Board Meeting - March 24, 2004

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room #2 (2nd Floor), City Hall – 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1840
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Committee Of The Whole Resolution



  • 2:00 p.m.

Commissioners’ Correspondence

CC-1 Mayor David Miller re: Recent Fire at College Station - PRESENTATION

Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations


    Budget matters

  1. Chief General Manager's Report - Period 12, November 30 to December 31, 2003 Procurement Matters
  2. Procurement Authorization - Production and Development of Customer Information Materials
  3. Procurement Authorization - Downsview Station Commuter Parking Lot Expansion Contract A23-8
  4. Procurement Authorization - Key Station Accessibility Eglinton West Staton Contract A45-4 Contract Change A45-4-5
  5. Procurement Authorization - Lawrence West Station Easier Access Phase II Design Services Contract A85-60
  6. Procurement Authorization for 2004 Signal Priority Program
  7. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Dump Trucks/Salt Spreaders/Snow Plows
  8. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Two (2) Overhead Trucks (Transverse)
  9. Purchase Authorization - High Park, Dundas West and Wellesley Stations Escalator Controls Replacement Electrical Work Contract G45-40
  10. Purchase of Diesel Workcar Trucks
  11. Purchase of Axle Gearboxes
  12. Purchase of Bus Brake Drums
  13. Purchase of Subway and SRT Vehicle Glass
  14. Purchase of Impulse Overhead Parts
  15. Purchase of Maintenance for High-Speed Duplicator
  16. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period January 1 to January 31, 2004
  17. Notice of Award - Sheppard Subway Structure Finishing Contract Change Directive SH-00-C6-266 Repair Water Leaks at Don Mills Station
  18. Other Business

  19. Commuter Parking Policy
  20. Commuter Parking Expansion - Program Update
  21. TTC Commuter Parking Lots - Weekday Usage After 3:00 p.m.
  22. Electronic Conveyance of Title of Property (Beresford Substation, Otter Loop, St. John's Loop and Weston Substation)
  23. Summer Weekday Service to Cherry Street and the Rochester Ferry Terminal
  24. Status of TTC/GO Station Connections
  25. Staff Response to Commission Inquiries
  • Outstanding Commission Issues - Transit Development Corporation
  • Estimated Ridership Increase if TTC Loading Standards Were Reduced and Service Increased
  1. Service Improvements for 2004
  2. Correspondence - See Attached
  3. New Business

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 commencing at 1:15 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

H. Moscoe (Chair), J. Mihevc (Vice-Chair), B. Ashton, D. Shiner, P. Li Preti, A. Giambrone, S. Bussin, B. Balkissoon and Mayor D. Miller (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager - Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), L. Hilborn (Deputy General Manager - Corporate), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), R. Hughes (Chief Marketing Officer), S. Blakey (Manager - Human Resources), T. Andrews (Chief Special Constable), B. Dawson (Superintendent, Route & System Planning), F. Stanois (Co-ordinator - Secretariat Services) and A. Patrone (Administrative Co-ordinator) were present.
H. Moscoe was in the Chair.

Prior to commencing with the agenda, Chair Moscoe introduced Mazin Aribi and William Castor who will serve as Co-Chairs of the TTC Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner Shiner Moved That The Commission Approve The Minutes From Meeting No. 1839, And That The Chair And General Secretary Be Authorized To Sign The Same, Subject To Amending His Second Motion Embodied In Item No. 20 Entitled, "TTC Commuter Parking Lots - Weekday Usage After 3:00 P.M." By Striking Out The Words "Properly Programmed To Facilitate The Proposed Changes" And Replacing In Lieu Thereof The Words "Currently Operating Within Current Time Periods And Current Charges For The Lots", So Such Motion Reads As Follows:

"Commissioner Shiner Moved That Staff Be Requested To Ensure That The Parking Lots With The Pay Display Units Are Currently Operating Within Current Time Periods And Current Charges For The Lots."

