Board Meeting - November 20, 2002

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Start Time:1:00 P.M.
Location:Committee Room #2 (2nd Floor), City Hall – 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1821
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Committee Of The Whole Resolution



  • 2:00 p.m.

Commissioners’ Correspondence


Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations


  1. CUTA Employee Excellence Awards 2002
  2. 2001 APTA Rail Safety Audit Final Report
  3. 2001 APTA Rail Safety Audit - Update #1
  4. Budget Matters

  5. Chief General Manager's Report - Period 9 September 1, 2002 to October 5, 2002 
  6. Procurement Matters

  7. Procurement Authorization - Birchmount Bus Garage - Groundwater Remediation Contact E3-20 
  8. Procurement Authorization - Testing and Inspection Services for 2003-2005 Contract G85-160 
  9. Procurement Authorization - Customs Brokerage and Freight Forwarding Services
  10. Eglinton Temporary Bus Terminal Facility - Approval of Bus Terminal Finishes
  11. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Safety Footwear
  12. Procurement Authorization - Supply and Servicing of Parts Cleaning Stations 
  13. Purchase of Brake Drums
  14. Purchase of Haldex Bus Parts
  15. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period September 1, 2002 to October 5, 2002 
  16. Other Business

  17. Declaration of Surplus Property - Northwest Corner of Greenwood Yard
  18. Status of 1997 Surplus Property
  19. Policy Governing Land Transactions Among ABCD's and Proceeds from Sale of Surplus City-Owned Real Property
  20. Lease Renewal - GO Transit York Mills Regional Bus Terminal  
  21. York Region Tansit - Agreement for Lease of TTC Bus Platforms (Don Mills Station)  
  22. UITP World Congress and Mobility and City Transport Exhibition - Madrid, Spain May 4-8, 2003
  23. Human Rights and Accessible Public Transportation
  24. 506 Carlton Streetcar Route: Platforms on College Street
  25. Status Report on Bus Rapid Transit and Subway Extension Initiatives
  26. Questions About Bicycles on TTC Services
  27. Information Report - Evolving Technologies for Telecommunications Infrastructure
  28. Confirmation: Request for Travel - Subway Operations Track Maintenance
  29. Staff Response to Commission Inquiries
  30. Correspondence - See Attached
  31. New Business

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in the Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, November 20, 2002 commencing at 1:10 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

B. Disero (Chair), S. Shaw (Vice-Chair), H. Moscoe, D. Shiner, D. Miller, J. Flint, P. Li Preti, and N. Kelly (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager - Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), S. Blakey (Manager – Human Resources), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), R. Hughes (Chief Marketing Officer), T. Andrews (Acting Chief Security Officer), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary), and F. Stanois (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.
B. Disero was in the Chair.

M. Roschlau, President, Canadian Urban Transit Association was present for Item No. 1.
G. Hull, Director - Operations, Safety and Security Programs, American Public Transportation Association was present for Item Nos. 2 and 3.

Prior to commencing with the agenda, Chair Disero, on behalf of the Commission, welcomed Laverne Sinclair who was present at the meeting as result of her winning a United Way contest to be Chief General Manager for a Day.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Commission Approve The Minutes From Meeting Nos. 1819 And 1820 And That The Chair And General Secretary Be Authorized To Sign The Same.

The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe Carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Committee of the whole resolution



a) Report No. 20 - Human Rights and Accessible Public Transportation

Councillor Joe Mihevc

City of Toronto

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Report No. 20 For Minute)

b) Report No. 26b) - Peter Witt Car 2766 Restoration and Operation

Councillor Joe Mihevc

City of Toronto

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Report No. 26B For Minute)

c) Report No. 21 - 506 Carlton Streetcar Route: Platforms on College Street

Philip Webb

Centre for Urban Studies

University of Toronto

(Submitted brief)

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Report No. 21 For Minute)

d) Report No. 26a) - Volume Incentive Pass Program

Councillor Joe Mihevc

City of Toronto

Mike Foderick

Student Administrative Council

University of Toronto

Rocco Kusi-Achampong

President, Student Administrative Council

University of Toronto

Darren Cooney

President, Student Administrative Council

Ryerson University

Andrew Noble

Student Administrative Council

Ryerson University

Pablo Vivanco

Federation of Students

York University

Chris McNeil

Student Council

George Brown College

Wendy Traas

Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students

University of Toronto

David Melville

Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students

University of Toronto

The Commission Received The Deputations.

