Board Meeting - May 15, 2002
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
Declaration Of Interest
Minutes Of The Previous Meetings
Business Arising Out Of Minutes
Committee Of The Whole Resolution
- 2:00 p.m.
Commissioners’ Correspondence
Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations
- APTA Bus Safety Gold Award
- Chief General Manager's Report - Period 3 March 3 to April 6, 2002
- Procurement Authorization - Bell Mobility Corporate Cellular Services
- Procurement Authorization - Transit Control Centre Project Supply and Installation of Mimic Display System Contract N70-6
- Procurement Authorization - Supply and Install Subway Station Breakers
- Procurement Authorization for the Supply of Urethane Chemical Grout Material
- Procurement Authorization for the Supply of Equipment and Materials - Hilti Canada Inc.
- Procurement Authorization - Supply of Syenite Rail Sand
- Procurement Authorization - Purchase Order Amendment for Supply of Tires for Revenue Vehicles
- Procurement Authorization - Inspecting Testing and Maintenance Service of TTC Fixed Mounted Diesel Powered Standby Generators
- Procurement Authorization - IBM System/390 Operating Systems Software Licensing
- Purchase Order Amendment to PC0023861 Supply of Special Trackwork
- Purchase of Lift -U Bus Parts
- Easier Access Phase II Status Report
- Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period March 3, 2002 to April 6, 2002
- Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization Kipling Station Parking Lot Expansion - Phase 1 Contract F7-12
- Confirmation of Approval of Procurement Authorization Electrical Power Purchase Agreement
- Confirmation of Purchase Order Amendment - Unbudgeted Costs Summerhill Subway Structure Rehabilitation Under Bloor Bridge Project
- Mississauga Transit - Agreement Renewal (Islington Station)
- Leasing of Retail Space at Various Subway Stations - Request for Proposals P26PC02722
- 63 Ossington - Revised Routing at King Street
- Permission to Enter Into Agreements - SRT Repair and Maintenance Project
- Request for Travel Approval – 2002 APTA Annual Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada
- Consolidated Financial Statements of Toronto Transit Commission for Year Ended December 31, 2002
- 2001 Audit Results
- TTC Pension Fund Society Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Fiscal Period Ended December 31, 2001 and ByLaw Amendments
- Out-of-Town Training Program
- Staff Response to Commission Inquiries
- Review of Oracle Contracts
- Proposed Pilot Test for Special Period Weekly Pass
- Overview of GTA Weekly Pass
- Wheel-Trans Accessible Taxi Schedule
- Correspondence - See Attached
- New Business
Budget Matters
Procurement Matters
Other Business
A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 commencing at 1:15 p.m.
Present - Committee of the Whole
B. Ashton (Chair), M. Silva (Vice-Chair), D. Miller, G. Altobello, B. Disero, J. Mihevc, H. Moscoe, and N. Kelly (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager - Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), L. Hilborn (Deputy General Manager - Corporate), B. Leck (General Counsel), M. Walker (Chief Security Officer), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), S. Blakey (Manager – Human Resources), R. Hughes (Chief Marketing Officer), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary), and F. Stanois (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.
B. Ashton was in the Chair.
B. MacDiarmid, Acting General Superintendent – Surface Transportation and Operator A. Dawes were present for Item No. 1.
In this section
In this section
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
On Motion Of Commissioner Moscoe, The Commission Approved The Minutes From Meeting Nos. 1811 And 1812 And Authorized The Chair And General Secretary To Sign The Same.
a. Concerns With TTC
David Cooper
(Submitted communication)
The Commission Received The Deputation.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On The Introduction Of Visible Badge Numbers On TTC Operator And Personnel Uniforms.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion.
b. Employer Subsidized Transit Pass
Paul Clifford
Hotel Employees Restaurant Employees Union Local 75
(Submitted communication)
Janice Loux
Hotel Workers Union (Boston)
Tord Henry
Royal York Hotel
The Commission Received The Deputations.