The Motion By Commissioner Shiner Carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes

a) Item #26 - Post-Implementation Reviews: 9 Bellamy, 80 Queensway, 112 West Mall and 194 Zoo Rocket

Commissioner Ashton provided an update concerning his discussions with staff regarding the proposed elimination of Saturday early evening service on the 9 Bellamy route.

Commissioner Ashton Moved That Saturday Early Evening Service On The 9 Bellamy Route Be Eliminated Effective June 20, 2004.

The Motion By Commissioner Ashton Carried.

Committee of the whole resolution



a) Funding Urgent TTC Capital Projects

Joan Doiron, President

Better Transportation Coalition of Ontario(Submitted communication)

Alan Serpa (Submitted brief)

Hamish Wilson (Submitted brief)

The Commission Received The Deputations.

b) Protocols Re: Filming on TTC Properties

Prior to hearing the deputations, R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager gave an overhead slide presentation concerning this matter.

The Commission Received The Presentation.

The Commission then heard from the following deputants:

Mimi Wolch

I.A.T.S.E. 873

Gabe Fallus, Location Manager

Two Kings Project

Paul Kenyon, President

Absolute Location Support Services

Donna Zuchlinski, Acting Film Commissioner

Ontario Media Development Corporation

Sarah Kerr-Hornell

Film Ontario

Geoff Cornish

Commercial Production Association of Toronto

Marty Dejczak, Location Manager

The Commission Received The Deputations.

Mayor Miller Moved That His Letter Dated March 23, 2004 Be Referred To TTC Staff With The Following Instructions:

That Staff Be Requested To Make Every Effort To Accommodate The Requested Date Of April 5, 2004 For The Two Kings Production Inc., Provided That It Can Be Done Safely And That The Production Company Be Required To Pay For Any Additional Overtime Costs Required To Expedite This Filming.

The Motion By Mayor Miller Carried.

Commissioner Shiner Moved The Following Motions:

1. That TTC Staff, Directed By The Chief General Manager, Meet With Staff From The Toronto Film Office And Representatives Of Flic And Report Back To The Commission With A Workable Film Friendly Policy That Combines Film Work With Safe Practices, including ways of accommodating short duration requests. Should there be any additional costs for expedited approval of filming request, these costs, Shall Be Detailed And Be At The Full Expense Of The Proponent. And Further, That The Mayor And/Or His Staff Be Requested To Assist In Facilitating The Foregoing; And

2. That A Report Be Brought Forward To The Commission In Eight Weeks Time On The Status Of This Policy.

The Motions By Commissioner Shiner Carried.

c) Report No. 24b) - Estimated Ridership Increase if TTC Loading Standards Were Reduced and Service Increased

Steve Munro

Gord Perks

David Fisher

The Commission Received The Deputations.

(See Report No. 24B For Minute)

d) Report No. 25 - Service Improvements for 2004

David Fisher

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Report No. 25 For Minute)

Commissioners Correspondence

CC-1 Mayor David Miller dated March 5, 2004 requesting that TTC staff submit a report on the recent fire at College Station along with any recommended action regarding public safety.

The Commission Received The Communication And Deferred Hearing The Staff Presentation On This Matter Until Its Next Meeting.

CC-2 Mayor David Miller dated March 23, 2004 regarding the use of Wilson Yard by Two Kings Productions Inc. for filming purposes.

The Commission Received The Communication For Information.

(See Deputation (B) For Minute)



Budget Matters

1. Chief General Manager's Report

Period 12 November 30 to December 31, 2003

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive for information the Chief General Manager's (CGM's) report covering the period November 30, to December 31, 2003 noting that:

• 2003 TTC Operating Budget

2003 ridership was 6.6 million rides under budget and passenger revenues fell a corresponding $9.1 million short of budget, with this unbudgeted shortfall being offset by the elimination of the Contribution to Capital;

• 2003 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget

A minimal budget variance was experienced but the unaccommodated rate for the year was 3.2%, in comparison to the 2% budgeted;

• 2003-2007 Capital Program

The year-end cash flow was $82.4 million less than budgeted; and

2. Forward a copy of this cover report to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM's report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission.