(See Report No. 26A For Minute)

e) Long-Term Plans for Public Transit in Toronto

Tony O'Donohue

Environmental Probe Ltd.

(Submitted plan)

The Commission Received Mr. O'Donohue's Deputation.

Chair Disero Moved That Mr. O'Donohue's Plan Be Referred To Staff For Consideration And Comment Within The Context Of The Ridership Growth Strategy Report Which Will Be Coming Forward In February 2003.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.

Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Commission Encourage Mr. O'Donohue To Also Present His Plan To The City Of Toronto Planning And Transportation Committee.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.

f) Presentation Re: Promoting Ridership and Revenues

Rubin Dubiansky

Michael Haberman

The Commission Received The Deputations.

Chair Disero Moved That The Suggestions Put Forward By Mr. Haberman Be Referred To Staff For Report.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.

Commissioners Correspondence

CC-1 Communication Dated November 14, 2002 from

Allan Parks, Dominion President, Royal Canadian Legion to Chair Disero

Chair Disero submitted a communication dated November 14, 2002 from Allan Parks, Dominion President, Royal Canadian Legion congratulating the Commission for their actions in stopping all TTC vehicles for a two minute period of silence at 11:00 a.m. on November 11, 2002.

Chair Disero Moved That The Communication Be Referred It To Staff For Their Information And Appropriate Attention.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.


1. CUTA Employee Excellence Awards 2002

T. Andrews, Acting Chief Security Officer introduced Michael Roschlau, President, Canadian Urban Transit Association who was in attendance to present the 2002 Employee Excellence Award to Transit Special Constables Richard Claveau and Mike Twigg.

Mr. Roschlau advised that on June 20, 2002, while at the Bathurst Station, Transit Special Constables Richard Claveau and Mike Twigg detected an odour of smoke inside the station and proceeded to the north end of the bus platform level. The Officers observed a working fire on the third floor rear roof area of the residence immediately north of the station, and they immediately notified the Transit Control Centre. The Officers observed no persons vacating the affected building, so they entered the residence shouting to the occupants to leave the premises, indicating the roof was on fire. The Officers, aware of the potential for explosion and structural collapse, checked all the rooms for occupants. They were able to locate the fire and provided this information to Toronto Fire Services. Upon arrival of emergency personnel, Transit Special Constables Claveau and Twigg redirected their attention to the station, evacuating patrons to the street and providing crowd control.

On behalf of the Canadian Urban Transit Association, Mr. Roschlau congratulated Transit Special Constables Claveau and Twigg on their courageous actions and presented them with the 2002 Employee Excellence Award.

2. 2001 APTA Rail Safety Audit Final Report

After Receiving A Powerpoint Presentation From G. Hull, Director Operations, Safety & Security Programs, American Public Transportation Association, Chair Disero Moved Adoption Of The Recommendation Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:

"It Is Recommended That The Commission:

I) Receive For Information, The 2001 APTA Rail Safety Audit Final Report Including Supplemental Forms;

II) Receive For Approval, The 2001 APTA Rail Safety Audit TTC Management Action Plan; And

III) Forward The Report And TTC Management Action Plan To The Minister Of Transportation, Province Of Ontario And The Clerk Of The City Of Toronto For Information."

The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.

On concluding discussion of the item, G. Hull presented Chair Disero with a Certificate of Accomplishment.

On behalf of the Commission, Chair Disero thanked G. Hull and presented him with a gift in recognition of the hard work and effort put forward in completing the audit.

3. 2001 APTA Rail Safety Audit - Update #1

It is recommended that the Commission:

i) Receive for information, the first update of the TTC management actions for the 2001 APTA Rail Safety Audit; and

ii) Forward this update to the Minister of Transportation, Province of Ontario and the Clerk of the City of Toronto for information.


Budget Matters

4. Chief General Manager's Report - Period 9 - September 1 to October 5, 2002

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the Chief General Manager’s (CGM’s) report covering the period September 1 to October 5, 2002 noting that:

• 2002 TTC Operating Budget

the year-end shortfall is still projected to be about $30 million; this will be funded through a $24 million draw from the Riders Reserve Fund and a $6 million reduction in the Contribution to Capital;

• 2002 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget

That the current expenditures are projected to be on budget but that the unaccommodated rate is expected to be approximately 2.6% for 2002;

• 2002-2006 Capital Program

That the 2002 year-end cash flow is now projected to be $35.4 million under budget; and

2. Forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM's report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission).


