ACAT Meeting - April 26, 2018
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
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Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
- Raymond Dell’Aera, Chair
- Mazin Aribi, Co-Vice Chair
- Louise Bark
- Mary Burton
- Anita Dressler
- Jessica Geboers
- Debbie Gillespie
- Angela Marley
- Lynn McCormick
- Marian McDonell
- Craig Nicol
- Angela Rebeiro
- Thomas Richardson
- Lauri Sue Robertson
Pool Members
- Scott McArthur
- Igor Samardzic
TTC Representatives
- Dan Wright, Chief Financial Officer
- Steve Conforti, Head, Finance and Treasurer
- Collie Greenwood, Acting Chief Service Officer
- Lynn Middleton, Acting Head of Wheel-Trans
- Dean Milton, Manager - Strategic Initiatives, Wheel-Trans
- Matt Hagg, Senior Planner – System Accessibility
- Mark Mis, Manager – Service Planning
- Heather Brown, Manager – Customer Communications
- Lodon Hassan, Assistant Manager - Customer Service, Wheel-Trans
- Paul Lopes, Program Manager, Station Transformation
- Dinah Holliday, Stations Transformation
- John Boucher, Manager - Lakeshore Garage
- Doug Walker, Project Delivery, Vehicle Programs
- Jasmine Eftekhari, Program Coordinator, Specialized Transit Services
- Jessica Pietrusiak, Diversity & Human Rights
- Rick Leary, Acting Chief Executive Officer
- Kirsten Watson, Acting Deputy CEO/Chief Customer Officer
- Collie Greenwood, Acting Chief Service Officer
- Susan Reed Tanaka, Chief Capital Officer
- Dan Wright, Chief Financial Officer
- Brad Ross, Executive Director – Corporate Communications
- James Ross, Acting Chief Operating Officer
- Eve Wiggins, Project Manager – CEO Report / WTT Program
- Lynn Middleton, Acting Head of Wheel-Trans
- Jacqueline Darwood, Head of Strategy & Service Planning
- Deborah Brown, Acting Head of Customer Communications
- TTC Board Members
Items Discussed
1. Call to Order / Attendance
Raymond Dell’Aera, ACAT Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:12 p.m., and attendance was taken.
A moment of silence was held for the victims of the tragic event on Yonge Street on April 23, 2018.
3. Approval of Agenda
On a motion by Marian McDonell, seconded by Debbie Gillespie, the agenda was approved with the following amendments:
Addition of items under New Business:
- Pick up and Drop Off at 1900 Yonge Street
- Request for Access to Interpreters for Intervenors
4. Remarks from ACAT Chair, Raymond Dell’Aera
Three Public Meetings for the Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy have been held and ACAT members who volunteered to help at the ACAT tables were thanked. Due to the events of April 23, 2018, the April 30th Public Meeting will be rescheduled for a later date.
Mazin Aribi attended the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting held on April 19, 2018. At the meeting, motions regarding the proposed design options for Bloor Street bike lanes were made. A request for information was also made from the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee to the TTC regarding the amount spent on Wheel-Trans appeals, the average wait time for appeals, and the number of successful annual appeals.
The Wheel-Trans Public Meeting held on April 18, 2018 at Metro Hall was commended.
Questions and Comments from Committee Members
Lynn Middleton confirmed that the cancellation of the April 30th Public Meeting will be broadcast widely via the TTC website, social media, and other communications available to customers and the public. All customers who have trips booked have been contacted. A reason will also be provided for the cancellation.
5. Announcement of New ACAT Member
6. Election of ACAT Co Vice Chair and Customer Liaison Panel (CLP) Representative
Thomas Richardson is resigning as ACAT Representative to the Customer Liaison Panel (CLP).
Elections were held for the position of ACAT Co-Vice Chair and CLP Representative.
Election of the Co-Vice Chair
Anita Dressler nominated Debbie Gillespie, who declined the nomination.
