Board Meeting - January 24, 2003

Meeting Info

Date:Thursday, January 23, 2003
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room #2 (2nd Floor), City Hall – 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1823
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes

  • Items 5 and 5a "Procurement Authorization - Supply of Photo ID Cards for Adults, Students and Senior Citizens"

Committee Of The Whole Resolution



  • 2:00 p.m.

Commissioners’ Correspondence


Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations


  1. Presentation of Plaques to Retiring Members of ACAT
  2. Bus Propulsion Technology - Verbal Update
  3. Budget Matters

  4. Chief General Manager's Report - Period 11 November 3 to November 30, 2002 
  5. Status Update - Capital Funding
  6. Procurement Matters

  7. Procurement Authorization Soil Remediation at Cangel and Lansdowne Garage Contact B3-9 Contract Change B3-9-3
  8. Procurement Authorization Eglinton Bus Terminal Temporary Bus Facility and Easier Access Improvements Contract S6-19 
  9. Procurement Authorization Dundas West Station Structural Paving Rehabilitation Contract B4-9 
  10. Procurement Authorization Key Station Accessibility Main Street Station Contract E45-2  
  11. Procurement Authorization Birchmount Bus Garage - Outdoor Bus Storage Contract E3-15 Contract Change E3-15-56
  12. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Escalator Refurbishment Kits  
  13. Procurement Authorization - Supply, Installation, Disposal and Replacement of Glass and Glass Hardware at Various Commission Locations  
  14. Procurement Authorization - Disposal of Hazardous Liquid Waste 
  15. Procurement Authorization - Supply and Disposal of Rectifier Transformers - Various Locations
  16. Purchase of EPAC Overhead Electrical Parts
  17. Purchase of Wabco Vehicle Parts
  18. Redistribution of Authorization for Construction Management Services Consultants Contract G85-138
  19. Sheppard Subway Installation of Additional Floor Drainage Systems at Five Stations Change Directive SH-00-C6-144
  20. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period November 3, 2002 to November 30, 2002 
  21. Other Business

  22. Brimley SRT Station Feasibility Study
  23. Commuter Parking Expansion Downsview Commuter Parking Lot Conceptual Layout Approval 
  24. Appointment of Members to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation
  25. Request for Travel - Subway Operations Structure Maintenance
  26. 2001 Audit Management Letter Follow-up Report
  27. Staff Response to Commission Inquiry
    • TTC Subway Filming Procedures
    • Life Span of Call Centre Management Information System Upgrade
  28. Correspondence
  29. New Business

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Friday, January 24, 2003 commencing at 1:15 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

B. Disero (Chair), S. Shaw (Vice-Chair), H. Moscoe, B. Ashton, D. Miller, J. Flint, P. Li Preti and N. Kelly (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager - Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), S. Blakey (Manager – Human Resources), R. Hughes (Chief Marketing Officer), T. Andrews (Acting Chief Security Officer), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary), and F. Stanois (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.
B. Disero was in the Chair.
R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager - Surface Operations and W. Brown, Manager - Vehicle Engineering were present for Item No. 2.
R. Thacker, General Superintendent - Wheel-Trans Operations was present for Item No. 1.

Chair Disero requested Roll Call.

Chair Disero, Vice-Chair Shaw, Commissioner Moscoe, Commissioner Kelly and Commissioner Miller were present.

Chair Disero noted that there was quorum of members and called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

B. Disero (Chair), S. Shaw (Vice-Chair), H. Moscoe, B. Ashton, D. Miller, J. Flint, P. Li Preti and N. Kelly (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager - Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), S. Blakey (Manager – Human Resources), R. Hughes (Chief Marketing Officer), T. Andrews (Acting Chief Security Officer), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary), and F. Stanois (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.
B. Disero was in the Chair.
R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager - Surface Operations and W. Brown, Manager - Vehicle Engineering were present for Item No. 2.
R. Thacker, General Superintendent - Wheel-Trans Operations was present for Item No. 1.

Chair Disero requested Roll Call.

Chair Disero, Vice-Chair Shaw, Commissioner Moscoe, Commissioner Kelly and Commissioner Miller were present.

Chair Disero noted that there was quorum of members and called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes

Item Nos. 5 and 5a - Procurement Authorization - Supply of Photo ID Cards for Adults, Students and Senior Citizens
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated January 24, 2003 from V. Rodo, General Secretary advising that the Litigation Sub-Committee considered this matter at its meeting on December 18, 2002 and approved the staff recommendation to award a contract to Datacard Canada Company for the supply of photo identification cards for adults, students and seniors in the upset limit of $1,900,000 for the three-year period commencing February 1, 2003 to January 31, 2006.