Procurement Matters

5. Procurement Authorization Birchmount Bus Garage - Groundwater Remediation Contract E3-20

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Advice Contracting Limited in the amount of $1,110,000.00, for Contract E3-20 - Birchmount Bus Garage - Groundwater Remediation.


6. Procurement Authorization Testing and Inspection Services for 2003-2005 Contract G85-160

It is recommended that the Commission authorize:

a) Acceptance of the proposals for Testing and Inspection Services from Davroc Testing Laboratories Inc., and Intratech Engineering Laboratories Limited; and

b) The issuance of contracts to Davroc Testing Laboratories Inc., and Intratech Engineering Laboratories Limited in the amount of $1,000,000 each for a total authorization amount of $2,000,000 for provision of testing and inspection services for the period January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2005.


7. Procurement Authorization - Customs Brokerage and Freight Forwarding Services

It is recommended that the Commission approve the award of a contract to Fritz Starber Inc., A UPS Company in the upset limit amount of $910,000 for a five-year period commencing January 1, 2003 for the provision of customs brokerage and freight forwarding services.


8. Eglinton Temporary Bus Terminal Facility Approval of Bus Terminal Finishes

It is recommended that the Commission approve the finishes for Eglinton Temporary Bus Terminal Facility.


9. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Safety Footwear

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of purchase orders for the Supply of Safety Footwear for the period January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2005 to the following four companies in the upset limited amounts indicated:

• Mark's Work Wearhouse $1,020,000

• Mister Safety Shoes Inc. $ 330,000

• ISECO $ 250,000

• Gordon Contract Footwear $ 50,000


10. Procurement Authorization - Supply and Servicing of Parts Cleaning Stations

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Safety Kleen Canada for the lease and servicing of parts cleaning stations at various TTC locations in the upset limit of $350,000 over a four-year period commencing January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2006.


11. Purchase of Brake Drums

It is recommended that the Commission authorize for inventory, additional authority in the amount of $753,000 to Motor Coach Industries Limited and $113,000 to Neopart for the additional supply of brake drums for the period ending December 2003 resulting in revised upset limits of $2,503,000 and $342,000, respectively.


12. Purchase of Haldex Bus Parts

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order amendment for inventory in the amount of $1,902,000 to Neoplan Canada Incorporated and $196,000 to Motor Coach Industries Limited for the additional supply of Haldex bus parts for the period ending June 2004 resulting in revised upset limits of $3,833,000 and $400,000, respectively.


13. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period September 1, 2002 to October 5, 2002

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period September 1, 2002 to October 5, 2002 which were approved by Senior Management.


Other Business

14. Declaration of Surplus Property - Nothwest Corner of Greenwood Yard

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Declare, in accordance with TTC Bylaw #2, the specified portion of the Greenwood Yard property surplus to TTC requirements; and

2. Authorize staff to circulate the property to the City of Toronto's Property Management Committee for disposition; and

3. Request staff to report back to the Commission on the results of the circulation to City Agencies, Boards, Commissions, and Departments and obtain further Commission approval of the proposed method of sale.


15. Status of 1997 Surplus Property

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.


16. Policy Governing Land Transactions among ABCDs and Proceeds from Sale of Surplus City-Owned Real Property

It is recommended that the City policy with respect to the proceeds of the sale of City-owned property be endorsed by the Commission.


17. Lease Renewal - GO Transit York Mills Regional Bus Terminal

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Approve the execution of an agreement with GO Transit for the continued use of the Regional Bus Terminal at York Mills Station under the terms and conditions set out in this report; and

2. Authorize staff to take such action as is necessary to give effect thereto.


18. York Region Transit - Agreement for Lease of TTC Bus Platforms (Don Mills Station)

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Approve the negotiation and execution of an agreement between the TTC and York Region Transit (YRT) for the non-exclusive use of TTC Bus Platform No. 6 and the exclusive use of Bus Platform No. 7 at Don Mills Station, under the terms and conditions set out in this report; and

2. Authorize staff to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


19. UITP World Congress and Mobility and City Transport Exhibition - Madrid, Spain - May 4-8, 2003

Commissioner Miller Moved That The Report Be Received For Information, And That Approval Be Granted For Commissioner Moscoe To Attend The 2003 Uitp World Congress In Madrid Spain Between May 4-8, 2003.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.