Procurement Matters

2. Procurement Authorization - Production and Development of Customer Information Materials

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order for the production and development of customer information materials for a two-year term from April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2006 to:

a) McDonnell Haynes Ltd. in the total upset limit amount of $1,355,000 as the primary service provider; and

b) Axmith McIntyre Wicht Ltd. in the total upset limit amount of $605,000 as the secondary service provider.


3. Procurement Authorization - Downsview Station Commuter Parking Lot Expansion Contract A23-8

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Fermar Paving Limited (Fermar) in the amount of $1,704,500.00 for Contract A23-8 - Downsview Station Commuter Parking Lot.


4. Procurement Authorization Key Station Accessibility

Eglinton West Station - Contract A45-4 Change Directive A45-4-5

It is recommended that the Commission authorize an additional amount of $121,717.45 to Change Directive A45-4-5 to Steelcase Construction Inc. for the work associated with the revised shoring system of the west elevator. The work is required to accommodate the presence of an existing storm sewer. This will bring the total authorized amount for Change Directive A45-4-5 to $151,717.45.


5. Procurement Authorization Lawrence West Station Easier Access Phase II Design Services Contract A85-60

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of Contract A85-60 to Giffels Associates Limited (Giffels) for Consultant Design Services in the upset limit amount of $400,000.00


Chair Moscoe Moved That Should Modifications Be Required As A Result Of The Redevelopment Of The Riocan Property (Lawrence Square), They Be Recovered Through The Redevelopment Process.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

6. Procurement Authorization for 2004 Signal Priority Program

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to the City of Toronto Transportation Services Division, with an upset limit of $800,000, for the purchase of traffic signal equipment related to signal priority, the installation of detector loops and cables, and the modification of controllers, associated with the 2004 Signal Priority Program;

2. Forward this report to the City of Toronto Transportation Division.


7. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Dump Trucks/Salt Spreaders/Snow Plows

Commissioner Shiner Moved That This Matter Be Deferred Until The Next Meeting And That Staff Be Requested To Bring Forward Information On The Rationale Of Purchasing The Units Complete, Including Cost Savings That May Be Associated With Buying The Units Separately.

The Motion By Commissioner Shiner Carried.

8. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Two (2) Overhead Trucks (Transverse)

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Allan Fyfe Equipment Ltd. in the amount of $448,005.50 for the supply of two (2) overhead trucks (transverse type).


9. Procurement Authorization High Park, Dundas West and Wellesley Stations Escalator Controls Replacement Electrical Work Contract G45-40

It is recommended that the Commission authorize acceptance of the tender submitted by Somerville Construction (A Division of 671860 Ontario Inc.) (Somerville) in the amount of $356,000 for Contract G45-40, High Park Dundas West and Wellesley Stations, Escalator Controls Replacement, Electrical Work.


10. Purchase of Diesel Workcar Trucks

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the purchase, for inventory, of 12 diesel workcar trucks as follows:

a) Proposal from Atchison Steel Casting and Machining $1,190,016.48 (US)

b) Freight, duty, taxes and Brokerage $ 272,605.03 (CDN)


11. Purchase of Axle Gearboxes

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the purchase, for inventory, of 30 axle gearboxes from General Gear (a Division of General Donlee Ltd.) in the amount of $868,214.35 including applicable taxes.


12. Purchase of Bus Brake Drums

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of bus brake drums to the following companies for the period from March 2004 to March 2007:

- MCI Fleet Support Group for $2,995,000 including applicable taxes.

- UAP Incorporated, Heavy Vehicle Parts Division - Traction for $93,000 including applicable taxes.


13. Purchase of Subway and SRT Vehicle Glass

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of subway and SRT vehicle glass to the following companies for the period from March 2004 to March 2007:

- Barber Glass Industries Incorporated for $385,000 including applicable taxes.

- North American Transit Supply Corporation for $96,000 including applicable taxes.

- Lamiver Incorporated for $43,000 including applicable taxes.


14. Purchase of Impulse Overhead Parts

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contract for the supply of Impulse overhead parts for the period March 2004 to March 2007 to Impulse NC Incorporated for an upset limit of $2,639,000 including applicable taxes.