Craig Nicol nominated Angela Rebeiro, seconded by Angela Marley. Angela Rebeiro accepted the nomination.
Lauri Sue Robertson nominated Anita Dressler, seconded by Jessica Geboers. Anita Dressler declined the nomination.
Thomas Richardson nominated Louise Bark, seconded by Mary Burton. Louise Bark accepted the nomination.
Angela Rebeiro was elected as Co-Vice Chair for the remainder of the 2018 term.
Election of the ACAT Representative to the Customer Liaison Panel (CLP)
Angela Rebeiro nominated Craig Nicol, seconded by Lauri Sue Robertson. Craig Nicol accepted the nomination.
Thomas Richardson nominated Louise Bark, seconded by Mary Burton. Louise Bark accepted the nomination.
Craig Nicol was elected as the ACAT Representative to the CLP for the remainder of 2018.
7. Review and Approval of March 29, 2018 Minutes
On a motion by Angela Marley and seconded by Debbie Gillespie, the March 29, 2018 minutes were approved with the following amendment:
- Item #11, Communications Subcommittee, paragraph 1, to read: “The Travel Assistance card has been referred to WTOS and Wheel-Trans staff are considering it. The “Please Offer Me a Seat” project is being developed by a staff group that includes Strategy and Service Planning and Customer Communications. Customers who need a seat can use this card to request any seat on the vehicle.”
8. Business Arising Out of Minutes/Outstanding Items
- Item: Travel Assistance Card: Ongoing.
- Item: Wheel-Trans Buses to be permitted to use the DVP Bus Bypass Lanes: Completed. Lynn Middleton reported that training has commenced and the lanes have been in effect since April 4, 2018. Wheel-Trans Operators have been trained, and the lanes now have an average use of three times per day.
- Item: Request for Amendment to the Proposed New Guidelines for Sidewalk Cafes: Ongoing.
- Item: Lack of Tactile Information on Poles for Shared Bus Stops: Ongoing.
- Item: Family of Services Trips are Difficult to Use during Periods of Overcrowding: This item will be addressed at the May 28, 2018 SPS meeting.
- Item: Access to Subway Stations and Wheel-Trans Stops at Entrances: Staff to address at an SPS meeting later in 2018.
- Item: Emergency Procedures for Customer Mobility Device Breakdowns on TTC: Ongoing.
10. Presentation: Stations Transformation - Wayfinding Beacons
Paul Lopes, Stations Transformation, provided an overview of the Wayfinding Beacons project. Dinah Holliday, Stations Transformation, and Doug Walker, Project Delivery, Vehicle Programs, were also present.
The wayfinding beacons form part of an accessible navigation system that works in tandem with a free third-party smartphone application. This system helps the blind and people with visual impairment by describing the environment and announcing points of interest as they travel.
A pilot has been started in partnership with the CNIB and the St. Clair BIA at the St. Clair subway station, as part of the Shop Talk initiative. There are future plans to have 25 beacons to provide wayfinding at every subway station.
An overview was provided of the benefits of the beacon project as well as how it fits into the TTC 5 Year Corporate Plan with its components of safety, customer service, financial sustainability, and reputation. The goal is to provide inclusive and accessible services and to enable a barrier-free transit system.
The beacon device emits a signal recognized by the Blindsquare Apple iOS app, which then retrieves the signal and plays wayfinding messages for the customer. The customer can then navigate through the station, picking up and listening to various beacon messages at travel and safety points.
Next steps include improvements to the installations of beacons for the St. Clair pilot with CNIB and ACAT input. The CNIB is working to compile survey results from their patrons and will report on the findings.
Questions and Comments from Committee Members
The beacon interprets geographical data via mobile phone app only.
At the present time, the software supplied by Blindsquare is iPhone-enabled only. Feedback from the CNIB/St. Clair pilot can help with the formulation of a Request for Proposals (RFP) and the requirements that other platforms be supported.