The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.

Committee of the whole resolution



a) Report No. 13 - Procurement Authorization - Supply and Disposal of Rectifier Transformers - Various Locations

Joe Segna
Senior Project Manager
Black & McDonald Ltd.
(Submitted brief)

The Commission Received The Deputation.
(See Report No. 13 For Minute)

Commissioners Correspondence



1. Retiring Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation Members

R. Thacker, General Superintendent - Wheel-Trans Operations advised that the following individuals had recently retired as members of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation:

Patrick Cluskey (not present)

Dr. Michael Dashchuk

Tom George (not present)

Ann Griffin

William Brown (not present)

On behalf of the Commission, Chair Disero thanked the above individuals for their contributions and presented them with a plaque in recognition of their time, dedication and commitment to the Committee.

2. Bus Propulsion Technology

R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager - Surface Operations and W. Brown, Manager Vehicle Engineering gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.

The Commission Received The Presentation For Information.

Chair Disero Moved The Following:

1. That The Commission Support The Kyoto Protocol;

2. That The Information Presented Be Forwarded To The Federal And Provincial Governments To Establish The Necessary Links Concerning The Kyoto Protocol, As Well As Convey The Commission's Commitment To The Initiative;

3. That The Commission Establish A Kyoto Protocol Sub-Committee Comprising Of Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Ashton And Commissioner Moscoe, With Commissioner Miller Serving As Chair; And

4. That Staff Be Requested To Investigate And Report Back On A Grant Program Offered By The Federal Government Which Was Recently Used By Montreal To Purchase Buses.

The Commission Unanimously Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.

Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On The Kyoto Credit System And The Feasibility Of It Being Used As A Means Of Generating Financial Support For The Commission.

The Commission Unanimously Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.

Budget Matters

3. Chief General Manager's Report - Period 11 - November 3 to November 30, 2002

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the Chief General Manager’s (CGM’s) report covering the period November 3 to November 30, 2002 noting that:

• 2002 TTC Operating Budget the year-end shortfall is still projected to be about $30 million; this will be funded through a $24 million draw from the Riders Reserve Fund and a $6 million reduction in the Contribution to Capital;

• 2002 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget that the current expenditures are projected to be essentially on budget but that the unaccommodated rate is expected to be approximately 3.0% for 2002;

• 2002-2006 Capital Program that the 2002 year-end cash flow is now projected to be $36.7 million under budget; and

2. Forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM's report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission).


4. Status Update - Capital Funding

It is recommended that the Commission receive this status report on Federal and Provincial funding.


Chair Disero Moved That The Commission, Through The Chair, Write To The Mayor, The City Transit Funding Committee, The City Budget Chief And The Cao; To Request What Action Is Being Taken To Secure 2003 Federal Funding Of $104.7M. Further, That Such Communications Note That The TTC Is Currently Undertaking $314.1m (excluding sheppard) Of Capital Spending In 2003 Which Includes The Yet To Be Secured One-Third Federal Contribution Of $104.7m in 2003.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.

Procurement Matters

5. Procurement Authorization Soil Remediation at Cangel and Lansdowne Garage Contract B3-9 Contract Change B3-9-3

It is recommended that the Commission authorize an increase to Contract Change B3-9-3, in the amount of $51,929.74 bringing the total amount authorized to $126,929.74, to AIM Waste Management Inc. for the excavation and disposal of additional impacted soil and placement of imported select fill.


6. Procurement Authorization Eglinton Bus Terminal Temporary Bus Facility and Easier Access Improvements Contract S6-19

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Struct-Con Construction Ltd. (Struct-Con) in the amount of $8,045,000.00, for Contract S6-19, Eglinton Bus Terminal Temporary Bus Facility and Easier Access Improvements.


7. Procurement Authorization Dundas West Station Structural Paving Rehabilitation Contract B4-9

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Torbridge Construction Ltd. in the amount of $464,500.00, for Contract B4-9 - Dundas West Station - Structural Paving Rehabilitation.


8. Procurement Authorization Key Station Accessibility Main Street Station Contract E45-2

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Ross Clair/Division of R.O.M. Contractors Inc. (Ross Clair) in the amount of $3,328,000.00 for Contract E45-2, Key Station Accessibility - Main Street Station.


