 billion, including $56.8 million in 2008 and $1.651 billion for the years 2008-2012 as shown in this report (see table 3) and the supporting documents.
E)Approve expenditures in the amount of $22.9 million in 2008 and 2009 for environmental assessments and preliminary work on Transit City Plan first priorities as shown in this report (see table 3) and the supporting documents.
2.Approve the capital staffing plan summarized in this report and detailed in the 2008 ttc organization charts.
3.Consider this report in concert with the following:
•The TTC 2008 operating budget
•The TTC 2008 wheel-trans operating budget
•The TTC 2008 departmental goals & objectives
•The TTC 2008 organization charts
4.Forward this report to the City of Toronto for council approval and confirmation of funding:
A)In the amount of $697.2 million for 2008 and $4.401 billion for the base 2008-2012 capital program and approval of the 10 year forecast.
B)In the amount of $56.8 million for 2008 and $1.651 billion for the 2008-2012 capital program for the Spadina Subway Extension Project including a new project cost commitment of $220.8 million (see table 3).
C)In the amount of $5.8 million for environmental assessment work in 2008 and 2009 and $17.1 million for 2008 Transit City Plan first priority initiatives (see table 3).
6.Forward this Report to the Ontario Minister of Transportation, the Ontario Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, and to the Ontario Minister of Finance, for consideration of TTC’s base and expansion capital needs and requesting confirmation of funding.
7.Forward this report to the federal minister of transport, infrastructure and communities, for consideration of TTC’s base and expansion capital needs and requesting confirmation of funding.
8.Forward this report to the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority, for consideration of TTC’s base and expansion needs.”
The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.
6.Project Approval – Transit City Light Rail Plan (First Priorities)
Chair Giambrone moved that recommendation no. 2 contained in the report be struck out and replaced in lieu thereof with the following wording:
“2.Forward this report to the city Budget committee for consideration and endorsement of these plans for city council approval in December, noting that:
•These initiatives address the City of Toronto’s vision and strategic priorities and are included under the MoveOntario 2020 program;
•Budget and funding approval of $4 million to march 31, 2008 is required to enable TTC and City Staff to proceed with necessary engineering and design work activities and commitments to support the City and Province’s timeline commitments;
•TTC commits to a further budget reduction of $4 million in 2008 to be accommodated through an additional unspecified budget reduction;
•Funds to a maximum of $400,000 will be held in TTC accounts pending City council approval;
•These funds up to a maximum of $4 million will need to be held in city accounts pending funding commitment and approval by the GTTA and the Province of Ontario;
•The Greater Toronto Transportation Authority (GTTA) is currently considering quick win initiatives which meet its approved criteria for an approved plan to recommend forward to the ministries of transportation and public infrastructure renewal for consideration in the preparation of the next provincial budget;
•The Provincial 2008 Budget is expected to be released in march 2008; and
•The TTC and City Staff will report back to budget committee upon release of the provincial 2008 budget to confirm project funding and/or to recommend actions required to address any identified funding shortfall.”
The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.
Chair Giambrone moved that recommendation no. 4 contained in the report be struck out and replaced in lieu thereof with the following wording:
“4.Forward this report to the Ontario Minister of Transportation, the Ontario Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Ontario Minister of Finance, the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority, and to the Federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, for consideration and requesting confirmation of funding for this work on the Transit City plan, consistent with the province of Ontario’s MoveOntario 2020 funding program.”
The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.
Chair Giambrone moved that the report be amended by adding a recommendation no. 7 to read as follows:
“7.In addition to the requirements of this report, additional budget approval is required from the city to allow environmental assessment work on the Transit City plans to continue as follows:
•Cashflow of $0.7m in the first quarter of 2008;
•TTC commit to a further budget reduction of $0.7m in 2008 to be accommodated through an additional unspecified budget reduction to offset the increase in Transit City funding;
•Cashflow of $2.05m in the remainder of 2008;
•Additional project costs commitment of $3.85m to cover contract requirements for the remaining ea work.”
The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.