The beacons use a variety of power sources which may also affect beacon cost. A decision will be made on the type of beacon selected after the RFP process.
The figure of 25 beacons was determined from the evaluation of various stations. CNIB helped with the ideal placement points of beacons in areas and locations where customers are making path decisions. The beacons also line up in similar places to traditional wayfinding signage.
In response to the request that beacons also emit a noise similar to that of crosswalks, it was explained that from a wayfinding perspective, such noise would not provide any useful information about locations.
In response to a query about cost options for those customers who cannot afford smartphones, and who are more likely to take the TTC, it was confirmed that the beacons are just another option available to a segment of the customer base and are not intended to replace any existing forms of wayfinding.
The beacons are associated with a geo fence around a certain geographic area and phones will pick up the signals provided even if they do not have carrier signals on their phones. It was noted that this helps customers with hearing impairments. Other features will help low-vision/blind customers, as well as those customers whose English is a second language.
An explanation was provided of how the information from the beacons would be transmitted to the phone. With the Blindsquare app, if a customer is within the geo fence, with a functioning app, the app will recognize the signal and pick up pre-recorded messages that will then be displayed or played to the customer.
As configuration depends on the customer having a data package on their phone, it was recommended that WiFi options be considered. This will be added to the options posed to potential vendors.
11. Presentation: New TTC Website
Heather Brown, Manager of Customer Communications, presented the new TTC website prototype. An overview was provided of the new layout and content segments, along with navigation via the menu tabs. The launch is scheduled for the end of June.
The overall goal is for a more modern, customer-friendly, and easier-to-navigate website. Information shared by ACAT regarding the Trip Planner has also been passed on to Metrolinx, with an update to be provided by June.
Questions and Comments from Committee Members
It was confirmed that the current website content is only being revised for clarity, and will not be created from scratch.
ACAT members strongly objected to the removal of the accessibility option on the main tabs of the prototype. Support was expressed for the prominent placement of this information on the main tab, which would immediately inform visitors of accessibility issues. It was also stated that accessibility and Wheel-Trans are separate issues, and placement of such information under Wheel-Trans is a step back. The preference was also expressed for Wheel-Trans to fall under Accessibility instead. These points will be taken to Deborah Brown, Head of Customer Communications.
Posting of “Accessibility Tips” information will occur after the website has been made live in order to reduce the number of items that need to be migrated. The following points were confirmed:
- Discounted fares are currently in the Fares section.
- The website is WCAG 2.0 compliant.
- Staff have been trained on creating accessible documents.
The website has been tested with focus groups in both one-on-one and scenario-based training.
The CLP panel had reviewed the website prior to the ACAT meeting. Staff teams from the Communications and Community Relations departments will also be given an overview. ACAT members wondered why they were not included in the focus group when the website was being revised.
In response to the recommendation that the website be exhibited to other Subcommittees, a one-page summary sheet can be developed to provide an overview.
The following information needs to be confirmed:
- Information on Wheel-Trans ride bookings being integrated into the new website.
- Triplinx accessibility from Metrolinx.
Further comments include:
- Recommendations to use thicker fonts. It was confirmed that the font will be adjusted to contrast with the website.
- Inclusion of maps within the station descriptions. The descriptions will provide a vital source of information for customers who cannot see or understand maps, while the maps will help those who cannot decipher written information.
- In response to the comment that the website prototype should have been made available first to the Communications Subcommittee, it was stated that the prototype was not available at the time of the Subcommittee’s last meeting, and will have been launched by its next scheduled meeting.
- The request was made for another Communications Subcommittee meeting to be scheduled prior to the June launch. An update will be provided on this item.
- The Customer Liaison Panel has recommended that inner pages should also feature text and icons. It was also suggested that style sheets be provided so that customers may change the size of icons or fonts.
- Of particular note was the yellow service alert bar which is prominent throughout the website and provides freshly updated travel alerts.