9. Procurement Authorization Birchmount Bus Garage - Outdoor Bus Storage Contract E3-15 Contract Change E3-15-56

It is recommended that the Commission authorize an increase to Contract Change E3-15-56 in the amount of $75,000 bringing the total amount authorized to $165,000 to Ashbridge Construction Inc. for UWE boiler room modifications.


10. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Escalator Refurbishing Kits It is recommended that the Commission approve the award of a contract to Kone Inc. (formerly Montgomery Kone Inc.), in the total upset limit amount of $3,967,634.36, for the supply of escalator refurbishment kits and escalator steps for the period January 2003 to December 2004 on the basis of single source.


Commissioner Miller Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report On The Escalator Refurbishing Program, Including The Provision Of Information Explaining The Timeframes Necessary To Repair An Escalator.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.

Commissioner Moscoe Moved That In Conjunction With The Report Requested By Commissioner Miller, That Staff Also Bring Forward Previous Reports Submitted To The Commission On The Issue Of Escalator Repairs.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.

11. Procurement Authorization - Supply, Installation, Disposal and Replacement of Glass and Glass Hardware at Various Commission Locations

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to C&G Glass and Mirror Ltd., in the total upset limit of $771,000 for the supply, installation, disposal and replacement of glass and glass hardware at various Commission locations, for the period of February 1, 2003 to January 31, 2006 on the basis of only bid received.


Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Prior To Renewal Of This Contract In The Future, Staff Canvass The Industry To Establish If There Are Other Companies Interested In Bidding On This Requirement.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.
12. Procurement Authorization - Disposal of Hazardous Liquid Waste

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to Quantex Technologies Inc. in the total upset limit amount of $900,000 for receiving, hauling and disposal of hazardous liquid waste, for the contract period February 1, 2003 to January 31, 2006, on the basis of lower proposed price.


The Commission also had before it a memorandum dated January 23, 2003 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Commission Report No. 12 - Procurement Authorization - Disposal of Hazardous Waste."

The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.

13. Procurement Authorization - Supply and Disposal of Rectifier Transformers - Various Locations

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by The State Group Industrial Limited (State) in the amount of $1,450,660.00, which includes an amount of $58,660.00 for Specified Options 1 through 4 inclusive, for the supply of seven new rectifier transformers and two new rectifiers including disposal of the old existing units.


14. Purchase of EPAC Overhead Electrical Parts

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a three-year inventory supply contract for EPAC overhead electrical parts for the period from February 2003 to January 2006 to Electric Power Accessories Company Limited in the upset limit of $320,000 including applicable taxes.


15. Purchase of WABCO Vehicle Parts

It is recommended that the Commission authorize for inventory, additional authority in the amount of $4,000,000 from Wabco Company Limited resulting in a revised upset limit of $8,300,000.


16. Redistribution of Authorization for Construction

Management Services Consultants Contract G85-138

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the redistribution of the $4.5M overall upset limit amount to three consultant firms previously awarded contracts, as indicated below:

• To reduce the amount by $0.7M for McCormick Rankin Corporate - P.O. No. C11V0789 from $1.5M to $0.8M.

• To increase the amount by $0.35M for Revay-Trow Joint Venture - P.O. No. C11V0787 from $1.5M to $1.85M.

• To increase the amount by $0.35M for RPA + UMA Joint Venture - P.O. No. C11V0788 from $1.5M to $1.85M.


17. Sheppard Subway Installation of Additional Floor Drainage Systems at Five Stations Change Directive SH-00-C6-144

It is recommended that the Commission authorize an additional amount of $325,000 to Change Directive SH-00-C6-144 to Grascan Construction Ltd. for the installation of additional floor drainage systems at Don Mills, Leslie, Bessarion, Bayview and Sheppard-Yonge Stations. This will bring the total authorized for Change Directive SH-00-C6-144 to $425,000.


18. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period November 3, 2002 to November 30, 2002

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period November 3, 2002 to November 30, 2002 which were approved by Senior Management.


Other Business

19. Brimley SRT Station Feasibility Study

It is recommended that the Commission:

a) receive the report titled, "Brimley Road Scarborough RT Station and Interim Pedestrian Connections - Feasibility Study" for information, and

b) forward this report to the Scarborough Community Council and City Council for their information.


Vice-Chair Shaw Moved That Any Motions And/Or Recommendations Made By The Scarborough Community Council Be Brought Back For Further Review By The Commission.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Vice-Chair Shaw.