Chair Giambrone moved adoption of recommendation nos. 1, 3, 5 and 6 contained in the report, as listed below:
“1.Approve interim funds of $13 million to allow engineering, design, and associated work to begin on the Sheppard east, Etobicoke-Finch West, and Eglinton-Crosstown LRT lines and on the required maintenance & storage (M&S) facilities, and for the supply of special Trackwork for the park Lawn/Lake Shore loop and the design of a new LRT loop at Kipling/Lake Shore, both of which are part of the Waterfront West LRT line.”
3.Request the City of Toronto to provide interim funding for these measures until such time as the Province of Ontario and the GTTA allocate sufficient funds, noting that delays in making these commitments and initiating project work will result in delays to the construction start dates noted in the report.
5.Subject to the confirmation of funding from the City of Toronto, approve:
(I)The hiring of TTC staff for the implementation of the above Transit City Project work as shown on exhibit 2, noting that recruitment will start immediately;
(II)Approve the issuance of a purchase order, in the total interim amount of $750,000 (included in 1 above), to the City of Toronto – Transportation Services, for the City’s costs associated with the design and construction support of the Transit City LRT Lines;
6.Forward this report to the City of Toronto Planning and Transportation Services.”
The motion by Chair Giambrone carried.
The Commission approved the report, as amended.
Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that staff be requested to provide an informational presentation on this matter at the next meeting.
The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.
Procurement Authorizations
a)Procurement Authorization – Duncan Shop,
Eglinton and Lakeshore Garages and Greenwood
Shop – Installation of Overhead Doors – Contract G60-144
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to 428686 Ontario Inc. o/a Superior Door & Gate Systems (Superior) in the amount of $775,313.15 for Contract G60-144, Duncan Shop, Eglinton and Lakeshore Garages, and Greenwood Shop Installation of Overhead Doors.
b)Waterfront West Streetcar – Expansion of Park Lawn Bus Loop to Accommodate Streetcars
It is recommended that the Commission:
1.Approve the revised design concept for the Park Lawn streetcar loop noting that:
a)The loop will allow provision of increased service west of Humber Loop to the Humber Bay Shores area, which is undergoing significant redevelopment and intensification;
b)The loop is larger than the original concept approved in 2003 due to the need to accommodate two streetcar tracks and an operators’ washroom building in addition to the existing bus service;
c)Public consultation has occurred through two public information meetings held in November 2006 and September 2007;
d)The concerns expressed by the local community refer primarily to the impacts of streetcars on traffic congestion at the Park Lawn/Lake Shore intersection, the existing poor quality of streetcar service in south Etobicoke, visual and noise impacts of the loop, and the loss of parkland to a large loop footprint, all of which have been addressed through the design and consultation process;
e)Extensive consultation has occurred with City Transportation, Planning and Parks staff, and with the local Councillor, all of whom support the loop; and
f)Staff from City Parks and Recreation Division, City Transportation and Planning, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) have provided input to the revised design concept, and have reviewed and accepted the design at the 30% level;
2.Forward this report to the Planning and Growth Management Committee and to City Council and to the TRCA for approval of the proposed design concept.
c)Procurement Authorization York University Busway Contract A60-16
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a Contract to Brennan Paving & Construction Ltd. in the amount of $17,100,788.00 for Contract A60-16 – York University Busway.
d)Procurement Authorization Inglis Building 4th Floor Interior Renovations Contract N1-12
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to Samson Management and Solutions Ltd. (Samson Management) in the amount of $1,750,000.00 for Contract N1-12, Inglis Building 4th Floor Interior Renovations.
e)Procurement Authorization Consultant Design Services Scarborough Rapid Transit Extension EA Amendment and Municipal Class EA Contract J85-21
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to URS Canada Inc. for Consultant Design Services – Scarborough Rapid Transit Extension – EA Amendment and Municipal Class EA, in the upset limit amount of $600,000.00.
f)Procurement Authorization – Supply of Cellular Modems and Cellular Antennas
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the issuance of purchase orders to:
1.Automotive Technology Group in the total amount of $671,029.65 (including applicable taxes) for the supply of 2,250 modems; and
2.Sinclair Technologies Inc. in the total amount of $181,747.35 (including applicable taxes) for the supply of 2,250 antennas.