- A comment was also made that requested changes from ACAT regarding the current website have not been made due to changes in IT staff. Items that need to be changed are to be sent to Heather Brown via Raymond Dell’Aera. Further discussion on the protocol for website changes may be held outside of the meeting.
- It was also confirmed that the website will still use a staging portal for revisions prior to information being made live.
- Several members stated that it is essential that ACAT members review the website pages prior to launch, especially as the website is an essential source of information for accessibility services and features. Members cited the importance of being able to freely interact with the prototype. As the website launch is scheduled for June, it was recommended that ACAT members review the website and provide feedback by the end of May. This information will be shared with Deborah Brown.
12. Subcommittee Reports and Updates
Communications Subcommittee (CS) – Marian McDonell
A CS meeting was held on April 5, 2018.
Heather Brown is now the Staff liaison for the Subcommittee.
The annual brochure review will be conducted by September. Minor updates were added to the ACAT brochure and “Accessibility Tips” in readiness for the Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy update. Major updates to these brochures will be conducted in the summer.
Ian Dickson, Manager of Design and Wayfinding, presented the accessible bus pictogram that will now be used on the TTC to represent paratransit instead of the Wheel-Trans pictogram. The goal is to have a symbol that is relatable to all customers. An explanation was also provided of pictograms on poles at shared bus stops.
It was recommended that information about emergency subway closure procedures be distributed through Customer Communications, the website, and the Wheel-Trans newsletter. Customers who are unable to use stairs should go to the Designated Waiting Area (DWA) for assistance from staff.
The next CS meeting will be on June 21, 2018.
Design Review Subcommittee (DRS) - Craig Nicol
A DRS meeting was held on April 4, 2018.
Adrian Piccolo, Chief Architect, reviewed a number of items brought forward from DRS. Many of the items will be submitted for further review or submitted for revision in the design manual.
A presentation was given on the electric battery buses (e-buses) that will be used in tandem with the current fleet. A site visit by DRS was scheduled for April 20, 2018.
DRS Outstanding items were reviewed.
A site visit was held on April 20, 2018 to review the e-buses.
As there is no standard TTC seating on the buses yet, comments were only provided on general features and envelope of the bus, and not necessarily on the seating layout. Ramp gradients were discussed, as were the details of the PRESTO payment machines and the width of rear doors. Staff also agreed that an interior layout of the buses will be presented to DRS once available. The e-buses are scheduled to go into service in 2019.
Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS) - Thomas Richardson
An SPS meeting was held on March 7, 2018. (Report deferred from March 29th ACAT Meeting).
Ryan Duggan, Manager - Fire Safety & Emergency Planning, presented the TYSSE Emergency Evacuation Exercise – Debrief. Several questions were asked concerning the evacuation procedures especially those related to persons using mobility devices. Ryan Duggan responded that depending on the situation, doors on the side of the train would open to allow all ambulatory persons access to the catwalk on the side of the train, or a ramp at one end of the train would be deployed to accommodate non-ambulatory persons and persons using mobility devices, by TTC staff upon their arrival at the scene. Since power to the area would be cut off, the Subway Emergency Rescue Vehicle (SERV) cart would be employed to evacuate persons requiring assistance. Once at the nearest station platform, emergency personnel would assist these persons to street level. Constant communication between TTC staff, emergency personnel, and passengers on the train will be maintained. Since the goal is to evacuate as many passengers as possible, much effort is put into crowd control.
Mostafa Omran, Manager of Customer Experience, and Ciaran Ryan, Customer Experience Analyst, provided an overview of the TTC Ridership Growth Strategy (RGS). The RGS outlined action plans and initiatives for the next five years to increase TTC Ridership.
A discussion was held on how accessibility can be integrated in the TTC’s plans and was centred on what drivers can be used to facilitate this integration. SPS recommended that references to accessibility be integrated into the whole document and not as a specific section. This recommendation will be presented to the TTC Board.
