ACAT Meeting - January 31, 2013
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
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Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
- Angela Marley, Chair
- Susan Davidson, Vice-Chair
- Howard Wax, Vice-Chair
- Brayan Bratanov
- Adam Cohoon
- Fay Fuerst
- Debbie Gillespie
- Lori March
- Lynn McCormick
- Craig Nicol
- Tim Rose
- Sam Savona
- Valdo Tammar
Pool Members
- Robert Muzzy
- Sarah Adams
- Judy Berger
- Penny Lamy
- William Castor
TTC Representatives
- Tom McPherson
- Ross Visconti
- Janet O'Sullivan
- Matt Hagg
- Bill Dawson
- Chris Upfold
- Orest Kobylansky
- Thomas Hartley
- Dan Haffey
- Alan Foster
- Donna Bryant
- Andy Byford
- Chris Upfold
- Vince Rodo
- Mitch Stambler
- Jim Teeple
- Orest Kobylansky
- Sameh Ghaly
- Thomas Hartley
- TTC Commissioners
In this section
1. Call to Order / Attendance
2. Conflict of Interest – Explanation
A conflict of interest refers to a situation in which private interests or personal considerations may affect an ACAT member’s judgment in acting in the best interest of ACAT.
A conflict of interest includes a member using his or her position, any confidential information gained through his or her duties at the Committee, material or facilities for private gain or advancement or the expectation of private gain or advancement. A conflict may occur when an interest benefits any member of an ACAT member’s family, friends, or business.
4. Housekeeping
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Review and Approval of December 13, 2012 Minutes
On motion by Howard Wax and seconded by Brayan Bratanov, ACAT reviewed and approved the minutes with the following amendments:
- Page 8, item 12, pp 2, revise “...easier for people everyone.” to “...easier for everyone.”
7. Business Arising Out of Minutes/Outstanding Items
8. Deputation
Ms. Karima Ladahni
Ms. Karima Ladahni brought forward the following concerns and suggestions for Wheel-Trans services:
- She suggested revising the No-Show / Late Cancellation Policy so that riders can cancel on the same day with good cause.
- Drivers should confirm that they have the right client and are picking up from the correct address and door number.
- Requested clarification as to whether customers should watch and go out to the vehicle, or if drivers will come to the door.
- She requested that Wheel-Trans ensure taxi drivers’ conduct toward women is acceptable.
- She also stated that if the driver is early by 20 or 30 minutes, a client should not be forced to leave early.
- She suggested that a Wheel-Trans-like service be developed for women with strollers/young children and seniors?
Regarding a service for women, children and seniors, ACAT members requested clarification on exactly what Ms. Ladahni envisioned. Ms. Ladahni explained that she was thinking of a special service for women with small children or strollers, as conventional buses become congested. She suggested that one option is to consider a stroller as a mobility device. ACAT members explained that Wheel-Trans is for use by people using mobility devices and have mobility restrictions requiring the use of an accessible vehicle. Many Wheel-Trans customers also use accessible TTC bus and subway service.
The other issues that Ms. Ladahni raised were referred to the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee.
Staff spoke with Ms. Ladahni following the ACAT meeting to clarify Wheel-Trans policies and procedures.
Mr. Brian Magee
Mr. Brian Magee, who is visually impaired, came forward with the experience he had on December 11, 2012, in which a bus Operator closed the door on Mr. Magee's cane and he was dragged several steps. Mr. Magee contacted TTC Customer Service, was given a case number, and was told to contact the TTC Legal Department. Mr. Magee feels that the Legal Department has been investigating him rather than finding and following up with the bus Operator. Mr. Magee is inquiring what is being done to enforce the Customer Service policies that the TTC has in place and how can this situation be prevented in the future?
Angela Marley thanked Mr. Magee for coming forward with this issue and assured him that the Legal and Customer Service procedures will continue. The ACAT Service Planning Subcommittee is working on Re-Certification Training / Disability Awareness Training for Operators and this event is something they will take into consideration.
ACAT members thanked Mr. Magee and assured him that they will continue to be involved with Operator training and policy enforcement, as the accessibility of TTC conventional services is an ACAT priority.
9. Election of ACAT Representative to the Customer Liaison Panel (CLP)
Angela Marley canvassed the members for nominations for the ACAT CLP Representative.
Howard Wax nominated Lynn McCormick, who accepted the nomination. Craig Nicol nominated Brayan Bratanov, who accepted the nomination. Lori March nominated Fay Fuerst, who declined the nomination. Lori March nominated Tim Rose, who accepted the nomination.
Lynn McCormick, Brayan Bratanov, and Tim Rose spoke about their interest in serving.
After one round of voting via secret ballot, Tim Rose was elected as the ACAT representative on the CLP.
Janet O'Sullivan read out Mazin Aribi's CLP report from January 9, 2013. On January 9, 2013, the sixth CLP meeting was held at the TTC Head Office 7th Floor Boardroom from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Chris Upfold chaired the meeting along with Mr. Bob Hughes, Acting Chief Customer Officer.
Also present were Mr. Ian Dickson, Technical Assistant Wayfinding and Signage, and Mr. Bruno Papa, Customer Development Analyst.
- The Meeting opened with discussion of the following points:
- Operator Courtesy – Operators accommodating customers across intersections
- Pocket maps on buses
- The lack of TTC information signs at the Airport Terminal 1
- Purchasing fare media at the airport
- Commendation - Pleasant Information Representative using to inform the caller where the next bus is.
- Upcoming improvements on short-turn announcements.
- Presentation about PRESTO by Acting Chief Customer Officer Bob Hughes, followed by questions and answers. Some points that came up for discussion were:
- Timeline of PRESTO implementation and plan to make the transition.
- Transfers and PRESTO
- The cost of PRESTO
- Concession fares and how they will work
- Presentation about TTC Customer Experience and Wayfinding by Technical Assistant - Wayfinding and Signage Ian Dickson followed by questions and answers. Some points that came up for discussion were:
- Station signage for nearby landmarks, e.g. signs on highways.
- Floor graphics
- Creating a standard for wayfinding signs
- The human element of wayfinding
- Closing comments:
- Topics to be discussed in future meetings: uniforms, explainer videos, and customer education on Accessibility and travelling with a stroller.
- Positive feedback with respect to “end of the line litter pick-up”
The next CLP meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
10. PRESTO Update
An update was provided by Donna Bryant, Project Manager - TTC/GTA Farecard Project. A copy of the presentation will be sent to the ACAT members. Ms. Bryant introduced the other members of the Project Team namely Alan Foster, Brian Drew, and Anne Montgomery from PRESTO.
PRESTO is an electronic smart card currently installed on GO Transit system and all 905 transit agencies around Toronto, as well as installed in 14 TTC subway stations. This allows customers to travel on any of the participating transit agencies using the same fare media. To date, there are around 5,000 devices on 1,000 buses and 240 sites. There are 447 thousand cards in use, with 58.3 million fares collected, worth 228 million fare dollars.
To use the system, a customer has an electronic smart card. They load money onto it and can use it for travel across the GTA. When the card is tapped at the readers, it takes the applicable fare off. All data goes back to the central system back office. The transit agencies work with PRESTO regarding fares and usage. PRESTO provides a Help Desk, Call Centre, website, and all back office services such as financial reconciliation and settlement.
Summary of TTC/Metrolinx Agreement
PRESTO works closely with the different agencies. The TTC joined on November 28, 2012, signing a 15-year legal agreement. PRESTO is responsible to design, build, operate, service, and maintain the next generation of PRESTO to meet the TTC's business requirements. Metrolinx owns all of the equipment. There is a governance structure for PRESTO-wide issues and dispute resolution. TTC will have key sign offs through the entire process. Ongoing TTC involvement includes conceptual design, detailed design, testing of the software and devices, and user acceptance. The TTC will be a part of the development process along with ACAT.
Wave 1
The starting point of the PRESTO integration, Wave 1, will be when the new streetcars are put into revenue service in Q1 2014. The streetcars will have POP fare collection, PRESTO readers, single ride vending machines (SRVM), and ticket validators. PRESTO card users will tap the door to board. Cash and token customers will use the SRVM and receive a stamped receipt to prove that they paid. PRESTO will also be expanded within the subway system. Additional devices will be installed including self-service machines to load money onto the PRESTO cards and check their card balances. Note that all the existing fare media and fare equipment will not be removed.
Wave 2 and 3
A phased roll out of the PRESTO system across the TTC. By the PanAm/ParaPanAm games in 2015, PRESTO devices will be available in buses, streetcars, and more subway stations will have the system installed. There will be additional PRESTO functionality such as Wheel-Trans, boundary crossing, and commuter parking. The intention is to get the system in place correctly on a smaller scale (Wave 1) then expand in a phase approach.
Channels and Devices
There will be a PRESTO website where customers can order and register their card. Registration is optional but comes with benefits such as the card can be replaced if lost, automatic reload of cards, etc. The PRESTO Call Centre will be available for customer service, as well as staffed PRESTO Customer Service centres. PRESTO devices will be installed at the TTC Customer Service Office located at 1900 Yonge Street (above Davisville Subway Station).
The website will meet or exceed the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA by Q2 2013. Any changes will be WCAG compliant. The website will have American Sign Language videos and accessible font sizes; the Call Centre will have Bell relay services. PRESTO devices will comply with Canadian standards, Canadian banking, AODA, Centre for Assistive Technology, ADA-accessible ATM standards. The Add Value Machines and vending machines will include audio jacks.
Next Steps
PRESTO's design process (preliminary and detailed), build and test, and user acceptance. The TTC Farecard Project Team will continue to work closely with ACAT Design Review Subcommittee. The Project Team will submit the Museum PRESTO device location package to the Design Review Subcommittee for review. This package outlines the proposed location of the PRESTO equipment at Museum Station.
The members were given the following information in response to their questions:
- The timeframe for installing PRESTO on WT vehicles has not been confirmed. A schedule will be communicated to ACAT specifying when this service will be implemented.
- Museum Station was chosen as the prototype establishing the civil works design and construction requirements for power, communications, and placement of equipment.
- The Project Team asserted that ACAT will be involved in the review of the equipment specifications, design, and testing. Because the TTC is receiving new streetcars in 2014, the Wave 1 PRESTO devices must be procured quickly. All accessibility requirements collected from the Design Review Subcommittee in 2011 have been submitted to PRESTO and to vendors as part of the Wave 1 RFP.
- The Project Team asserted that ACAT will also be involved in the design and in the iterations of testing on prototypes throughout the process. The team will submit a time line to ACAT in March, outlining when the testing and design review will take place.
- PRESTO is legally bound to meet all TTC business requirements.
- Although there are some problems with the current PRESTO devices, the TTC devices will be new and more advanced. If any issues with the new TTC equipment arise, PRESTO will fix or replace the device. Because so many other transit systems are using PRESTO already, the TTC will benefit from their experiences.
- The Project Team explained that other work is being done at the same time as the project schedule, such as design work, RFP, and the civil works construction required to support PRESTO at TTC. A full Project Plan will be provided in March 2013.
- PRESTO will arrange for ACAT to have contact with the Accessibility Committee in Ottawa to ask for their feedback on the PRESTO system.
- The list of TTC’s business requirements has been completed and any change to these requirements will need a change order which comes with a cost but can be done after an impact review.
- As part of the 2013 accessibility plan review, there was a concern that there is no PRESTO reader at the accessible door halfway down on GO buses that can be used independently.
Sam Savona moved that the ACAT Chair write a letter to the Commission expressing that ACAT received the PRESTO update presentation and are concerned about having proper input in the development of the equipment, as the time line is short.
Seconded by Valdo Tammark. Passed unanimously.
11. Subcommittee Reports and Updates
Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS) - Anna Noviss, Chair
No meeting.
Design Review Subcommittee (DRS) - William Castor, Chair
Presented by Debbie Gillespie and Bill Dawson.
On January 16, 2013, DRS went to the Downsview test site to look at the vehicle engineering for the new Rocket Trains, testing the external chimes on the doors, and the barrier protecting the inter-car gap. The testing went well, using a variety of canes to test the barrier. DRS provided comments to Engineering on the chimes and the barrier. Discussion of the results will be on the agenda for the next DRS meeting, with participation from Vehicle Engineering.
Communications Subcommittee (CS) - Howard Wax, Chair
Presented by Valdo Tammark.
A meeting was held in November 22, 2012, chaired by Valdo Tammark. The meeting started with a summary review of the Station Description pages. Craig Nicol, Angela Marley, and Mazin Aribi compose the ACAT's working group for this project. Carla Basso and Staff from Marketing make up the TTC for this working group.
The working group will first develop description standards, word definitions, and revisit each station double checking the first draft.
The Subcommittee then discussed ACAT's participation at the People in Motion Show and the TTC's Family Days. A question was raised of where the most interaction with the public can be achieved for the time spent at these functions. The group felt the People in Motion Show has slowed down and it was suggested for ACAT to participate every second or third year. However, at the TTC's Family Day, there was an endless flow of new people and ACAT should participate again this year. The Subcommittee will look into other venues and is asking for any suggestions.
The last order of the day was to review and edit the December newsletter.
Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WTOS)
No meeting.
12. Announcement of 2013 Subcommittee Membership
Members received the list of who will serve on each Subcommittee. ACAT anticipates meetings in February to select the Chairs and organize agenda items for the year. Members had input on where to serve and, where possible, these requests were honoured.
13. Report on Commission Meeting and Accessibility Matters
Presented by Valdo Tammark.
At the Commission Meeting held on December 19, 2012, TTC Chair Karen Stintz read the names and biographies of the new members namely Adam Cohoon, Susan Davidson, Fay Fuerst, Craig Nicol, Tim Rose, and Sam Savona, and welcomed them into ACAT. The 2013 ACAT Pool members - Sarah Adams, Judy Berger, and Robert Muzzy - were also welcomed to ACAT.
TTC Chair Karen Stintz thanked the outgoing members and presented them with plaques and letters of thank you
At the January 21, 2013 Commission Meeting, the CEO Report on Service Standards had some good news. Several items that are monitored have started improving again after a plateau; one of these being the elevator down time for repairs. Andy Byford, CEO, has also started talks with the unions doing the preventative maintenance to move it to overnight.
Mr. Alan Yule gave his deputation on using blue seats where the mobility devices spots are. This was the same deputation given at the September 26, 2012 ACAT General Meeting. Chair Stintz asked Valdo Tammark what ACAT thought of the idea, and Valdo advised her that ACAT only had positive comments after hearing the deputation. Before sending this to staff, Chair Stintz wanted ACAT to discuss the idea of using blue seats and to send her a letter with the result of the debate.
Valdo Tammark moved that the ACAT Chair write a letter to the Commission stating that ACAT supports the concept of blue seating to designate priority seating on vehicles.
Brayan Bratanov seconded. Passed unanimously.
Accessibility Matters
For information, there is no articulated bus in Toronto at this time. The first articulated bus is coming in the spring for test driving. Valdo Tammark has made arrangements to have ACAT notified when this bus will be delivered in order for ACAT to view it.
15. Clarification between Priority Seating and Courtesy Seating, and the Rights and Responsibilities of TTC Customers
This item arose from the ACAT Meeting held December 13, 2012 where Mazin Aribi requested for this item to be placed on the agenda in response to an email that Angela Marley sent to Customer Service (forwarded to ACAT members).
The issue concerns the June 9, 2012 Town Hall Meeting Summary posted on the TTC website where the response that was provided to a question from an individual “who wanted to know if, legally, she is required to give up her seat to a person. She realizes there are obvious cases but would like to know if there is a set by-law.”
The posted response states, “As the name implies, the Courtesy Seating program is voluntary in nature and customers are not obliged to give up their seats. We try and encourage customer co operation in this area particularly as it relates to disabled and elderly customers, and pregnant women.”
The response seems incomplete as it does not reflect that there is a by-law. Mazin Aribi suggested that more information should be provided in the response and brought up the issue to ACAT.
ACAT discussed this item. The TTC no longer uses “courtesy” seating, which is optional for ambulatory customers to comply with. Conventional vehicles now use “priority” seating” which is backed by Bylaw #1, and ambulatory customers are required to comply. It is the Operator’s responsibility to inform customers about this Bylaw.
TTC Marketing is currently designing decals to communicate this requirement on conventional vehicles. Along with the introduction of blue upholstery to designate priority seating, an announcement or publicity campaign may be an option to highlight By-Law #1 and the expectations that TTC customers has to comply.
Action: This item was referred to the Communications Subcommittee and added to the ACAT Outstanding Items List.
16. Auditor General's Report – Review of Wheel-Trans Services
Howard Wax moved that the recommendations be forwarded to the various ACAT Subcommittees as outlined in the report.
Brayan Bratanov seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
17. Other / New Business
ACAT discussed what is required for attendance at meetings. Based on a request from members of ACAT, Vince Rodo, Chief Financial and Administration Officer, advised that ACAT members must be physically present in order to participate in Committee meetings and to be counted as present.
Members may observe meetings via teleconference or other electronic means but they will not be considered as present and will not be able to participate. This is in compliance with the City of Toronto and TTC procedural By-Law.
18. Next Meeting
19. Adjournment
On motion by Howard Wax and seconded by Brayan Bratanov, the meeting was adjourned at 3:42 p.m.
Janet WrightRecording Secretary