20. Human Rights and Accessible Public Transit

After Hearing The Deputation, Commissioner Moscoe Moved Adoption Of The Recommendation Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:

"It Is Recommended That The Commission:

1. Receive This Report For Information, Noting That:

• There Are No Legislative Obligations For The TTC Resulting From The Recently-Published Ontario Human Rights Commission Consultation Report;

• The Ontarians With Disabilities Act, Passed In December 2001, Requires Transit Systems In Ontario To Prepare A Plan For Accessible Services By September 2003. In 1997, The TTC Prepared A Five-Year Plan Which Is Being Updated, And A Revised Accessibility Plan Will Be Presented To The Commission In 2003;

• The Forthcoming Plan Will Document The TTC'S Accessibility Initiatives Including The Purchase Of Fully-Accessible Low-Floor Buses And The Multi-Faceted Easier Access Station Improvement Programs Which Include The Installation Of Elevators In Subway Stations; And

2. Forward This Report To The City Of Toronto For Information.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.

Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Advise Seniors Organizations Of The Names Of The Senior Representatives On The TTC'S Advisory Committee On Accessible Transportation; And Further That Wheel-Trans Is Willing To Conduct Outreach Presentations To Their Organizations.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.

21. 506 Carlton Streetcar Route: Platforms on College Street

After Hearing The Deputation, Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Report Be Referred Back To Staff With A Request Thay They Report Further On Policy For The Location Of Platforms And Streetcar Stops Using The Principles Contained In The Report Along With Mr. Webb's comments as a basis for the policy.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.

22. Status Report on Bus Rapid Transit and Subway Extension Initiatives

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive this report for information, noting that:

• Because of the TTC's continuing emphasis on state-of-good repair and safety/legislative-related capital funding, there are no requests for funding for expansion projects in the TTC's 2003-2007 Capital Program. Therefore, there is little action which TTC staff can take to pursue rapid transit projects. A number of specific projects involving subway and Bus Rapid Transit expansion have been documented in the TTC's 2003-2007 capital program, but these are "below the line" and are not part of the 2003 capital program recommended by TTC staff.

• The funding recently announced by the Province of Ontario under the Golden Horseshoe Transit Investment Partnership (GTIP) funding program has little potential, at present, to be used for TTC expansion-related initiatives. The GTIP funding, which included a number of Bus Rapid Transit projects involving the TTC, is premised on the provision of matching (two-thirds) funding from other sources. Neither the City of Toronto nor the Federal government have approved funding for such projects, except for small amounts for study purposes, as noted below.

• Within the resources available, TTC staff are involved in these Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) initiatives:

- An Environmental Assessment study of Bus Rapid Transit on Yonge Street, between Finch Avenue and Steeles Avenue, which is being undertaken jointly by City of Toronto Transportation Services, GO Transit, and the TTC. The project will be co-ordinated with related work being undertaken in York Region;

- A study of operations and alignment options for Bus Rapid Transit between Downsview Station and York University/Steeles Avenue. This project will be undertaken jointly by City of Toronto Planning and the TTC;

- The provision of technical advice on the York Region Rapid Transit project, the GO Transit Inter-Regional Bus Rapid Transit project, and the Mississauga Highway 403/Eglinton Avenue Inter-Regional Transit Corridor Implementation Plan.

2. Forward this report to the City of Toronto Transportation Services and Planning Departments, GO Transit, the Region of York, the City of Mississauga, York University, and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.


Commissioner Miller Moved That Approval Of The Report Not Preclude The Analysis Of Other Opportunities Should They Arise.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.

23. Questions About Bicycles on TTC Services

Chair Disero Moved That The Report Be Referred Back To Staff With A Request That They Meet With The City Cycling Committee And Other Interested Parties To Discuss The Potential Problems Identified In The Report Concerning Bicycles On TTC Services.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.

24. Information Report - Evolving Technologies for Telecommunications Infrastructure

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information, noting that fibre optics will not be replaced by other methods for Commission backbone communications in the foreseeable future.


25. Confirmation of Request for Travel - Subway Operations Track Maintenance

It is recommended that the Commission confirm the approval of Chair Disero, Commissioner Moscoe and the Chief General Manager to authorize acceptance of a travel request for Mr. Frank Ammirante - Foreperson - Subway/SRT Track and Mr. Mike Wood - Senior Designer - Maintenance Engineering, Track & Structure Department, to attend the Roadbed and Rail Maintenance training course presented by the Institute for Railroad Engineering in Wilmington, Delaware from November 18 to 22, 2002 at an estimated cost of $10,040.00.


Staff Response to Commission Inquiries

a) Volume Incentive Pass Program

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated November 20, 2002 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - Volume Incentive Pass Program."