Commissioner Miller Moved The Following:
1. That The Commission Acknowledge, With Appreciation, The Initiative Of The Hotel Employees Restaurant Employees Union – Local 75 In Supporting Access To Public Transit And Request The Central Hotel Group And The Hotel Employees Restaurant Employees Union, After Negotiations Have Been Successfully Resolved, To Contact TTC Staff To Discuss The Potential For Bulk Purchase Discounts; And
2. That Mr. Clifford’s Correspondence Be Referred To Staff For Review In Contemplation Of The Request Being Made For Bulk Purchase Discounts And Report To The Commission When Appropriate.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller’s Motion.
a. Report No. 19 – Mississauga Transit
- Agreement Renewal (Islington Station)
Councillor Peter Milczyn
City of Toronto
The Commission Received The Deputation.
(Also See Minute For Report No. 19 And Correspondence C-2)
Commissioners Correspondence
a. Commissioner Miller – APTA Press
Release - Surface Transportation Policy Project
The Commission Received The Above Press Release For Information.
Chair Ashton Moved That The Press Release Be Referred To The Chair And Commissioner Miller’s Initiative On Strategic Growth Of Transit.
The Commission Approved Chair Ashton’s Motion.
1. APTA Bus Safety Gold Award
The Commission had before it a communication dated May 15, 2002 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager advising that the TTC had recently won the APTA Bus Safety Gold Award. The award is presented annually to the transit system with the best overall safety record.
B. MacDiarmid, Acting General Superintendent – Surface Transportation and Operator Anthony Dawes from Birchmount Division were in attendance and presented the award to Chair B. Ashton.
Budget Matters
2. Chief General Manager's Report - Period 3 – March 3 to April 6, 2002
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the Chief General Manager’s (CGM’s) report covering the period March 3 to April 6, 2002 noting that:
• 2002 TTC Operating Budget
the current projected shortfall is about $35 million (comprised of a $14 million budget shortfall resulting from an approved City of Toronto TTC Operating subsidy of $152.2 million, $9 million less in passenger revenue due to a projected ridership shortfall of 6 million, and a $12.4 million increased wage cost resulting from the recently negotiated collective agreements); and to deal with the shortfall, the City’s Budget Advisory Committee is recommending that City Council approve the drawing of the entire $23.8 million Rider’s Reserve and that the balance be covered through a corresponding reduction in the TTC’s Operating Budget contribution to its Capital Program.
• 2002 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget
that the current projected budget shortfall is $475,000, due to the wages component of the recently negotiated collective bargaining agreements. Unless savings materialize during the course of the year to offset this, the unaccommodated rate will average about 4% for 2002;
• 2002-2006 Capital Program
that the projected 2002 year-end cash flow is currently expected to be $9.3 million over budget; and
2. Forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM's report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission).
Commissioner Disero Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On The Expected $9.3 Million Variance Shown In Cgm’s Report For The 2002-2006 Capital Program.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Disero’s Motion.
Procurement Matters
3. Procurement Authorization – Bell Mobility Corporate Cellular Services
It is recommended that the Commission authorize staff to enter into negotiations with companies capable of providing corporate cellular digital services for the Commission’s future cellular telephone requirements over a three-year term.
4. Procurement Authorization – Transit Control Centre Project Supply & Installation of Mimic Display System Contract N70-6
It is recommended that the Commission authorize acceptance of the proposal submitted by AVW – TELAV Inc. in the amount of $2,697,560.07, for Contract N70-6, Supply and Installation of a Mimic Display System for the Transit Control Centre Project.
5. Procurement Authorization – Supply and Install Subway Station Breakers
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by ABB Inc. and award of contract in the amount of $678,259.94 for the supply and installation of twenty-four main and secondary AC breakers for the years 2002 and 2003.
6. Procurement Authorization for the Supply of Urethane Chemical Grout Material
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to Multiurethanes Ltd. In the upset limit amount of $700,000, for the supply of Urethane Grouting Material for the period June 1, 2002 to May 31, 2004 on the basis of a single source to facilitate the Tunnel/Station Leak Repair Program.
7. Purchase Authorization for the Supply of Equipment and Materials – Hilti Canada Inc.
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a single source Purchase Order to Hilti Canada Inc. in the upset limit amount of $400,000 for the supply of specialized equipment and materials for the period June 1, 2002 to May 31, 2004 to facilitate various structure maintenance, structure rehabilitation and tunnel/station leak repairs.
8. Procurement Authorization – Supply of Syenite Rail Sand
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to H.J. Skelton Canada Ltd. in the upset limit amount of $600,000.00 including applicable taxes for the supply of syenite rail sand on an as required basis for the period July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2005.
