Board Meeting - April 5, 2000

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, April 04, 2000
Start Time:1:00 P.M.
Location:Committee Room #2 (2ND Floor), City Hall - 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1782
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Committee Of The Whole Resolution



  • 2:00 p.m.

Commissioners’ Correspondence

CC-1 Commissioner David Miller re: February 28, 2000 Federal Budget - Impact on TTC

CC-2 Commissioner Brian Ashton re: TTC Master Transportation Plan

CC-3 Commissioner David Miller re: Newspaper Articles

Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations


  1. Awards of Merit
    • Supervisor Tim O'Brien
    • Operator Ross Zambri
  2. Declaration of Public Transit Day
  3. TTC Olympic Needs (80 Subway Cars)
  4. Budget Matters

  5. 2001 Budget Schedule
  6. Procurement Matters

  7. Procurement Authorization for Multi-year Supply of Chemical Grouting Material
  8. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Lead Acid Batteries
  9. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Architectural Paint
  10. Procurement Authorization for 2000 Signal Priority Program
  11. Procurement Authorization Electrical and Mechanical Technical Consultant Services
  12. Procurement Authorization for One Overhead Truck
  13. Purchase Order Amendment - Zeta-Tech Structure Maintenance Database System
  14. Purchase of Aeroquip Vehicle Parts
  15. Purchase of Rubber Pads
  16. Other Business

  17. TTC Comments on Proposed Streetcars in Rail Corridors
  18. Post-Implementation Reviews - 1999 Service Plan
  19. Filming on TTC Property
  20. Stormwater Management at TTC
  21. Westbound Bus Stop - Eglinton Avenue at Marlee Avenue
  22. Information Report - Sheppard Subway Trackwork, Contracted Services
  23. Commission Meeting Schedule for the Remainder of 2000
  24. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period January 30, 2000 to February 26, 2000
  25. TTC - City Response to Draft GTSB's Transportation Plan for the GTA and Hamilton-Wentworth
  26. Twin Pass Discount During Gardiner Reconstruction
  27. Corporate Travel - Policy Update
  28. Request for Travel - Geodenver 2000 Conference
  29. Travel Approval - Trapeze Training and Users' Conference
  30. Request for Travel - AREMA Committee 4 & 5 Meetings
  31. Travel Approval - SAE Seminar on Braking Performance of Heavy Commercial Vehicles
  32. Request for Travel - International Integraph Users Group Annual Conference
  33. Request for Travel - APTA's Bus Operator Training Simulator Technology Seminar
  34. Staff Response to Commission Inquiries
    • TTC Mission Statement
  35. Correspondence - See Attached
  36. New Business
    • Committee of the Whole Resolution

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in the 7th Floor Boardroom, 1900 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, April 5, 2000 commencing at 1:45 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

H. Moscoe (Chair), R. Davis (Vice-Chair), D. Miller, G. Lindsay Luby, C. Korwin-Kuczynski, B. Ashton and J. Mihevc (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), L. Hilborn (Deputy General Manager - Corporate) B. Leck (General Counsel), M. Walker (Chief Security Officer), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials and Procurement), M. Stambler, (Manager - Service Planning), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.

H. Moscoe was in the Chair.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

On Motion Of Commissioner Mihevc, The Commission Approved The Minutes Of Meeting No. 1781 And Authorized The Chair And General Secretary To Sign The Same.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Committee of the whole resolution



a) Suggested Service Changes - Bathurst Manor Quadrant of North York

David Cavlovic

Transit Advisor

(Submitted communication)

The Commission Received The Deputation.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Meet With Mr. Cavlovic and the local councillors to discuss his proposals, and that staff report back on the results of these discussions as part of the annual service plan.

The Commission Approved Chair Moscoe's Motion.

b) Wheel-Trans

Lina Di Carlo

(Submitted communication)

The Commission Received The Deputation.

Chair Moscoe Moved That The Comments And Recommendations Made By Ms. Dicarlo Be Referred To Staff For Review And Report Back.