15. Purchase of Maintenance for High-Speed Duplicator

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract amendment for Purchase Order No. PC41167 to Xerox Canada Ltd. (Xerox) for the provision of maintenance services for an additional four-year period to April 2009 for the Docutech 6180 high-speed duplicator in the upset limit amount of $237,000.


16. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period January 1, 2004 to January 31, 2004

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period January 1, 2004 to January 31, 2004, which were approved by Senior Management.


17. Notice of Award of Sheppard Subway Structure Finishing Contract Change Directive SH-00-C6-266 Repair Water Leaks at Don Mills Station

It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Chief General Manager to authorize an additional amount of $116,143 to Change Directive SH-00-C6-266 to Grascan Construction Ltd. for the repair of water leaks at Don Mills Station. This will bring the total authorized amount for Change Directive SH-00-C6-266 to $200,000.


Other Business

Other Business

18. Commuter Parking Policy

Chair Moscoe Moved The Following Amendments To Sections 3.7, 5.2, 5.3 And 6.0 Of The Policy:

(3.7) - Add The Words "And No Required Changes Be Made Without Consultation With The Area Councillor(S)" At The End Of The Clause, So Section 3.7 Reads As Follows:

"3.7 The Appropriate Department Will Be Responsible For Liaison With The Community Through The Respective Councillors With Respect To Changes Or Proposals That Are Made Which Would Impact On The Neighbouring Communities, And No Required Changes Be Made Without Consultation With The Area Councillor(S)."

(5.2) - Add The Words "Commission On The Recommendation Of The" After The Word "The" And Before The Word "Property", So Section 5.2 Reads As Follows:

"5.2 Notwithstanding The General Principle Of 1 For 1 Spot Replacement, The Specific Amount Of Commuter Parking To Be Replaced To Facilitate Development Will Be Determined By The Commission On The Recommendation Of The Property Development Department Based On Historical, Current, And Forecast Demand For Commuter Parking At The Location And Taking Into Account The Net Financial Impact On The TTC."

(5.3) - Add The Words "Subject To The Approval Of The Commission" After The Word "Consider" And Before The Word "Cash", So Section 5.3 Reads As Follows:

"5.3 Alternatively To 5.1 Above, The TTC Would Consider Subject To The Approval Of The Commission Cash In Lieu Of Replacement Spaces, Particularly For Spaces Used By Non-Transit Users."

(6.0) Add The Words "And Approved By The Commission" At The End Of The Clause, So Section 6.0 Reads As Follows:

"6.0 The Pricing And Revenue Strategies For New Or Existing Lots Are To Be Developed Jointly By The Property Development, Service Planning, And Marketing And Public Affairs Departments And Approved By The Commission."

The Motions By Chair Moscoe Carried.

19. Commuter Parking Expansion Program - Update

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive this report for information on the update of the Commuter Parking Expansion Program.

2. Authorize funding in the amount of $180,000 for the completion of the studies noted below from the under-expenditures in the existing capital budget for commuter parking expansion:

i) The undertaking of a study to identify the opportunities and a long-term plan for commuter parking expansion as outlined in the TTC's Ridership Growth Strategy (RGS) at an estimated cost of $100,000;

ii) The completion of a comprehensive origin/destination and socio-economic survey of existing commuter parking users, as input to the development of an RGS commuter parking expansion plan at an estimated cost of $80,000.


Chair Moscoe Moved The Following Motions:

1. That The Studies Include A Review Of TTC Employee Vehicles Currently Using These Lots.

2. That Staff Recommend Policy Changes Where Possible, To Make These Spots Available For The Use Of Customers.

3. That Any New Equipment Purchases Allow For The Use Of Payment By Credit And Debit Cards.

4. That Studies Include The Feasibility Of Replacing The Empty 2nd Bus Terminal At The Wilson Station With A Parking Structure.

The Motions By Chair Moscoe Carried.

Commissioner Shiner Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Further On The Expansion Of The Leslie Station Commuter Parking Lot And Consideration For Joint Development After Further Meetings With The Local Councillor, Real Estate Department, And TTC Staff.