g)Procurement Authorization – Supply of Various Commodity Stock Papers, Carbonless Papers and Miscellaneous Papers
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of two purchase orders for the supply of various papers for a 3 year term from December 1, 2007 to November 30, 2010, as follows:
1.Buntin Reid, Division of Domtar Inc. (Buntin Reid) for the supply of commodity stock papers and miscellaneous papers, in the upset limit amount of $660,000; and
3.Unisource Canada (Unisource) for the supply of carbonless papers, in the upset limit amount of $150,000.
h)Procurement Authorization – Purchase of Rockwell Meritor Brake Parts
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of Rockwell Meritor parts to the following companies for the period from November 2007 to November 2010:
-Fort Garry Industries for $1,977,000 including applicable taxes.
-DaimlerChrysler Commercial Buses North America Limited for $1,563,000 including applicable taxes.
-New Flyer Industries Canada ULC for $918,000 including applicable taxes.
-Baker Transit Parts for $85,000 including applicable taxes.
-Prevost Car Incorporated for $36,000 including applicable taxes.
-MCI Service Parts Incorporated for $12,000 including applicable taxes.
i)Procurement Authorization – Supply of Knorr Brake Parts
It is recommended that the Commission approve for inventory, additional funds in the amount of $2,808,000 for the purchase order with Knorr Brake Limited for the supply of Knorr parts resulting in a revised total upset limit of $10,333,000.
j)Procurement Authorization – Supply of Daimler Parts
It is recommended that the Commission approve for inventory, additional funds in the amount of $450,000 USD for the purchase order with Bombardier Transportation Holdings for the supply of various Daimler subway, streetcar and ICTS parts, resulting in a revised total upset limit of $2,725,000 USD.
k)Procurement Authorization – Supply of Conductor Cable
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a three-year inventory supply contract for the supply of 4 types of conductor cable to Anixter Canada Incorporated for the period from November 2007 to November 2010 for $5,000,000 including applicable taxes.
l)Procurement Authorization – Purchase of Wabco Parts
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the awarding of a three-year inventory supply contract for Wabco vehicle parts to Wabco Freight Car Products for the period from January 2008 to December 2010 for an upset limit of $12,700,000 including applicable taxes.
m)Procurement Authorization – Purchase of Wood Track Ties
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a three-year inventory supply contract for the supply of wood track ties to Stella-Jones Incorporated for the period from November 2007 to November 2010 for an upset limit of $906,500 including applicable taxes.
n)Procurement Authorization – Supply of Signals Equipment – South Yonge Resignalling
It is recommended that the Commission authorize:
1.The award of a contract to Alstom Signaling Inc. in the amount of $1,455,654.00 US equivalent to $1,537,752.89 CDN for the supply of 121 Signal Head Layouts (including standby parts) on the basis of the lowest tendered and evaluated price.
2.Funds in the estimated amount of $215,285.40 CDN that will be paid directly to the Federal and Provincial Governments for GST and PST; and
3.Funds in the estimated amount of $1,500.00 CDN that will be paid for freight and brokerage, bringing the total authorization for this contract to $1,754,538.29 CDN (note: using exchange rate of $1.00 US = $1.0564 CDN).
o)Procurement Authorization Consultant Services – Signals Engineering
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of contracts in the upset limit amounts stated below, for provision of engineering services for several signal projects within Project 2.4 Signal System Program for a total upset limit amount of $1,000,000.00 as follows:
Hatch Mott MacDonald Ltd. (Hatch)$500,000.00
UMA Engineering Ltd. (UMA)$500,000.00
Total Upset Limit Amount$1,000,000.00
p)Purchase Authorization – Supply of Currency Packaging Materials
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to Northern Specialty Supplies Ltd. in the upset limit amount of $840,000.00 for the supply of currency packaging materials for a three (3) year period from December 14, 2007 to December 13, 2010.
q)Summary of Authorized Expenditures between $200,000 to $500,000 for the Period August 1, 2007 to August 31, 2007
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($200,000 up to $500,000) for the period August 1, 2007 to August 31, 2007, which were approved by the Chief General Manager.
r)Summary of Authorized Expenditures between $200,000 to $500,000 for the Period September 1, 2007 to September 30, 2007
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($200,000 up to $500,000) for the period September 1, 2007 to September 30, 2007, which were approved by the Chief General Manager.