20. Commuter Parking Expansion Downsview Commuter Parking Lot Conceptual Layout Approval Contract A23-8

It is recommended that the Commission:

a) approve the conceptual layout of the Downsview Commuter Parking Lot;

b) authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order in the amount of $825,000.00 to the City of Toronto to cover the cost of all work within the Allen Road right-of-way required for the parking lot; and

c) approve the terms for the interim transfer of the lands as outlined in this report.


Commissioner Li Preti Moved That In Addition To The Development Charges Presently Under Review By The City That Any Sale Of Lands In The Vicinity Be Subject To Development Charges Specifically Geared For The Spadina Subway Extension To Steeles.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Li Preti.

Commissioner Flint Moved That Staff Be Requested To Develop A Position Paper On Development Charges And The TTC, And That This Be Incorporated Into The Ridership Growth Strategy So That The Commission Can Finalize TTC Recommendations To The City's Upcoming Development Charges Review.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Flint.

Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Review With City Planning, In Light Of The Secondary Plan For These Lands, The Feasibility Of A Reduced Speed Limit On Allen Road In Conjunction With The Installation Of The New Traffic Light To Service The Parking Lot.

Commissioner Ashton Moved That The TTC In Consultation With City Staff Coordinate The Sizing Of Sewers In Anticipation Of Future Development.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Ashton.

21. Appointment of Members to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation

It is recommended that the Commission approve the appointment of six candidates (biographies attached) to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation for a three year term commencing January 2003.


22. Request for Travel - Subway Operations Structure Maintenance

It is recommended that the Commission approve the travel request for Mr. Luigi Narduzzo - Leak Remediation Engineer, Track & Structure Department, to attend the Third International Conference on Grouting & Ground Treatment presented by the Geo-Institute of ASCE and The Deep Foundations Institute, in New Orleans, Louisiana from February 8 to 13, 2003 at an estimated cost of $4,500.


23. 2001 Management Letter - Follow-Up Report

It is recommended that the Commission receive the attached follow-up report on the 2001 management letter from the auditors, for information.


Staff Response to Commission Inquiries

a) TTC Subway Filming Procedures

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated January 24, 2003 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - TTC Subway Filming Procedure."

The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.

Chair Disero Moved That Commissioner Flint Be Requested To Meet With Councillor Michael Feldman And Manny Danelon, Co-Chairs, Flic To Facilitate Discussion And A Further Review Of The Commission's Film Policy.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.

b) Life Span of Call Centre

Management Information System Upgrade

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated January 24, 2003 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - Life Span of Call Centre Management Information System Upgrade."

The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.



New Business

a) PZAZ Project

Commissioner Moscoe Moved The Following:

Whereas The TTC Is Planning A Ridership Growth Strategy To Attract Riders; And

Whereas Most Companies Know And Understand The Value Of Unique And Innovative Advertising To Attract Customers; And

Whereas Pavlov And Skinner Have Demonstrated The Value Of Intermittent Reinforcement In Affecting Human Behaviour; And

WHEREAS A SMALL U.S. Airline "Jet Blue" Has Based Their Success On Making Flying Fun; And

Whereas The TTC Could Benefit From Applying These Principles To Public Transit;

Therefore, Be It Resolved That The TTC Establish A Program Call "The Pzaz Project"; And

Be It Further Resolved That A Sub-Committee Of The Commission Be Established To Review And Recommend Creative Ideas That Can Make Riding The Ttc Fun; And

Be It Further Resolved That The Committee Consist Of Commissioners Moscoe, Ashton And Shaw.

Chair Disero Moved An Amendment To Commissioner Moscoe's Motion By Striking Out The Following Wording: "Whereas The TTC Is Planning A Ridership Growth Strategy To Attract Riders; And"

The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.

Commissioner Moscoe Moved An Amendment To His Motion By Adding Commissioner Kelly As A Member Of The Committee.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe, As Amended.

b) Committee of the Whole Resolution

The Commission Approved A Resolution By Vice-Chair Shaw To Meet As The Committee Of The Whole On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.

Supplementary Agenda

27. Additional Project Approval Project 3.9 Buildings and Structures - Eglinton Bus Garage (Comstock)

It is recommended that the Commission:

1) authorize proceeding with the activities and expenditures required to address the functional deficiencies as identified in this report for the Eglinton Bus Garage (Comstock) project;

2) approve an increase in project approval to the 3.9 Buildings and Structures - Eglinton Bus Garage project in the amount of $1,350,000 bringing the total project cost to $42,165,000; and

3) forward this report for consideration by City of Toronto Council requesting confirmation of increased project commitment


The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.

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