The Motion By Commissioner Shiner Carried.

20. TTC Commuter Parking Lots - Weekday Usage After 3:00 P.M.

Commissioner Shiner Moved Adoption Of The Report, Subject To Amending The Recommendation By Deleting The Words "York Mills", So Such Recommendation Reads As Follows:

"It Is Recommended That The Commission Receive This Report For Information Noting That Effective Monday, May 3, 2004, The Charging Of Cash Users After 3:00 p.m. On Weekdays Will Be Eliminated At All Lots Except For Eglinton West (2 Lots), Keele, Islington-Lomond And Islington-Cordova."

21. Electronic Conveyance of Title of Property

Beresford Substation, Otter Loop, St. John's Loop and Weston Substation

It is recommended that the Commission authorize:

Staff within the City of Toronto Legal Division, designated by the City Solicitor, subject to the approval of TTC General Counsel, to electronically register the land transfer and registration documents and when electronically registering the documents in the Provincial Land Registry Offices on behalf of the Toronto Transit Commission for the sale and transfer of title for real estate properties, including the sale of Beresford Substation, Otter Loop, St. John's Loop and Weston Substation to include the statement, where required, that they have the necessary approvals to carry out the transactions and the authority to bind the Commission.


22. Summer Weekday Service to Cherry Street and the Rochester Ferry Terminal

It is recommended that the Commission:

1) Receive this report for information noting that:

• new 172 CHERRY STREET bus service will be provided seven days per week, on Cherry Street south of Commissioners Street, to serve each arrival and departure of the new Rochester Ferry, beginning April 30, 2004;

• plans for the access roads to the new terminal have not been finalised but TTC service will operate into the ferry terminal as soon as it is operationally feasible to do so; and

• preliminary arrangements have been discussed with the ferry operator to obtain real-time information about walk-on passenger loads on the ferry so that extra TTC service can be added, as required, on a trip-by-trip basis.

2) Forward this report to City of Toronto and the Toronto Port Authority for information.


Commissioner Bussin Moved That Staff Be Requested To Consult With Councillor Fletcher On Service Changes Or Site Modifications Which May Occur At This Location.

The Motion By Commissioner Bussin Carried.

23. Status of TTC/GO Station Connections

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive this report for information, noting that:

• there are excellent connections between GO Rail and TTC subway stations at Union Station and at Kipling Station; the Union Station connection is well used, but the Kipling Station connection is not because it does not provide potential GO users with reasonable access to their desired destinations;

• GO Transit plans to improve connections with TTC stations at Leslie/Oriole and Kennedy stations this year;

• City Council approved, in principle, the construction of an improved connection between the TTC Dundas West Station and Bloor Station on the Georgetown GO line; this connection is expected to have very low usage under current conditions, and TTC staff do not support the inclusion of funding for this project in the TTC's Capital Budget at this time;

• The recently announced Airport Rail Link would operate in the GO Transit Georgetown corridor, and is premised, in part, on an improved connection with TTC at Dundas West subway station; GO Transit has been mandated to accommodate the requirements for the airport rail link within their Georgetown corridor expansion project;

• Opportunities for additional connections between GO Rail and TTC services are being considered in non-going City and TTC planning activities, notably in the Don Valley Corridor Study, the planning associated with the extensions of the Spadina and Sheppard subways and in planning for the Waterfront; and

2. Forward this report to GO Transit and the Commissioner of Urban Development Services, City of Toronto.


Commissioner Bussin Moved That Staff Be Requested To Meet With Her To Provide Additional Information On The Main Street/Danforth Connection.

The Motion By Commissioner Bussin Carried.

Commissioner Shiner Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On When The Relocation At The Leslie/Oriole Connection Will Be Commencing.

The Motion By Commissioner Shiner Carried.

Vice-Chair Mihevc Moved That The TTC Request Go Transit To Consider A Go Station At St. Clair And Caledonia Once The TTC Decision On The Trackwork Has Been Made.

The Motion By Vice-Chair Mihevc Carried.