8.Procurement Authorization Amendments
a)Procurement Authorization – Purchase Order
Amendment for the Provision of Towing Services -
TTC Revenue, Non-Revenue and Miscellaneous Equipment
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a Purchase Order Amendment to Abrams Towing Services Ltd. to increase the total upset limit amount by $420,000 to a revised total amount of $2,120,000 for the supply of towing services.
a)Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization
Birchmount Garage New Office and Storage Area Contract E3-25
It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of Chair Giambrone, Vice-Chair Mihevc and the Chief General Manager authorizing the award of Contract E3-25, Birchmount Garage, New Office and Storage Area to Jeviso Construction Corporation (Jeviso) in the amount of $1,394,000.00.
b)Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization
Supply of Steel Poles for Fleet Street and St. Clair Avenue R.O.W.
It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Interim Chief General Manager a contract to Powco Inc. in the amount of $1,296,072.10, including taxes, for the supply of 75 Fleet Street steel poles and 215 decorative steel poles required for the St. Clair Avenue surface traction power systems.
Other Business
10.Kipling Station Redevelopment Handover to GO Transit
It is recommended that the Commission:
1.Authorize TTC staff to finalize the handover of the design and construction responsibilities for the Terminal, the re-aligned facilities and the parking lots at Kipling Station to GO Transit as of November 15, 2007 to the satisfaction of the Chief General Manager, in accordance with the principles set out herein.
2.Rescind its jurisdictional interest in the portion of the City’s owned land located within terminal lands, as shown on Attachment 1.
3.Authorize TTC staff to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with GO Transit, City of Toronto and Mississauga Transit regarding the roles and responsibilities of the various parties relating to the design, construction and funding of the Kipling Station Redevelopment on terms and conditions agreeable to the Chief General Manager.
4.Forward this report to the City of Toronto for concurrence with this course of action.
Commissioner Milczyn moved that a meeting take place as soon as possible involving the Chief General Manager, Ttc Chair, Commissioner Milczyn and the local area Councillor in order to resolve the issue of whether a site plan application to the City of Toronto will be necessary for the construction of potential commuter parking lot along Auckland.
The motion by Commissioner Milczyn carried.
11.Release of TTC Property Interest at Eglinton Avenue and Black Creek Drive
On the request of staff, the Commission agreed to the withdrawal of this report.
12.2008 Commission Meeting Schedule
It is recommended that the Commission approve the following 2008 Commission Meeting Schedule:
Wednesday, January 23, 2008Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008Wednesday, December 17, 2008
13.Information Technology Services’ Strategic Direction
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information, noting that staffing changes and project information being referenced in this report have been factored into the 2008 Operating and 2008-2012 Capital Budgets. They will continue to be reflected in future budget submissions.
14.Geospatial Technology Review – E-Commerce and Next Bus Arrival Project Status Update
A. Foster, Director, Project Management, IT Services Department gave a presentation with
respect to this matter.
Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the Commission receive the presentation and report for information.
The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.
15.TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 6.6.3 Product Endorsement
It is recommended that the Commission approve the following TTC Corporate Policy, which is attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’:
•Policy 6.6.3 Product Endorsement
16.TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 6.12.1 Marketing Co-op Promotions/Campaigns
It is recommended that the Commission approve the following TTC Corporate Policy, as amended, which is attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’:
•Policy 6.12.1 Marketing Co-op Promotions/Campaigns
17.TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 2.6.3 Subway/SRT Rule Book Training
It is recommended that the Commission approve TTC Corporate Policy 2.6.3, Subway/SRT Rule Book Training, which is attached as Appendix A.
18.Update #2 – Carbon Monoxide Incident of February 7, 2006
It is recommended that the Commission receive for information the updated Management Corrective Action Plan Checklist relating to the Carbon Monoxide Incident of February 7, 2006 which provides a status report on the progress toward closing the TTC Level 2 Investigation Recommendations and the Commission’s Recommendations.