The Commission Approved Chair Moscoe's Motion.

c) Report No. 15 - Post Implementation Reviews - 1999 Service Plan

Councillor Bill Saundercook
City of Toronto
(Submitted communication)

Barry Monaghan

President & CEO

West Park Hospital

Councillor Frances Nunziata

City of Toronto

Anne Wons

Executive Assistant, Councillor Valenti's Office

City of Toronto

The Commission Received The Deputations.

(See Report No. 15 For Minute)

d) Marketing Concept for TTC

Nicholas Brooks
(Submitted communication)

The Commission Received The Deputation.

Vice-Chair Davis Moved That Staff Report On The Following:

1. Creating An RFI/RFP For The Type Of Tour Operations Proposed By The Deputant; And

2. Creating An RFI/RFP Process For Merchandising Of The TTC Logo And/Or Any Of Its Trademarks As An Opportunity To Generate Revenue.

Commissioner Ashton Moved That Vice-Chair Davis' Motions Be Referred To Staff With A Request That Prior To Preparing The Report Noted That Staff Submit A Preliminary Report At The Next Meeting On The Potential For Marketing The TTC Image, Including Possible Timelines And Process For Such An Initiative.

The Commission Approved Councillor Ashton's Motion.

Commissioner Mihevc Moved That Staff Be Requested To Work On Developing An Agreement With The City Of Toronto To Ensure Funds Raised Through This And Other Entrepreneurial Initiatives Are Retained And Used For Transit Purposes.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Mihevc's Motion.

e) North Toronto Railway Station:

Future Second Entrance Summerhill Subway Station

Councillor Ila Bossons

City of Toronto

(Submitted communication)

Katie Lyons

Solicitor, Goodman, Phillips and Vineberg

Councillor John Adams

City of Toronto

(Submitted draft motion & communication sent to Toronto Community Council)

The Commission Received The Deputations.

Commissioner Miller Moved That The Toronto Transit Commission Define And Reiterate Its Interest In The Preservation Of Appropriate Access To The Summerhill TTC And Go Stations, And Authorize Staff To Undertake Any Necessary Discussions With City Staff And Developer; And Further Report To The Next Meeting On Any Steps The Commission Should Take To Preserve Its Interests.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion.

f) Late Night Noise - Davisville Yard

Councillor John Adams

City of Toronto

The Commission Received The Deputation.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Authorized To Work With The Local Councillors, If Requested, To Establish A Resident Noise Advisory Committee.

The Commission Approved Chair Moscoe's Motion.

Commissioners Correspondence

CC-1) Commissioner Miller submitted a memorandum dated February 29, 2000 from Vincent Rodo, General Secretary providing comment on the February 28, 2000 Federal Budget and its impact on the TTC.

The Commission Received The Memorandum.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Meet With Councillor Jack Layton, In His Capacity As 2nd Vice-President, Federation Of Canadian Municipalities, To Initiate Informal Discussions Regarding Possible Applications Under The $125 Million Funds Made Available To Municipalities, And Report Back On The Results Of These Discussions.

The Commission Approved Chair Moscoe's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Commissioner Mihevc Moved That Staff Also Be Requested To Include, As Part Of These Discussions With Councillor Layton, The Possibility Of Securing Funds To Expand The Test Currently Being Undertaken By Staff Relating To Catalytic Converters.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Mihevc's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

CC-2) Commissioner Ashton dated February 17, 2000 submitting a memorandum dated March 13, 2000 concerning clarification of the TTC's position as it relates to GO Transit participation in a City led Master Transportation Plan for the area around Oriole GO Station.

The Commission Received The Memorandum.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Continue Their Work With Go Transit In The Development Of A Master Transportation Plan For The Area Around The Oriole Go Station; And Further That They Also Submit A Status Report On Plans For The Kennedy And Dundas West Stations.

The Commission Approved Chair Moscoe's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

CC-3) Commissioner Miller submitted the following newspaper articles:

a) Joe Fiorito, National Post, dated March 28, 2000 entitled, "Girl interrupted by subway police."

The Commission Received The Article.

Commissioner Miller Moved That The Chair Be Requested To Send A Letter Of Commendation To The Employee Involved, As Well As, The Department.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

b) Bruce Campion-Smith, Toronto Star, dated March 28, 2000 entitled, "TTC is consistently inconsistent."

