TTC Audit and Risk Management Committee - February 11, 2020

Meeting info

Date:Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Start Time:8:30 a.m.
Location:7th Floor Executive Board Room 1900 Yonge Street
Meeting No:0020
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

TTC Board Members

TTC Board Members

  • Ron Lalonde (Chair)
  • Joanne De Laurentiis
  • Alan Heisey, Q.C.

TTC Board Members

TTC Board Members

  • Ron Lalonde (Chair)
  • Joanne De Laurentiis
  • Alan Heisey, Q.C.

Declarations of Interest – Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Resolution – Committee of the Whole

That the Committee recess as the Committee of the Whole to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations, employee negotiations, security of the property, to receive advice which is subject to solicitor client privilege and for the purpose of education/training.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Business Arising Out of the Minutes

Public Presentations

Requests to speak must be registered by noon of the business day preceding meeting day. A final deputation list will be distributed at the meeting.
A meeting of the TTC Audit & Risk Management Committee was held in the 7th Floor Executive Board Room, 1900 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 commencing at 8:35 a.m.

Present at Committee of the Whole

Present at Public Session

J. De Laurentiis, and R. Lalonde (Members), R. Leary (Chief Executive Officer), J. La Vita (Interim Chief Financial Officer), B. Hasserjian (Chief Safety Officer - Acting), K. Llewellyn-Thomas (Chief Customer Officer), F. Monaco (Chief of Infrastructure and Engineering), N. Poole-Moffatt (Chief of Corporate Affairs), S. Reed Tanaka (Chief Capital Officer), J. Ross (Chief Operating Officer), K. Watson (Deputy CEO – Operations), M. Atlas (Associate General Counsel), T. Bal (Head - Audit, Risk and Compliance), A. Foster (Head - Farecard Team), Michelle Jones (Head - Revenue Protection), C. Leach(Director, Audit, Risk and Compliance), C. Finnerty (Manager - CEO Business Support & Council Relations - Acting), K. Lee (Director - Commission Services) and A. Farnsworth (Coordinator – Secretariat Services) were present.

D. Magisano (Mayor’s office) was present.

R. Lalonde was in the Chair. 

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner De Laurentiis moved that the Audit & Risk Management Committee approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, December 12, 2019.

The motion by Commissioner De Laurentiis carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Public Presentations

Item No. 2: Audit, Risk and Compliance: Fare Evasion Study (2019)
Shelagh Pizey-Allen
Milen Tewelde
Sean Meagher

The Board received the deputations for information (see Item 2 for minute).

Item No. 3: The TTC’s Revenue Protection Strategy
Carols Santos and Kevin Morton (Amalgamated Transit Union 113)
Alan Yule

The Board received the deputations for information (see Item 3 for minute).

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

1. Audit, Risk and Compliance Report: Flexible Work Plan (2020)

It is recommended that the TTC Audit and Risk Management Committee:

  1. Approves the Audit, Risk and Compliance Report: Flexible Work Plan (2020) with attachments.
  2. Forwards a copy of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Report: Flexible Work Plan (2020) with attachments to the TTC Board for information.


2. Audit, Risk and Compliance: Fare Evasion Study (2019)

It is recommended that the TTC Audit and Risk Management Committee:
1.  Receives this report for information.
2.  Forwards a copy to the TTC Board for information.
3.  Directs Management to report back by the third quarter of 2020 to the Audit and Risk Management Committee on the status of proposed actions in the Comments section of this report.


3. The TTC’s Revenue Protection Strategy

It is recommended that the Audit and Risk Management Committee:

  1. Receives this progress update with respect to the TTC’s Revenue Protection Strategy; and
  2. Forwards a copy of this report to the TTC Board.


The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.

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