9. Procurement Authorization – Purchase Order Amendment for Supply of Tires for Revenue Vehicles
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a Purchase Order Amendment in the upset limit amount of $500,000 to Bridgestone/Firestone Canada Inc. to increase the total upset limit of the contract to $6,500,000 for the supply of bus tires for the revenue fleet.
10. Procurement Authorization – Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Service of TTC Fixed Mounted Diesel Powered Standby Generators
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Powertrain – A Division of Detroit Harper Diesel, for the inspection, testing and maintenance of fifteen fixed mounted diesel powered generators in the upset limit amount of $450,000 for a four-year period commencing May 16, 2002, on the basis of lowest proposal price.
11. Procurement Authorization – IBM System/390 Operating Systems Software Licensing
It is recommended that the Commission:
a. award a three-year contract (June 1, 2002 to May 31, 2005) for licensing the IBM software installed on the Commission’s IBM mainframe to IBM Canada Limited, in the amount of $1,289,734.20; and
b) approve funds in the upset limit amount of $1,355,000.00, to provide for a contingency of about 5% for any price adjustments over the term of the three-year contract.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved The Following:
1. That Staff Report On Future Options Whereby The TTC Would No Longer Be Solely Reliant On IBM As The Preferred Supplier; And
2. That The TTC Auditor Review These Licenses To Determine The Extent To Which They Meet The Requirements Of The Users.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion.
12. Purchase Order Amendment to PC0023861 – Supply of Special Trackwork
It is recommended that the Commission authorize an amendment to Purchase Order No. PC0023861 to VAE Nortrak Ltd. for the Supply of Special Trackwork in the estimated amount of $650,000.00 for a revised total upset limit of $7,578,977.01 to cover the following:
a. The extension of the current contract, which ends December 31, 2002 by an additional year to end December 31, 2003.
b. To increase the upset limit by $650,000 to cover the purchase of special trackwork requirements for 2003.
13. Purchase of Lift-U Bus Parts
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the awarding of an inventory supply contract for Lift-U bus parts to Neoplan Canada Inc. for an upset limit of $605,000 including applicable taxes for the period from May 2002 to May 2005.
14. Easier Access Phase II Status Report
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Receive this report in response to the Commission inquiry.
2. Approve substitution of Lawrence West Station for Yorkdale Station as a "key" station to be made accessible as part of the Easier Access Phase II project.
3. Forward this report to City Council for information.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Staff In Cooperation With City Works And Transportation Staff Undertake A Review Of Disabled Access To Lawrence Square Mall With A Report, If Necessary, To The City Works Committee To Improve Street Accessibility To The Mall, Replin Road And The Walkway System Parallel To The William Allen Road.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion.
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report To The Commission Through The TTC Audit Committee On The Status Of Easier Access Phase Iii As Part Of The Budget Review Process.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Mihevc’s Motion.
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On The TTC’S Legislative Obligations Resulting From The Consultation Report On Human Rights And Public Transit Services In Ontario Which Was Recently Published By The Ontario Human Rights Commission.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Mihevc’s Motion.
15. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period March 3, 2002 to April 6, 2002
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period March 3, 2002 to April 6, 2002, which were approved by Senior Management.
16. Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization Kipling Station Parking Lot Expansion – Phase 1 Contract F7-12
It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of Commissioners Miller and Moscoe and the Chief General Manager to authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Empire Paving Limited in the amount of $298,000.00 for Contract F7-12 - Kipling Station Parking Lot Expansion – Phase 1.
17. Confirmation of Approval of Procurement Authorization Electrical Power Purchase Agreement
It is recommended that the Commission confirm the approval of Chair Ashton, Commissioner Miller and Chief General Manager to authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. for the supply of the balance of the Commission’s electrical power requirements above the base load, as required for a three-year period commencing May 1, 2002. Coupled with the amount previously approved by the Commission for the base load, this represents a total estimated expenditure of approximately $130M for 3 years for electricity including associated administration, transmission and distribution costs.