The Commission Received The Article.

Commissioner Miller Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On The Actions Being Taken With Respect To Schedule Adherence.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.


1a) Award of Merit - Route

Supervisor - Tim O'Brien

Chair Moscoe introduced Route Supervisor, Tim O'Brien who on December 12, 1999 was advised that a customer on a train appeared to be pale and was not breathing. Supervisor O'Brien approached the person and found the person to have no vital signs. He immediately began CPR. Emergency personnel later attended, continued CPR and transported the individual to hospital.

On behalf of the Commission, Chair Moscoe presented Route Supervisor O'Brien with an Award of Merit in recognition of his courageous actions.

1b) Award of Merit - Surface Operator Ross Zambri

Chair Moscoe introduced Surface Operator Ross Zambri who on December 31, 1999 was operating his vehicle on Don Mills Road, when he observed two females struggling to prevent a third female from jumping off the Highway 401 overpass bridge. Operator Zambri stopped his vehicle, ran toward the females, and restrained the girl who was attempting to jump. Police later arrived, subdued the girl and transported her to the hospital.

On behalf of the Commission, Chair Moscoe presented Surface Operator Zambri with an Award of Merit in recognition of his courageous actions.

2. Declaration of Public Transit Day

Chair Moscoe read the following proclamation from Mayor Mel Lastman:

Whereas Earth Week will be held from April 15 to April 30, 2000 and it is our responsibility to do everything we can to reduce the harmful effects that the use of automobiles have on the environment; and

Whereas On April 18th, everyone who normally travels to work each day by automobile can contribute towards reducing the hazardous effect on the environment by using public transit; and

Whereas The Toronto Transit Commission provides the residents of the City of Toronto with one of the best and most efficient transportation systems in the world, offering its passengers an environmentally sound, economical, safe and efficient mode of transport.


Therefore: I, Mayor Mel Lastman, on behalf of Toronto Council, the Toronto Transit Commission and the 2.4 million people of our great City, do hereby proclaim April 18, 2000 as "Public Transit Day" in the City of Toronto and urge everyone to "Ride the Rocket."

3. TTC Olympic Needs (80 Subway Cars)

After Hearing An Overhead Slide Presentation From G. Webster, General Manager - Operations, The Commission Approved The Recommendation Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:

"It Is Recommended That The Commission:

1) Receive And Endorse The Attached TTC Staff Presentation Noting That:

• The March 8, 2000 Commission Report And Attached Staff Presentation, Which Was Received And Endorsed By The Commission, Has Been Forwarded To The City Of Toronto As Input To The Discussions Between Finance, To-Bid And TTC Staff "To Discuss The Opportunities And Options Available To Ensure Fleet Requirements Are Achieved. These Discussions Should Include The Possibility Of Provincial And Federal Cost Sharing In The Purchase Of Accessible Buses And Subway Cars, With A Minimum Pre-Olympic Order Of 80 Subway Cars At The Earliest Possible Date." (approved city council wording, february 29, 2000)

• The Option Of Purchasing 80 Cars Now Is Still The Minimum Recommended By Staff; 

• The Option Of Purchasing 212 Cars Could Be Reduced To 184 Cars If The High-Rate And Interlining Tests Are Successful;

• The City Has Been Advised Of The June 5, 2000 Deadline For Adding Cars To The Current Order;

• Various Cash Flows Representing The Purchase Of 80, 184 And 212 Subway Cars Are Attached; And

• Efforts Are Underway To Arrange A Meeting With The Mayor's Office, City Treasurer, Commissioner Of Economic Development, Parks And Tourism, Chair Of The Economic Development And Parks Committee, And Chair Of The Ttc For The Purpose Of Developing A Strategy And Alliance Between The Commission And The City Of Toronto Prior To Entering Into Further Discussions With Bombardier.

2) Forward This Report And Presentation To The City Of Toronto As Further Input To The Discussions Between Finance, To-Bid And TTC Staff, As Per Recommendation 1)."