Observations were made about the duration of trips for customers using FoS services as well as how the length of such trips may affect transfer times. A more sensitive approach is needed by Fare Inspectors in this regard.
An SPS meeting was also held on April 4, 2018.
Albert Oliver, Head of Streetcar Transportation, invited SPS members to share their concerns and feedback on low-floor streetcars operating procedures. Comments were provided on ramp deployment, overcrowding, and the braking system. Operators also need to check that ramps are deployed properly and assist customers with getting off and on. This item has been forwarded to Streetcar Transportation.
Stephanie Simard and Sierra Buehler from Strategy and Service Planning presented an overview of the Micro Transit project. The project has been developed to meet the needs of responsive transit especially in areas of low passenger demand. It is designed to work in collaboration with, and in support of both Wheel-Trans and the Family of Services initiatives, and will not compete with them or cost more than other services to operate.
The next SPS Meeting will be held on May 2, 2018
Wheel-Trans Operations Committee (WTOS) - Lynn McCormick
A WTOS meeting was held on March 15, 2018. (Report deferred from March 29th ACAT Meeting).
The Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy update was presented. The Family of Services (FoS) pilot is now in Phase 4 and post-pilot phase site visits have been conducted for future access hubs. Modification recommendations can be sent to Dean Milton.
Mystery Shopping - TTC will be working with a research consultation firm to expand the mystery shopping program to Wheel-Trans, and ACAT members will be invited to participate.
Stantec presented a report on the User Accessibility Audit for the FoS. The project’s aim is to ensure the system is ready to expand FoS and empower customers in the Wheel-Trans program. WTOS members made various suggestions to ensure customer safety.
Retrofits will be conducted for identified issues on the ProMaster buses and the issue with the leaf springs has been referred to Vehicle Engineering.
A WTOS meeting was also held on April 12, 2018.
David Tonon, Lakeshore Garage, reported a solution to mount the Q-Straints on the floor. If accepted, changes will be implemented on other buses. Loose brackets found during inspections will be fixed. Vehicle Engineering has been working with Creative Carriage on improving the ride quality of springs. There have also been reports of the ProMaster being too bumpy.
John Boucher, the new Manager of Lakeshore Garage, was introduced to the WTOS members and will replace David Tonon at future WTOS meetings.
The FOS pilot is now concluded and will be handed over to Customer Service.
Plans are underway for the development of access hubs at Humber College, Jane and Eglinton, Victoria Park and Kingston Road, as well as Ellesmere and Nielsen.
The Wheel-Trans policies that were recently reviewed by ACAT are being finalized by TTC Legal Counsel, and staff will bring them forward to ACAT prior to rollout.
Subway Travel Training is in its final stages of development, with a six-month pilot commencing in June. Further details on one-on-one training will be provided at the next WTOS meeting.
The new telephony system will be launched on May 19, 2018. Improvements include customers maintaining their position in line in sequence, with an option implemented for agents to call customers back.
Grant Marcinkow from Wheel-Trans provided an overview of PRESTO’s implementation and fare collection device challenges. No fare solution has been developed yet for sedans due to the high cost of keeping the units up to date.
The Next WTOS meeting will be held on May 17, 2018 at 580 Commissioners Street.
Questions and Comments from Committee Members
It was emphasized that, during a review of the ProMaster bus, Wheel-Trans and ACAT members reviewed securement, not the ride in motion. This should be taken into consideration when further reviews are conducted.
It was recommended that current accessibility issues at the Meadowvale Hub, such as activation of the heating system, be looked into before the development of future hubs.
13. ACAT Subcommittee Meeting Highlights for the Next TTC Board Meeting
- Information on the International Symbol of Access, its critical use at the TTC and the need to use proper terminology.
- Communication regarding Emergency Subway Closures - Customer Communications will develop a message to the public regarding the procedure and members will have input on the messaging.