18. Confirmation of Purchase Order Amendment – Unbudgeted Costs Summerhill Subway Structure Rehabilitation Under Bloor Bridge Project
It is recommended that the Commission confirm the approval of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Chief General Manager to authorize the unbudgeted expenditure of $310,000 for the rehabilitation of the subway tunnel structural slab over the south end of Summerhill Station to Jarlian Construction Inc. Contract No. C31W01809 for a revised total of $424,897 which includes the Bloor Bridge Rehabilitation.
Other Business
19. Mississauga Transit – Agreement Renewal (Islington Station)_
It is recommended that the Commission approve:
1. the execution of a Licence Agreement between the City of Mississauga and the TTC for the use by Mississauga Transit (MT) of Bus Platforms 4 (two-thirds), 5, 6, and 7 at Islington Subway Station (as shown on Appendix "A") and for Ticket Booth (as shown on Appendix "B"), under the general terms and conditions outlined herein; and
2. authorize staff to undertake such action as is necessary to give effect to the foregoing.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Councillor Milczyn’s Correspondence Be Referred To Staff For The Purpose Of Entering Into Discussions With The City Of Mississauga For A Terminal Facility At Islington Or Kipling Stations And That J. Parmar, Executive Lead Of The City Master Accommodation Plan Also Be Involved In These Discussions.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion.
(Also See Deputation ‘C’ And Correspondence C-2 For Minute)
20. Leasing of Retail Space at Various Subway Stations – Request for Proposals P26PC02722
It is recommended that the Commission approve the execution of the following lease agreements with the following companies with respect to available retail space at various TTC locations:
1. 1197904 Ontario Ltd., o/a City Looks, for the lease of space at the Islington A location for ten years at the minimum rent of $302,000 for the ten years with an option to renew for additional five years and for the lease of space at the Finch Station for ten years at the minimum rent of $209,800 for the ten years with an option to renew for an additional five years.
2. Dixie Cleaners for the lease of space at the Islington B location for five years at the minimum rent of $76,775 for the five years with an option to renew for an additional five years, and for the lease of space at the Warden B location for five years at the minimum rent of $94,250 for the five years with an option to renew for an additional five years.
3. 700873 Ontario Ltd., (Alex Lebovits) for the lease of space at the Warden A location for ten years at the minimum rent of $190,800 for the ten-year term.
4. 114194 Ontario Inc. o/a Tarts, Treats and Cakes for the lease of space at the Wilson Station for ten years at the minimum rent of $396,780 for the ten years with an option to renew for an additional five years.
21. 63 Ossington – Revised Looping at King Street
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Approve a minor change to the looping of 63 Ossington buses at King Street, as described in this report, effective June 23, 2002; and
2. Forward this report to Councillor Pantalone.
(Also See Minute For Correspondence C-3)
22. Permission to Negotiate and Enter Into Agreements – SRT Repair and Maintenance Project
It is recommended that the Commission authorize:
1. staff to negotiate and enter into satisfactory arrangements with the City of Toronto for an easement agreement along the SRT line affected by the SRT repair and maintenance project; and
2. staff to execute "Permission to Enter and Construct" agreements with the property owners and the City allowing the TTC to carry out the work of Contracts J35-6 and J35-7 for the repair and maintenance of the SRT.
22. Request for Travel Approval – 2002 APTA Annual Meeting – Las Vegas, Nevada
It is recommended that the Commission approve a travel request for Chair Brian Ashton to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Public Transit Association in Las Vegas, Nevada.
23. Consolidated financial statements of toronto Transit commission for year ended december 31, 2001
It is recommended that the commission:
1. Receive and approve the attached consolidated financial statements of the toronto transit commission for the year ended december 31, 2001; and
2. Forward a copy of the approved consolidated financial statements to the city of toronto council, through the city policy and finance committee.
25. 2001 Audit Results
It is recommended that the Commission receive for information the attached report from the auditors regarding the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the Toronto Transit Commission for the year ended December 31, 2001.
26. TTC Pension Fund Society Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Fiscal Period Ended December 31, 2001 and Bylaw Amendments
It is recommended that the Commission:
a. receive the Pension Fund Society’s Newsletter for information; and
b. approve the By-law Amendments contained therein.
27. Out-of Town Training Program
It is recommended that the Commission approve the attendance of Mr. Vincent Rodo, General Manager – Executive and General Secretary to attend the Queen’s Executive Program from June 2 to 21, 2002 (total estimated cost of $21,500).