Commissioner Ashton Moved That The Toronto Transit Commission Reiterate Its Position To The Mayor And Council That A Minimum Order Of 80 Subway Cars Is Necessary To Meet Growth In Ridership, Accessibility Goals And Future Olympic Requirements; And Further, And Most Importantly, The Critical Timing Of The June 5, 2000 Deadline For Adding Subway Cars To The Current Order; And, Therefore, Council Indicate Its Position In This Regard; And Further That This Motion And Report Be Forwarded To The City Policy And Finance Committee For Consideration On April 18, 2000 With A Request That The Committee Forward This Matter On To City Council For Consideration At Its Meeting On May 9, 2000.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Ashton's Motion.

Commissioner Mihevc Moved The Following:

1. That The Chair Be Requested To Meet With The Mayor's Office, As Soon As Possible, To Provide An In-Depth Briefing With Respect To This Matter, And Further That They Be Requested To Seek Funding From Senior Levels Of Government For This Purchase; And

2. That The Chair And Senior Staff Be Requested To Meet With The Chair Of T0-Bid Corporation And Other Appropriate Officials To Discuss This Matter.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Mihevc's Motion.

Budget Matters

4. 2001 Budget Schedule

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. receive this report for information noting that the 2001 budgets will be formally submitted to the Commission for approval after the November 13, 2000 Municipal election; and

2. forward this report to the City of Toronto for information.


Procurement Matters

5. Procurement Authorization for Multi-Year Supply of Chemical Grouting Material

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to Wallace Construction Specialties Ltd., in the upset limit amount of $5,000,000.00, for the supply of Duriflex Chemical grouting material for the period April 7, 2000 to December 31, 2002, to be used for the Tunnel and Station Leak Remediation Programs.


Commissioner Ashton Moved That Staff Be Requested To Secure A Supply Schedule And Termination Provisions Adequate To Meet TTC Interests And Report Back At The Next Meeting.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Ashton's Motion.

6. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Lead Acid Batteries

It is recommended that the Commission authorize acceptance of the tender submitted by VHB Industrial Batteries Ltd. at a cost of $484,393.80 for a three-year contract period ending on December 31, 2002.


7. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Architectural Paint

It is recommended that the Commission authorize acceptance of the tender submitted by PPG Canada Inc., in the upset limit amount of $480,000.00, for the supply of architectural paint for the contract period May 1, 2000 to April 30, 2003.


8. Procurement Authorization For 2000 Signal Priority Program

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to the City of Toronto Transportation Services Division, with an upset limit of $710,000, for the purchase of wayside equipment, the installation of detector loops and cables, and the modification of controllers, associated with the 2000 Signal Priority Program;

2. Forward this report to the City of Toronto Transportation Services Division.

The Commission Approved The Recommendation On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

9. Procurement Authorization Electrical And Mechanical Technical Consultant Services

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the issuance of purchase orders to the following companies and in the amounts listed below, for electrical and mechanical technical consultant services for a two-year period:

1. Phoenix Technical Services Limited $600,000

2. Roan International Inc. $195,000

3. Waghorn Design Services $280,000

4. Hatch Mott MacDonald Limited $225,000


10. Procurement Authorization for One Overhead Truck

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Approve the award of contract to Wajax Industries Limited for the purchase of one overhead truck in the amount of $311,126.25 including applicable taxes, licensing, aerial device, utility body and delivery; and

2. Authorize the disposal of vehicle #171 in the best interest of the Commission.

The Commission Approved The Recommendation On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

11. Purchase Order Amendment - Zeta-Tech Structure Maintenance Database System

It is recommended that the Commission authorize an amendment to Purchase Order No. PC0021890 to Zeta-Tech Associates Inc. for the supply of an automated structural maintenance database system in the estimated amount of $184,753.93 ($127,416.50 USD) for a revised total upset limit of $367,242.44 ($261,166.50 USD).


12. Purchase of Aeroquip Vehicle Parts

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the awarding of a three year inventory supply contract for Aeroquip Vehicle Parts to New Flyer Industries Ltd., MCI Services Parts, Orion Bus Industries, D.J. Industrial Sales and Neopart with a combined upset limit of $528,000.00 including applicable taxes for the period from April, 2000 to March 2003.