Staff Response to Commission Inquiries

a) Outstanding Commission Issues - Transit Development Corporation

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated March 24, 2004 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - Outstanding Commission Issues - Transit Development Corporation."

The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.

b) Estimated Ridership Increase if TTC Loading

Standards Were Reduced and Service Increased

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated March 24, 2004 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - Estimated Ridership Increase if TTC Loading Standards Were Reduced and Service Increased."

The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.

Chair Moscoe Moved The Following Motions:

1. That Staff Be Requested To Bring Forward The Report On "TTC Key Performance Measures" To The Next Commission Meeting.

2. That Staff Be Requested To Report Back At The May 2004 Commission Meeting With A Work Plan For A Study Examining A 35 Percent Improvement In Service, Including Proposed Terms Of Reference, A Consultation Plan, And A Timeline.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

25. Service Improvements for 2004

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Initiate a 10-week consultation process regarding the recommended service changes shown in Table 1 and described in the attached report, entitled, Service Improvements for 2004, noting that:

• The 12 recommended service changes would improve service for approximately 830,000 current customer-trips annually and attract approximately 300,000 new customer-trips annually to the TTC; and

• The results of the consultation process will be reported to the Commission.

2. Forward this report, and the attached report to members of City Council with a request that they provide comments on the service change recommendations by June 4, 2004, noting that all recommended service changes are indexed by City ward in Table 2, attached to this report; and

3. Forward this report to the City of Mississauga, York Region, and GO Transit.


Commissioner Balkissoon Moved That Staff Be Requested To Review The Feasibility Of Reinstating The Bus Stop At The Intersection Of Sheppard Avenue And Brimley Road On The 190 Scarborough Centre Rocket Route.

The Motion By Commissioner Balkissoon Carried.

Commissioner Bussin Moved That During The 10-Week Consultation Period, Contact Be Made With The Local Councillors Regarding The 31 Greenwood Route, Service To Eastern Avenue.

The Motion By Commissioner Bussin Carried.

Chair Moscoe Moved That As Part Of The Next Set Of Service Improvements, Staff Review The Feasibility Of Mississauga Transit Operating The 50 Burnhamthorpe Route.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.


C-1 The Honourable Greg Sorbara, Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario responding to Chair Moscoe's letter dated January 20, 2004 regarding the Toronto Transit Commission's request for relief from Ontario's fuel tax.

The Commission Received The Communication For Information.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Directed To Pursue A TTC Exemption From The Federal Excise Tax On Fuel.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

C-2 Philip Webb dated March 22, 2004 regarding the issue of fire safety and second exits at subway stations.

Commissioner ashton moved that mr. Webb's communication be referred to staff for report.

The Motion By Commissioner Ashton Carried.

New Business

a) Union Subway Station Second Platform Project - Toronto

Waterfront Revitalization Corporation - Federal Funding Update

It is recommended that the Commission authorize:

(a) Funds in the amount of $255,000 for the Federal Government's share of costs from January to March 2004;

(b) Funds in the amount of $55,000 for work associated with responding to Federal and Provincial Environmental Agencies noting that all other work will be stopped as of March 31, 2004 pending resolution of funding;

(c) City Council be requested to confirm its support for this approach noting that the City will be obliged to assume these costs in the event further funding is not received.


b) Committee of the Whole Resolution

The Commission Approved A Resolution By Commissioner Giambrone To Meet As The Committee Of The Whole at 10:00 a.m., Or Later, On Wednesday, April 14, 2004, To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.

c) Creation of Greater Toronto Transportation Authority

Commissioner Ashton Moved That The TTC Advise The Minister Of Transportation And Minister Of Public Infrastructure Renewal Of Our Desire To Reserve An Opportunity To Fully And Comprehensively Address Any Concerns Arising From The Province's Report On The Establishment Of A Regional Transit Authority.

The Motion By Commissioner Ashton Carried.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff, In The Interim, And As Soon As The Province's Report Is Received, Prepare A Briefing Report For The Commissioners Making Them Aware Of The Details And If In Fact The City's Position Is Consistent With The Recommendations.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Supplementary Agenda


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