- TTC Design Standards Update and Additions discussion with Adrian Piccolo, TTC Chief Architect
- Battery Electric Bus Prototype review
- The announcement that Routes 501,509 and 514 are now running with low-floor streetcars.
- The introduction and overview of the proposed new Micro Transit Project.
- The use of the multi-camera presentation allowed SPS members to view different aspects of the Evacuation Exercise including the use of the Subway Emergency Rescue Vehicle (SERV).
- The modification of the Subway Emergency Rescue Vehicle (SERV) as recommended by ACAT resulted in a much more efficient use of the equipment.
- Enhancements to the Remote Trip Booking
14. Report on Customer Liaison Panel (CLP), Thomas Richardson
A CLP meeting was held on April 24, 2018. The two items presented at this meeting were:
- The "You Are Here” maps to be posted in every subway station. Due to the limited space available, the Line 1 map will be re-configured to meet the space specifications.
- The introduction and overview of a safety campaign to make customers aware of the dangers of accidents involving streetcars and pedestrians.
There were no accessibility issues addressed at this meeting.
Tom Richardson announced that due to previous ACAT commitments he is stepping down as the ACAT Representative to the Customer Liaison Panel. Tom assured the Panel that a new ACAT Representative would be appointed at the next ACAT General Meeting.
15. Report on TTC Board Meeting and Accessibility Matters
A TTC Board Meeting was held on March 20, 2018. (Report deferred from March 29th ACAT Meeting).
The Board adopted two motions relating to the accessibility of the final designs of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT Interchange Stations.
1) “That Metrolinx be advised that it is the position of the TTC and the TTC's Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) that ease-of-travel on public transit is fundamental and achievable through the development of consistent wayfinding, including symbols, nomenclature and typography on signage in stations.
The TTC Board requests that the TTC's seamless wayfinding standard, developed and evolved over many years, and familiar to Toronto's travelling public, be applied at LRT stations that connect with the TTC's subway system to ensure seamless travel that is accessible to all.”
2) “That TTC staff work with City of Toronto staff to examine the pedestrian realm and mobility functionality in and around Cedarvale, Eglinton and Kennedy stations.”
A TTC Board Meeting was held on April 11, 2018.
Comments were made on the progress of the 2018 Accessibility Plan Status Update, noting there are positives, but there are still many areas for improvement such as missing braille on some elevators and conventional Bus Operators not always lifting the flip-up seats for persons using a mobility device.
TTC Chair Josh Colle made a motion, which was passed, about the work needed to ensure that Islington and Warden stations will become fully accessible by the target date:
“That TTC staff request CreateTO to prioritize the re-development of Warden and Islington stations in order to allow the completion of the Easier Access work at these locations and meet the 2025 legislated deadline for AODA compliance.”
A discussion was held on elevator redundancy in the design of the Relief Line Interchange Stations. Staff answered that focus has been on one elevator until now, but the need has been recognized at busier stations and there is consideration of increasing these requirements.
A discussion was held about the poor performance of elevators on the Toronto York Spadina Subway Extension (TYSSE), in the context of awarding a new elevator maintenance contract. More emphasis needs to be placed on elevator availability, as they are a vital service for many people. Staff will come back with a detailed report. It was noted that only one contractor out of the four submitted a compliant bid.
Questions and Comments from Committee Members
In response to a query, CreateTO is a City of Toronto agency that deals with real estate and development, and will oversee the redevelopment of Warden and Islington stations, in co ordination with City of Toronto objectives.
16. Report on ACAT Executive Quarterly Meeting with CEO and Chair
The ACAT Executive Quarterly Meeting was held on April 19, 2018, attended by TTC Vice-Chair Alan Heisey, Rick Leary, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Eve Wiggins, Head of Wheel-Trans, and the ACAT Executive, with regrets from TTC Chair Josh Colle.
The following items were discussed:
- Elevator Redundancy at Relief Line Interchange Stations: ACAT Executive expressed the importance of creating accessibility redundancy at rapid transit interchange stations such that it is always possible to transfer between subway/LRT/heavy rail lines in the event of a single elevator failure.