13. Purchase of Rubber Pads

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the purchase for inventory of 8,000 streetcar Rubber Pads from Penn Machine Company in the amount of $585,400.00 including applicable taxes.

The Commission Approved The Recommendation On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

Other Business

14. TTC Comments on Proposed Streetcars in Rail Corridors

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information, noting that the proposal that streetcars be operated in rail corridors is not practical or feasible at this time because:

• There are relatively few surplus TTC streetcars available with which to implement this concept, and this number is shrinking with current increasing ridership and matching service improvements;

• It would be unwise to remove streetcars from established TTC routes which carry in the range of 40,000 to 50,000 passenger-trips per day to use these streetcars in corridors with unknown and unproven passenger demand;

• There are currently no supportive or compatible land uses near the subject rail corridors and, therefore, there is no demonstrated base of passenger demand for services in these corridors;

• It would be unsafe and illegal to operate streetcars on the same track as heavy rail services;

• There would be large capital costs involved in electrifying the rail corridors, modifying the streetcar trucks to match the standard heavy rail gauge or, possibly, building parallel tracks in these corridors to allow streetcars to operate safely and separately from heavy rail operations; and

• The proposed streetcar service would have a peak-hour carrying capacity, which is less than that of the GO heavy rail service, which is already provided in these corridors.


Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Explore With Siemens The Nature Of The Surplus Streetcars They Have In Their Possession To Determine Compatibility With The TTC System And Report Back On The Results Of These Discussions.

The Commission Approved Chair Moscoe's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

15. Post-Implementation Reviews - 1999 Service Plan

After Hearing The Deputations, Commissioner Miller Moved That Recommendation Nos. 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 9 IN THE REPORT BE APPROVED, AS LISTED BELOW:

"It Is Recommended That The Commission:

1. Approve The 49a Bloor West (Kipling Stn-Markland Wood And Burnhamthorpe) Late Evening Service On Burnhamthorpe Road As A Regular Part Of The Ttc System;

2. Approve The 73b Royal York (Royal York Stn-Eglinton And La Rose Avenue) Peak-Period Service On La Rose Avenue As A Regular Part Of The TTC System;

3. Request That The City Of Toronto Construct A Roadway For Buses, Which Would Connect Richview Road And Eglinton Avenue, To Be Used By The 73b Royal York Service;

4. Note That The Trial Period Of Operation Of The 76b Royal York South (Royal York Stn-Queensway And Grand Ave) Peak-Period Service Will Be Continued For An Additional Six Months, In Order To Evaluate The Financial Performance Of The Route After Service Changes To Improve Financial Performance Are Made In June 2000;

5. Approve The 80 Queensway (Keele Stn-Sherway) Monday To Saturday Service On Lake Shore Boulevard As A Regular Part Of The TTC System;

6. Note That The Trial Period Of Operation Of The 80a Queensway (Keele Stn-Lake Shore And Windermere) Summer Sunday And Holiday Service To The Western Beaches Will Be Continued For The Summer Of 2000, In Order To Evaluate The Financial Performance Of The Route After Service Changes To Improve Financial Performance Are Made In June 2000;

9. Forward This Report To Councillors Giansante, Holyday, Jones, Kinahan, Korwin-Kuczynski, Lindsay Luby, Mammoliti, Miller, Nunziata, O' Brien, And Saundercook; To West Park Hosptial; And To The City Of Toronto."

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion.

Commissioner Miller Moved That The Commission Defer Consideration Of Recommendation No. 7 Until Its Next Meeting.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion.

Commissioner Miller Moved That Recommendation No. 8 Be Struck Out, And That The Commission Approve A Six Month Extension Of The 168b Symington Peak Period Service; And Further That Staff Be Requested To Work With West Park Hospital And Report Back Regarding Measures The Hospital Will Be Taking, Including Increased Parking Fees Or Subsidized Transit Passes, To Make The Performance Reach Acceptable Financial Criteria.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion.

The Commission Approved The Report, As Amended.

Commissioner Miller Also Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back, In Conjunction With City Staff, On The Planned Development Around West Park Hospital, Including The Potential Impact It May Have On Future Ridership.