19.1998, 2001 & 2004 APTA Rail Safety Audits – Updates
It is recommended that the Commission:
i)Receive for information, the thirteenth update of the TTC management Actions for the 1998 APTA Rail Safety Audit; and
ii)Forward this update to the Minister of Transportation, Province of Ontario and the Clerk of the City of Toronto for information.
20.Senior Management Review of the Safety System Minutes of July 3, 2007
It is recommended that the Commission receive for information, the minutes of the July 3, 2007 Senior Management Review of the Safety System meeting.
21.Response to Correspondence – Inaccessiblity of TTC to People with Non-Evident Disabilities
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.
Staff Response to Commission Inquiries
a) Construction of a New Fence at the
Eglinton West (East) Commuter Parking Lot
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated September 19, 2007 from G. Webster, Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Construction of a New Fence at the Eglinton West (East) Commuter Parking Lot.”
Vice-chair Mihevc moved that the Commission approve, in principle, a replacement fence subject to a further report due in four months to allow the TTC, the City’s Transportation Department and local residents to meet to determine a funding strategy and appropriate fencing.
The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.
C-1 The Honourable Laurel C. Broten, Minister of the Environment, dated September 6, 2007 advising that she had approved the Municipal Engineers Association’s (MEA) Major Amendment to include Transit Projects into its Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA).
The Commission received the communication.
C-2 The Honourable Donna Cansfield, Minister of Transportation, dated September 25, 2007 regarding the use of provincially owned transmission corridors for public transit.
The Commission received the communication.
C-3 Councillor Adrian Heaps, City of Toronto, dated October 31, 2007 requesting that bicycle stair channels be included in all TTC station rehabilitation projects.
The Commission referred the communication to staff for report.
C-4 Joe Clark, dated November 12, 2007 requesting that all revenue from advertising forms that compete with wayfinding be diverted to signage research.
The Commission received the communication.
C-5 Joe Clark, dated November 12, 2007 forwarding comments regarding allocation of signage budget.
The Commission received the communication.
C-6 Joe Clark, dated November 12, 2007 forwarding comments regarding abuse of legal threat concerning parody subway map.
The Commission received the communication.
C-7 Katharine Miller, dated November 13, 2007 expressing concerns with the signs found in and around Toronto’s Subway Stations.
The Commission received the communication.
C-8 Philip Johnson, dated November 13, 2007, forwarding comments regarding TTC signage and typeface.
The Commission received the communication.
C-9 Bev Agar, dated November 12, 2007 forwarding comments regarding TTC staff report entitled, “Response to Correspondence – Inaccessibility of TTC to People with Non-Evident Disabilities” which will be considered by the Commission at its meeting on November 14, 2007.
The Commission referred the communication to the Chief General Manager’s Office to coordinate a response.
(Also see report no. 21 for minute)
C-10 Janice Ashby, Founder TTC Environmental Citizen’s Group, dated November 12, 2007 encouraging the TTC to work with groups such as the TTC Environmental Citizen’s Group to enhance the transit system.
The Commission referred the communication to the Chief General Manager’s Office to coordinate a response.
C-11 Tina Hjorngaard and Paul Stewart, Ryerson University, dated November 13, 2007 regarding proposal to reduce fares for low income adults.
The Commission referred the communication to the Chief General Manager’s office to coordinate a response.
Supplementary Agenda
25.Transit City Light Rail Plan – Evaluation and Comparison of Routes
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Receive this report, noting that:
• The seven Transit City light rail lines have been evaluated against a comprehensive set of criteria in order to allow a comparison of the relative merits and challenges of each LRT line;
• The seven lines were evaluated against 31 criteria which were grouped into five major categories, those being:
-line performance
-city- and region-building
-constructability and physical challenges
• The evaluation confirms that all seven Transit City light rail lines will be good-performing routes with strong ridership, will be effective in diverting travel away from cars and onto transit; will contribute significantly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the GTA; will support key provincial and city development policies and directions; and will play an important role in city-and region-building; and
• The evaluation confirms that, on balance, the originally-recommended lines of Sheppard East, Etobicoke-Finch West, and Eglinton-Crosstown remain good choices for starting the implementation of the Transit City plan and, therefore, should be the first lines to undergo environmental assessments; and
2.Forward this report to the City of Toronto and the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority.