ACAT Meeting - November 26, 2015
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
- Mazin Aribi, Chair
- Angela Rebeiro, Co-Vice Chair
- Tim Rose, Co-Vice Chair
- Judy Berger
- Karma Burkhar
- Raymond Dell’Aera
- Jaspreet Dhaliwal
- Margaret Hageman
- Marian McDonell
- Bobbi Moore
- Craig Nicol
- Sam Savona
- Valdo Tammark
- Howard Wax
Pool Member
- James Bartlett
- Joan Jordan
TTC Representatives
- Matt Hagg
- Dean Milton
- Andy Byford
- Richard Leary
- Chris Upfold
- Kirsten Watson
- Susan Reed Tanaka
- Vince Rodo
- Brad Ross
- Gary Shortt
- Mitch Stambler
- TTC Board Members
In this section
1. Call to Order / Attendance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Review and Approval of October 29, 2015 Minutes
The approval of October 29, 2015 Minutes were deferred to the next meeting of December 17, 2015.
5. Business Arising Out of Minutes/Outstanding Items
•Item: PRESTO Accessibility Features - There was a suggestion to add the year “2015”. Craig Nicol will provide further information during the DRS Report.
•Item: Accessibility at Bus Bays - The year “2015” should be added after “November”. There will be no update today.
•Item: Accessibility at Transit Stops, Public Education - There will be an update from the Communications Subcommittee. The date “October 29, 2015” should be added under “Action Required” as the date of the last ACAT Meeting.
•Item: Gap between Subway Trains and Platforms - Under “Action Required”, the date “October 29, 2015” should be added.
•Item: Legends on Maps over TR Train Doors – There will be an update from the Communication Subcommittee. The year “2015” should be added.
•Item: Tracking Reduced Fares Issues Response - There will be an update from the Transit Fare Equity (TFE). Again, the year “2015” should be added.
•Item: Accessibility Flash Cards - The title should read, “Accessibility Flash Cards (Blue International Symbol Flash Cards).” Under “Action Required”, “to be reviewed in 2016,” should be inserted. Under “Completion Date,” place the date “March 2016.”
•Item: Travel Assistance Card - There will be an update from the Communications Subcommittee.
7. Subcommittee Reports and Updates
Design Review Subcommittee (DRS) – Craig Nicol, Chair
The Design Review Subcommittee met on November 13, 2015.
• Scarborough RT Retrofit:
Trains will be updated by removing seats to provide one mobility device space per car and priority seating, as well as a multi-use area for strollers, bicycles, etc. Stanchions will be reconfigured along with improved lighting and new finishes to flooring, interior, and exterior car surfaces.
DRS recommendations:
- An international symbol of access decal to be placed on the exterior to indicate the location of the mobility device parking area.
- Priority seating decals to be added.
- With the removal of draft panels at the multi purpose area, the termination of the horizontal bar may constitute a hazard.
- A lower emergency alarm strip to be added at the mobility device area.
- That in future designs the door exterior colour should contrast with train finish.
- This seems to be a fast-track program that has not previously come to the Subcommittee. DRS should review the first car retrofitted.
• PRESTO Update and New Fare Line Designs:
An update on the PRESTO system rollout was provided. The new fare gate design and fare line strategy was introduced. All crash gates, easy access gates, portals, and high gate turnstiles will be replaced by the new fare gate. For accessibility, at least one gate will be 900 mm wide; and for the majority of main entrances, two gates will be 900 mm wide.
DRS recommendations and concerns:
- An operational example of the new gate design to be reviewed by DRS. The variable bi directional feature may be problematic for persons with vision impairment and a mitigating strategy needs to be developed.
- The protruding portion of the gate paddles may catch on mobility devices or unduly restrict perception of the width of the access aisle.
• Other Items/New Business:
TR train announcements right/left side have been implemented for line stations but do not function for terminal stations. Announcements are recordings triggered by a tag on the track. It was suggested that two tags and two versions of the terminal station announcement be used to resolve this deficiency.