16. Filming on TTC Property

Commissioner Mihevc Moved That The Commission Defer Consideration Of This Matter Until Its Next Meeting, And In The Interim, Request Staff To Forward A Copy Of The Report And Proposed Policy To The City Film Commissioner For Comment Prior To Action Being Taken By The Commission.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Mihevc's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Bring Forward The Actual Film Policy With The Report When Consideration Of This Matter Takes Place.

The Commission Approved Chair Moscoe's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Commissioner Ashton Moved That The Following Motion Be Referred To Staff For Consideration:

"That Staff Be Requested To Encourage The American Public Transit Association To Develop A Model Guideline Review Mechanism For Filming On Transit Properties."

The Commission Approved Commissioner Ashton's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

17. Stormwater Management at TTC

Commissioner Miller Moved That The Commission Defer Consideration Of This Matter Until Its Next Meeting.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

18. Westbound Bus Stop - Eglinton Avenue West at Marlee Avenue

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. receive this report for information, noting that:

• it would be feasible to install a new, westbound bus stop on Eglinton Avenue West, just before Marlee Avenue, solely for use by buses on the 109 RANEE route, provided that the existing transit shelter were to be relocated as described in this report. This would replace and, thus, allow the removal of the current northbound stop in front of the home at 11 Marlee Avenue;

• staff have contacted Ms. B. Japaul of "Smile Back Mattresses", in front of whose store the new bus stop and relocated shelter would be placed, and she is not in favour of the shelter relocation that would be required if the stop were moved onto Eglinton Avenue;

• both the current stop location and the proposed new one are generally equivalent from a TTC operations and customer service perspective, and there are no reported problems with the existing location, so staff cannot justify the trouble, expense, or local opposition associated with relocating the stop and shelter; and

2. forward this report to Councillor Michael Walker, Councillor Anne Johnston, and Mr. David Kaufman, General Manager - Transportation Services.


19. Information Report - Sheppard Subway Trackwork, Contracted Services

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report on Sheppard Subway trackwork, contracted services for information.


20. Commission Meeting Schedule for the Remainder of 2000

Commissioner Mihevc Moved Adoption Of The Recommendation Contained In The Report, Subject To Amending The Meeting Schedule By Deleting The October 18, 2000 Meeting.

Commissioner Mihevc And Chair Moscoe Voted In Favour. Commissioner Miller And Ashton Were Opposed. The Motion Therefore Lost On A Tie Vote.

Commissioner Miller Moved Adoption Of The Recommendation, Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:

"It Is Recommended That The Commission Confirm The Attached 2000 Commission Meeting Schedule For The Remainder Of 2000, Noting That It Was Necessary To Change The Wednesday, May 3, 2000 Meeting Date To Monday, May 8, 2000 Due To A Conflict With Community Council Meeting Dates Which Were Recently Changed From The Last Week Of April To The First Week Of May.

It Is Further Recommended That The Commission Confirm The Following Start Times For Its Meetings And Deputations:

• Committee Of The Whole 11:00 A.M.

• Commission 1:00 P.M.

• Deputations 2:00 P.M."

Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Ashton And Chair Moscoe Voted In Favour. Commissioner Mihevc Was Opposed. The Motion Therefore Carried On A 3 - 1 Vote.

21. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period January 30, 2000 to February 26, 2000

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000.00 up to $200,000.00) for the period of January 30, 2000 to February 26, 2000, which were approved by Senior Management.


22. TTC - City Response to the GTSB's Strategic Transportation Plan for the GTA and Hamilton-Wentworth

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. endorse the attached report from the Strategic Transportation Planning Group, which is proposed to form the basis of the City of Toronto's response to the Greater Toronto Services Board's (GTSB's) proposed Strategic Transportation Plan for the Greater Toronto Area entitled, "Removing Roadblocks to Continued Economic Prosperity for the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario and Canada, and note that, in so doing, the Commission will be endorsing, among other things:

• the concept of a Greater Toronto Area (GTA) strategic transportation plan as a first step towards co-ordinated transportation planning and investment in the GTA;

• giving priority to maintaining and improving existing infrastructure over new infrastructure investments, when determining overall GTA infrastructure funding requirements;

• the transit focus of Removing Roadblocks to Continued Prosperity for the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario and Canada as the means to move a greater proportion of the GTA population, and a transit network that builds on existing rapid transit and commuter rail networks;

• the inclusion of a new subway platform within the TTC's Union Station, as part of the upgrading of the GO Transit-TTC Union Station which, taken together, is the first priority for infrastructure enhancement to improve transit in the GTA;

• the strategic transportation plan entitled, Removing Roadblocks to Continued Prosperity for the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario and Canada, as a conceptual framework for transportation planning in the GTA, subject to a number of changes being made to the final report, including:

• significantly increasing the emphasis on the need to maintain existing transportation assets and giving priority of funding to maintenance of existing assets, by making the "asset management" or state-of-good-repair section, the first section of the report;

• giving greater emphasis to the relationship between land use and transportation, and the importance of land use in influencing transportation demand, mode choice, and overall travel behaviour, consistent with the GTSB's vision and guiding principles;

• identifying development patterns and densities in the GTA which will support the long-term implementation of the plan, optimize the use of existing infrastructure, protect the environment, and encourage more travel by walking, bicycle, and local transit;

• including the additional platform at TTC Union Station as part of the broader Union Station improvements;

• recognizing the existing high level of transit integration and co-ordination among GTA transit operators, and that greater integration of transit across the GTA should be achieved by building on the strong integration, co-ordination, and co-operation which now exists in the GTA, and not by imposing inflexible, unattainable standards or additional processes or administration;

• the recommended actions for implementation of the GTA Strategic Transportation Plan, subject to a number of changes, including:

• improving the proposed transit corridor priorities and phasing study by making the first activity the identification of GTA transit and land use "success factors" for incorporation into the transit corridor reviews; providing cost-benefit assessments, projected ridership, and justifications for the corridors, along with recommended travel demand management measures; and identifying changes to local official plan development patterns and densities which would be transit supportive and which should be put in place as prerequisites to the implementation of any transit corridor;

• developing a GTA-wide growth management plan to immediately begin guiding and structuring land use changes in a manner which is consistent with, and supportive of, the transportation goal of achieving an overall shift from auto to transit use; and

2. forward this report to the City of Toronto, for consideration at its Planning and Transportation Committee meeting of April 17, 2000, in conjunction with the joint City Works and Planning report on this subject, which will be considered at that same meeting, with a request that the City of Toronto accept this report as the TTC's input to the City's formal response to the GTSB regarding this plan.


23. Twin Pass Discount During Gardiner Expressway Reconstruction

Commissioner Miller Moved That The Recommendation Contained In The Report Be Struck Out And Replaced In Lieu Thereof With The Following:

1. That The Pass Be Named The Construction Season Twin Pass;

2. That The Pass Be Approved In Principle; And

3. That Staff Be Requested To Meet With City Transportation Staff With A Report Back At The Next Meeting On How The Needed Subsidy Will Be Paid.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

24. Corporate Travel - Policy Update

It is recommended that the Commission approve the attached update of the Corporate Travel Policy.


25. Request for Travel - GeoDenver 2000 Conference

It is recommended that the Commission approve the travel request for Mr. Luigi Narduzzo, Leak Remediation Engineer, to attend the GeoDenver 2000 conference in Denver, Colorado from August 3-8, 2000, at an estimated cost of $4,000.00.


26. Travel Approval - TRAPEZE Training and Users' Conference

It is recommended that the Commission approve the request for travel for Lou Portolese, Co-ordinator of Technical Support, Service Planning Department, to attend the TRAPEZE Training and Users' Conference, which will be held in Tempe, Arizona, on April 26-30, 2000.


27. Request for Travel - AREMA Committee 4 & 5 Meetings

It is recommended that the Commission approve the travel request for Mr. B. Longson - Superintendent Maintenance Engineering and Mr. T. Lee - Superintendent Track Construction/Rehabilitation to travel to San Francisco, Chicago and Dallas to attend the meetings for the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) Committee 4 - Rail and Committee 5 - Track scheduled in May, June and September 2000, at an estimated cost of $12,000.00.


28. Travel Approval - SAE Seminar on Braking Performance of Heavy Commercial Vehicles

It is recommended that the Commission approve a travel request for Ian Jordan - Engineering Technologist, in Technical Support Services - Bus Maintenance and Shops Department, to attend the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Seminar on the Braking Performance of Heavy Commercial Vehicles, which will be held in Troy, Michigan.


29. Request for Travel - International Intergraph Users Group Annual Conference

It is recommended that the Commission approve the travel request for Mr. Jean Paul Gauthier - Engineering Department, Engineering & Construction Branch, to attend the International Intergraph Users Group Annual Conference (IGUG) from May 6 to May 11, 2000, in Huntsville, Alabama, at an estimated cost of two thousand, five hundred dollars ($2,500.00).


30. Request for Travel - APTA's Bus Operator Training Simulator Technology Seminar

It is recommended that the Commission approve a travel request for Nigel Lindsey-King, Superintendent - Training (Surface Transportation) of the Training Department, to attend APTA's Bus Operator Training Simulator Technology Seminar hosted by MTA, New York City Transit in New York City, April 13 and 14, 2000.


Other Business


Staff Response to Commission Inquiries

a) TTC Mission Statement

Commissioner Lindsay Luby Moved That The Commission Defer Consideration Of This Matter Until Its Next Meeting.

The Commission Approved The Motion.


C-1) R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager, TTC forwarding a copy of the GTA Strategic Transportation Plan for discussion by the Commission.

The Commission Received The Memorandum.

(See Report No. 22 For Minute)

C-2) N. Brooks, dated March 3, 2000 suggesting that the TTC adopt a concept called "Rocket Tours" which would market the TTC emblem on goods for sale.

The Commission Received The Communication.

(See Deputation 'D' For Minute)

C-3) R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager, TTC to Councillor J. Adams, City of Toronto regarding Late Night Noise at Davisville Yard.

The Commission Received The Communication.

(See Deputation 'F' For Minute)

C-4) W. Millar, President, American Public Transit Association urging the Commission to participate in Earth Day on April 22, 2000 to promote the environmental benefits of public transit.

The Commission Received The Communication.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Participate In Some Planned Events Next Year.

The Commission Approved Chair Moscoe's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

C-5) Councillor W. Saundercook, City of Toronto urging the Commission to retain the 168B Symington peak period service to West Park Hospital.

The Commission Received The Communication.

(See Report No. 15 For Minute)

C-6) Councillor I. Bossons, City of Toronto suggesting that the Commission request the developer of the North Toronto Station to provide an easement for the purpose of a second entrance to Summerhill Subway Station as a condition to approval of the Site Plan.

The Commission Received The Communication.

(See Deputation 'E' For Minute)

C-7) Councillor D. Shiner, City of Toronto suggesting that the TTC and GO Transit be part of future development discussions regarding land around the Oriole GO Station.

The Commission Received The Communication.

(See CC-2 For Minute)

New Business

a) Committee of the Whole Resolution

The Commission Approved A Resolution By Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski To Meet As The Committee Of The Whole On Monday, May 8, 2000 To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.

Supplementary Agenda

34. Presentation: TTC Fare Collection Study Update

Commissioner Mihevc Moved That The Commission Defer Consideration Of This Matter Until Its Next Meeting.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Mihevc's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Commissioner Ashton Moved That This Matter Be Listed As The First Agenda Item For The Next Meeting.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Ashton's Motion On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

35. Kennedy Station Commuter Lot Expansion

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Approve the sale at a price of $285,000 of the surplus portion of the Roe Loop that has been leased to the Toronto Parking Authority (TPA) for almost 30 years.

2. Authorize staff to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale in a form satisfactory to the General Counsel.

3. Approve the design and construction of additional commuter parking spaces at Kennedy Subway Station at a cost not to exceed $285,000.

4. Forward this report to the City of Toronto for information.

The Commission Approved The Recommendation On A Unanimous Vote.

Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Korwin-Kuczynski and Commissioner Lindsay Luby were not present to vote on this matter.

The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

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