Commissioner Disero Moved That Any Future Reports Brought Forward That Require Funding Beyond The Approved Budget Include The Specific Budget Savings That Will Be Used To Offset The Additional Expenditure.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Disero’s Motion.
Chair Ashton Moved That Staff Be Requested To Bring Forward To The Audit Committee For Information Their Succession Planning Initiative.
The Commission Approved Chair Ashton’s Motion.
Staff Response to Commission Inquiries
a. Review of Oracle Contracts
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated May 15, 2002 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Review of Oracle Contracts."
The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.
b. Proposed Pilot Test for Special Period Weekly Pass
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated May 15, 2002 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - Proposed Pilot Test for Special Period Weekly Pass."
The Commission also received an overhead slide presentation from R. Hughes, Chief Marketing Officer with respect to this matter.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Commission Adopt The Staff Recommendation To Implement A Pilot Program To Test The Feasibility Of Introducing A Special Period Weekly Pass, As Detailed In The Memorandum.
Chair Ashton Moved An Amendment To Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion By Adding The Wording "And Report To The Commission Following The First Pilot Project."
Chair Ashton Called For A Vote On His Motion.
The Commission Approved Chair Ashton’s Motion.
Chair Ashton Then Called For A Vote On Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion, As Amended.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion, As Amended.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Pilot Be Maintained For A Continuous Period Of One Month.
Chair Ashton Then Called For A Vote On Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion.
Commissioner Moscoe Vote In Favour. Chair Ashton, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Kelly, Commissioner Mihevc And Commissioner Altobello Were Opposed. The Motion Therefore Lost On A 5 – 1 Vote.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Introduction Of The Pilot Be Preceded By An Extensive Ad Campaign Promoting The Feature Of Transferability Of The Pass.
Chair Ashton Moved An Amendment To Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion By Adding The Wording "And This Be Referred To Staff For Consideration In Development Of A Communication Plan."
Chair Ashton Called For Vote On His Motion.
The Commission Approved Chair Ashton’s Motion.
Chair Ashton Then Called For A Vote On Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion, As Amended.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion, As Amended.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Staff Report On The Results Of The Pilot Include A Review On The Possibility Of Broadening The Test To Other Passes.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Submit A Separate Analysis Report On The Feasibility Of Implementing A Transferability Feature To The Regular TTC Monthly Metropass.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion.
Vice-Chair Silva and Commissioner Disero were not present to vote on the foregoing motions.
c. Overview of GTA Weekly Pass
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated May 15, 2002 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Overview of GTA Weekly Pass."
The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.
On Behalf Of Commissioner Disero, Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report On A Cost And Travel Time Comparison From Locations Outside The City Of Toronto Boundary Using:
I. Local Transit And Individual Fares;
II. GTA Pass And Local Transit;
III. Driving To TTC Commuter Parking Lots And Buying Metropass; And
IV. Drive And Park Downtown.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Disero’s Motion.
a. Wheel-Trans Accessible Taxi Schedule
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated May 15, 2002 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Wheel-Trans Accessible Taxi Schedule."
The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That A Copy Of The Memorandum Be Forwarded To The City Licensing Sub-Committee And Taxi Advisory Committee For Information.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion.
C-1 Robert Prowse, Town Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill dated April 24, 2002, requesting that the Commission endorse the Resolution adopted by Town Council at its meeting on April 22, 2002 regarding the potential privatization of hydro corridors.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Commission Endorse The Town Of Richmond Hill Resolution And That The Town Of Richmond Hill Be Advised Of This Action.
The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe’s Motion.
C-2 Councillor Peter Milczyn, City of Toronto requesting that the Commission defer approval of the agreement renewal with Mississauga Transit (See Report No. 19).
(See Report No. 19 For Minute)
C-3 Councillor Joe Pantalone, City of Toronto advising that he concurs with the proposed recommendations contained in the staff report entitled, "63 Ossington – Revised Routing at King Street" (See Report No. 21).
The Commission Received Councillor Pantalone’s Communication.
(Also See Report No. 21 For Minute)
New Business
a) Committee of the Whole Resolution
The Commission Approved A Resolution By Chair Ashton To Meet As The Committee Of The Whole On Wednesday, June 12, 2002 To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.
The meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.