After Hearing The Deputations, Commissioner Miller Moved The Following Motions:

1. The Implementation Of The VIP Program For Adult Metropasses As Set Out In The Body Of The Memorandum.

2. T.M.A.'S Be Eligible As Institutions For The Purposes Of The VIP Program.

3. The Black Creek Regional T.M.A. Be Considered To Be One Of The Initial Group Of Employers.

4. That Staff Be Requested To Work With The Post Secondary Institutions And Their Student Administrative Councils To Address:

(I) Administrative Issues; And

(II) A Plan To Address The 8 Month Term Of Post Secondary Institutions.

Commissioner Flint Moved The Following Motions:

1. That the 6 initial employers represent a variety of sectors (i.e. Hospital, private/public, non-profit etc.).

2. That Staff Work With Post Secondary Education Institutions To Address The Issue Of Part-Time Students And Report Back To The Commission.

3. That It Be Understood That Any Advertising Program Be Limited To Co-Operating Post Secondary Education Institutions And The 6 Selected Employers Until Evaluation Reports Are Presented To The Commission Along With A Plan To Expand The VIP Greencard Initiative.

Commissioner Shiner Moved The Following Motions:

1. That Staff Look For Sponsorship From Public And Private Organizations, Including The Toronto Atmospheric Fund.

2. That The Program Be Offered To North York General Hospital.

3. That Staff Report Back On The Feasibility Of Approaching The TTC'S Major Suppliers In An Effort To Raise $100 Per Year For Every Student Who Signs Up For The Program.

Commissioner Moscoe Moved The Following Motions:

1. That There Be No Minimum Price At Which An Organization Can Sell A Pass So That Institutions And/Or Corporations Can Further Subsidize The Pass If They So Wish.

2. That Staff In Co-Operation With The City Planning Department Study The Effect On Employee Parking For Those Organizations That Participate In The VIP Program With A View To Considering The Planning Aspects Of The Program.

3. That The Pass Be Called The VIP Green Card.

Chair Disero Moved That Staff Meet With Councillor Sutherland And Work With Him In Conducting A Survey To Identify Potential Interest From Organizations That Are Located Near The Sheppard Subway.

Commissioner Kelly Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back To The Commission On A Possible Source Of Funds If A Budget Shortfall Occurs As A Result Of Implementing The Program.

Chair Disero Called For A Vote On The Motions As A Package.

The Commission Approved The Motions On A Unanimous Vote.

b) Peter Witt Car 2766 Restoration and Operation

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated November 20, 2002 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - Peter Witt Car 2766 Restoration and Operation."

After Hearing The Deputation, Commissioner Moscoe Moved The Following Motions:

1. That The Witt Car Be Used For Special Events Only Or With The Specific Concurrence Of The Commission.

2. To Maximize The Number Of People Who Have The Opportunity To See The Car The TTC Publish A Schedule Of Where The Car Will Be On Display.

3. That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On Finding A Permanent Location For The Witt Car In Toronto.

The Commission Approved The Motions By Commissioner Moscoe.

c) Deadhead Costs Related to the Opening of the New Eglinton Garage

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated November 20, 2002 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry: Deadhead Costs Related to the Opening of the New Eglinton Garage."

Commissioner Moscoe Moved The Following Motions:

1. That Staff Be Requested To Report On The Deadhead Costs As They Relate To The Wheel-Trans Garage.

2. That Staff Be Requested To Report On The Feasibility Of:

(I) Splitting The Wheel-Trans Garage Operations To Other Locations; And

(II) Utilizing Part Of The Wheel-Trans Garage For Conventional Buses.

The Commission Approved The Motions By Commissioner Moscoe.


C-1 Councillor David Soknacki, Chair ABC Ad-Hoc Committee advising of the City's initiative to review its relationship with its agencies, boards and commissions and to invite the TTC's participation in this process.

Commissioner Miller Moved That Staff Be Requested To Prepare A Letter For The Signature Of The Chair, Thanking Councillor Soknacki For His Letter And Advising That It Is The Commission's Understanding That The Review Will Not Apply To The Toronto Transit Commission.

The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.

New Business

a) Sheppard Subway

Commissioner Flint extended her thanks to all the people that worked to make the Sheppard Subway a reality from those at Metro Council who voted for it, to staff who worked so hard and especially to Charles Wheeler for ensuring the project included Bessarion Station as part of the line.

b) Committee of the Whole Resolution

The Commission Approved A Resolution By Vice-Chair Shaw To Meet As The Committee Of The Whole On Monday, December 9, 2002, To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Supplementary Agenda


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