Craig Nicol reported on a review of the Single Ride Vending Machine (SRVM) for implementation of contactless financial card payments. Several accessibility deficiencies were detected, particularly with the contactless reader and with some audio scripting. It was recommended that the machine not be introduced until the deficiencies are corrected.
The next meeting of the DRS is scheduled for December 2, 2015.
Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WTOS) – Sam Savona, Chair
No meetings were held since the last ACAT meeting.
Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS) – Valdo Tammark, Chair
No meetings were held since the last ACAT meeting.
Communications Subcommittee (CS) – Marian McDonell, Chair
The Communications Subcommittee (CS) meeting was held on November 19, 2015.
The Minutes from the September 11, 2015 meeting were approved. Many issues were discussed and updated.
• Safety Campaign:
Raymond Dell-Aera and Jaspreet Dhaliwal were photo models for the Safety Campaign. The motto of the campaign is Stay Focused Stay Safe. The posters depict situations where riders should be paying attention. The posters will be distributed in January 2016. Jaspreet Dhaliwal wrote a blog post about her experience. The blog post will be provided in the upcoming Wheel Trans newsletter.
Questions and Comments from the Committee:
ACAT members raised a concern about the proper wording of “with a mobility device” versus “using a mobility device” as indicated in the style guide. Marian McDonell will inquire whether it is too late to change the wording to be consistent with the style guide.
• Wheel-Trans Winter Newsletter:
A sample of the Wheel-Trans newsletter was provided. Alicia Fowlie detailed the type of information that will be included: Messages from Eve Wiggins and Mazin Aribi, e-ticket options, updates for Easier Access, a section on customer satisfaction, Jaspreet Dhaliwal’s blog post, and a preview of the Stay Focused Stay Safe campaign.
The newsletter has been reviewed and approved by appropriate TTC staff as well as Subcommittee members via email. The newsletter is being produced this week.
• Streetcar/Bus Accessibility Features Video Update:
The new streetcar education program has been postponed pending delivery of new streetcars.
Mazin Aribi and Marian McDonell participated in a video shoot on November 18, 2015, focusing on the ramp. The intent is to produce a YouTube video which will depict the do’s and don’ts for all TTC customers on the use of the ramp on accessible buses. Also, a series of shots were taken for Operator Training purposes. The next steps are to edit and do a voiceover.
• Subway Maps Update:
Ian Dickson attended to provide a subway maps update for Line 1. The goal was to make the panel with route information on the side of the map easier to understand. The panel will now focus on the route the train is travelling on. The side panels can be changed out, but the center panel is fixed as it is anchored with the LED lights to indicate stations. The layout and font has been changed so that the information graphic is easier to understand. Accessibility, washroom locations, and available parking are shown. The panel showed how the design can carry more content such as transit partners and interconnection of stations, i.e., YRT, Viva, and GO.
Questions and Comments from the Committee:
ACAT members expressed a concern about the colour of the washroom locations on the map, which are indicated as blue. Mazin Aribi suggested that the washrooms could be depicted in white as in earlier versions and that blue should be used exclusively as the symbol for accessibility for consistency.
• Gap Solution at Eglinton Subway Station:
Symbols on the platform floor directly adjacent to the elevator indicating safe passage will be at two access points.
• Accessibility Flash Card/Travel Assistance Card Update:
Mostafa Omran attended to provide an update of the Accessibility Flash Cards. Mr. Omran sought input from CS regarding the concept and language prior to presentation to ACAT for ultimate approval. The concept is simple. The summary indicates: The origin of the concept, purpose, appearance, features, target customers, highlighted do’s and don’ts, and expected benefits.
The card is downloadable. A mock-up card was presented. The targeted customers for this card will be people with language or information barriers or people who find TTC travel difficult. The primary focus of the card is to empower customers. The card enables customers to communicate their needs to TTC staff, and the goal is to provide a safe, seamless, and comfortable trip.
The cards will be downloadable and printed as a fold. TTC Customer Service will also carry cards for pick up.
Some of the feedback provided was that the title of the card was too similar to the Support Assistance Card. A concern was also raised regarding the use of the word “help” on the card, as “help” is open to interpretation. A PDF file or booklet provided with the download will detail the best uses for the proposed card.
The card will be presented to ACAT prior to release.
• New Business
CS discussed the incident at Union Subway Station where a rider’s mobility device got stuck in the gap of the subway platform. It was suggested that a video on the proper boarding and exiting of subways might be helpful. A tip sheet was discussed, although potential issues are outlined in the Handbook for Accessible Travel.
Review the Interchange Station Announcements of Toronto Rocket subway trains is ongoing to see if the announcements can be added to Lines 2, 3, and 4.
The Subway Station Website item is ongoing.
8. Report on TTC Board Meeting and Accessibility Matters
Angela Rebeiro attended the TTC Board meeting of November 23, 2015. Mazin Aribi was unable to attend. There were several deputations. Topics included the operating budget and fare equity. There will be an increased fare for cash and tokens.
Raymond Dell’Aera reported that there was one notable change to the capital budget this year as he read on the TTC website. Under the section indicated “unfunded”, “Easier Access” has moved from “unfunded” to “funded” status and $160-million in additional funds have now been allocated.
The TTC Board received ACAT approved Minutes of September 24, 2015.
The next meeting is planned for December 16, 2015.
9. Report on Customer Liaison Panel (CLP) – Tim Rose, ACAT CLP Representative
The Customer Liaison Panel met on the November 11, 2015. The meeting was dominated by two issues. The first issue was a review of the 2016 Customer Charter, which will be coming out in early 2016. Language was discussed and suggestions were made. Accessibility has been addressed in the new Customer Charter.
There was discussion of a PowerPoint presentation regarding fare payment policies on PRESTO with regard to how fares are taken off the card and travelling across boundary. Feedback was sought pertaining to language.
Tim Rose suggested that the matter be further discussed at the monthly ACAT meeting. He also suggested that the draft Customer Charter be reviewed by ACAT.
The next meeting of the Customer Liaison Panel is planned for December 9, 2015.
10. Report on Transit Fare Equity (TFE) Project Committee
On November 16, 2015, TFE Committee had a meeting. Ricardo Tranjan introduced himself as the new City Staff Coordinator for this project. He has consolidated all the information and discussions the group had so far. The group discussed what would be realistic to ask for in the current political climate. They then set out a more realistic timeline to complete their work. The end product will be completed spring 2016.
Consultation will focus on targeted population such as people who need fare equity, i.e., low income neighbourhoods. These consultations will invite individuals to share the benefits from having a reduced fare. It remains agreed to have a separate consultation session with more focus on people with disabilities to allow adequate time for those who may require assistance to present their views. Due to budget restraint, there will not be massive marketing for these consultations.
There was a one-page rationale that outlines a tentative transit equity definition. ACAT members made suggestions to refine it. It now focuses on the social implications of transit equity in a positive way.
A request will be presented that the TTC Fare Report ensures that the TTC report created independent of the TFE Committee also includes ACAT feedback before submission to the Board.
Sam Savona agreed to continue as one of the ACAT representatives to the TFE Committee in 2016.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 18, 2015.
12. Report on ACAT Executive Quarterly Meeting with CEO and Chair
On November 19, 2015, the ACAT Executive Quarterly Meeting with the TTC CEO Andy Byford and TTC Chair Josh Colle was held.
One of the items discussed was that ACAT take a proactive approach to having Members of the TTC Executive attend monthly meetings. It was suggested that former TTC Vice Chair Maureen Adamson could be contacted.
ACAT members suggested that, in future civic appointments to the TTC Board, an individual representing people with disabilities should be chosen as a representative. It was suggested that ACAT make recommendations for potential appointment and that the Mayor be copied in the correspondence. Josh Colle will add disability to his criterion list for new appointments.