As planning for the Relief Line is still at a very early stage, there is an opportunity to design the interchange stations to include this provision with relatively little extra cost and disruption compared to retrofitting later. The number of persons with disabilities will rise by 2030 which firmly supports the case for improving the accessibility infrastructure standards for new construction of rapid transit lines.
- Elevator Availability Reporting and Maintenance Checklist: Due to recent issues with elevator performance at certain subway stations, the ACAT Executive suggested a few improvements to how elevator availability is reported to the TTC Board and the public in the monthly CEO Report.
The suggestion is to include the number of hours of service downtime for elevators that have gone out of service with the associated reason for each. The current metric of service uptime expressed as a percentage is adequate for the purpose of creating a target, but does not give a clear picture of the impact to customers who rely on these elevators when they are not available.
The ACAT Executive also suggested adding accessibility features, such as the condition of braille markings, to the maintenance checklist for elevators. Rick Leary responded that this can be given to the station staff as part of their regular check.
- PRESTO Implementation for Wheel-Trans Contracted Sedan Taxis: ACAT Executive expressed frustration with the fact that there is still no implementation for PRESTO on sedan taxis contracted by Wheel-Trans, which make up the bulk of Wheel-Trans trips.
Eve Wiggins responded that solving the PRESTO issue with sedans is a requirement that must be met before the TTC can eliminate legacy fare media. Rick Leary responded that he will ask Metrolinx’s PRESTO group to speak to ACAT directly on this issue.
- TTC Board Room Renovation: ACAT has inquired about renovations planned for the TTC’s main boardroom and how this might affect the accessibility of the space. The new setup will incorporate closed captioning, live streaming and recording into the new design, and a more detailed description of the plans will be provided to ACAT.
19. Review of Correspondence
- A customer asked about the design of the streetcar platforms, westbound of St. Clair near Yonge Street, which features a bench in front of the accessibility doors. A work order has now been submitted to fix the location.
- A transit advocacy group from New York requested information on the former CEO’s track record with respect to accessibility.
- A question was received regarding the use of walkers on conventional buses and the difficulty of reaching the priority stop request button if the flip up seat is in a flipped-up position. There is also difficulty when exiting the bus with a ramp. Tips on how to communicate with the Operator ahead of time were given. Future design changes should include easier placement of buttons.
- Debbie Gillespie reported that the CNIB is meeting with the Metrolinx coordinator for accessibility regarding the Triplinx trip planner embedded on the TTC website, which is not easily accessible for customers who use screen readers. An update will be provided to ACAT at its next meeting.
- It was reported that a spot on a St. Clair route shelter does not have enough space between the streetcar and the shelter itself.
20. Other / New Business
TTC Protocol When Interacting with Deaf or Hard of Hearing Customers During an Incident
The request was made for interpreters to be present during incidents so that deaf or hard of hearing customers can fully understand the issues being discussed, as well as the next steps to be taken. Emergency interpreter services exist and can provide the necessary information in such issues. Matt Hagg reported that staff from Transit Control and Diversity and Human Rights department are looking into this issue.
Pick Up and Drop Off at 1900 Yonge Street
It was reported that delivery trucks have been parking in the pick-up/drop off zone which has resulted in ACAT members being dropped off in locations past the exit. The request was made that, on ACAT meeting dates, the pick-up/drop off spot be restricted to accessible vehicles only from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
TTC staff, especially from the Wheel-Trans department, were commended for their quick responses and professionalism on April 23 and 24, 2018 to customers who had rides within the Yonge/Finch corridor.
Davisville Station
A request was made that the timer on the door opener into the Davisville Station be changed to 5:30 p.m. This item was forwarded to staff.
21. Next Meeting
22. Adjournment
On a motion by Anita Dressler, the meeting was adjourned at 4:02 p.m.
Temi Adewumi
Recording Secretary