ACAT Meeting - July 28, 2011

Meeting Info

Date:Thursday, July 28, 2011
Location:1900 Yonge Street, 7th Floor Boardroom
Meeting No:242
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

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Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.


  • Sam Savona (Chair)
  • Mazin Aribi
  • Brayan Bratanov
  • Dorothy Creaser
  • Heather Green
  • Scott McArthur
  • Carol Anne Monet
  • Robert Muzzy
  • Craig Nicol
  • Anna Noviss
  • Angela Rebeiro
  • Valdo Tammark (Vice Chair)
  • Howard Wax (Vice Chair)
  • Susan Davidson (Ex-Officio)

Pool Members

  • Julien Chabot


  • Christine Park, CBS Outdoor Canada


  • Lori March
  • Elaine Prescod

TTC Representatives

  • Bill Frost
  • Glenn Johnson
  • Tom McPherson
  • Donna Bryant
  • Vince Rodo
  • Grant Waddell


  • Gary Webster
  • David Dixon
  • Bill Frost 
  • Vince Rodo
  • John Sepulis
  • Jim Teeple 
  • Mitch Stambler
  • TTC Commissioners

1. Call to Order and Attendance

Sam Savona, Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and attendance was taken.

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest – Nil


3. Tribute to Garnett Martin

Bill Frost noted the one-year anniversary of Garnett Martin’s passing and acknowledged Garnett’s contributions in advocating for people with disabilities in Toronto. The Committee paused for a moment of silence in his remembrance.

4. Approval of Agenda

On motion of Howard Wax and seconded by Dorothy Creaser, ACAT approved the agenda.

5. Review and Approval of June 30, 2011 Minutes

On motion of Howard Wax and seconded by Dorothy Creaser, ACAT approved the minutes of June 30, 2011.

6. Business Arising from Minutes/Outstanding Items

a. Communications Material Review

It was noted that the Administration Subcommittee will not proceed with discussing the Communications Subcommittee’s role in reviewing all ACAT documents.

The Communications Subcommittee will review pertinent documents only.

b. ;Bus Destination Messages

Bill Frost reviewed a list of destination signage for buses and advised that all signage is appropriate and in order.

c. Station Layout Pages

Action: Bill Frost to obtain the schedule for the project.

7. Deputations – Nil


8. TTC Farecard Project - Update

Donna Bryant provided a presentation regarding the Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) Project which noted that the AFC replaces tickets, tokens, and passes and will be valid on all TTC vehicles (including Wheel-Trans). Cash will be accepted at vending machines in subway, fare boxes on buses, and on-board and off-board machines on new LRV's.

The potential benefits of using AFC are improved customer experience re: fare purchases/ payments, employee safety and security, fare policy flexibility, improved data, and reduced costs of fare collection.

Two Basic Approaches to Automatic Fare Collection - PRESTO and Traditional Smartcard

PRESTO Smartcard System:

Provincially-led initiative to implement smartcard system across the GTA (2004). Metrolinx is to assume responsibility for its implementation.

  • PRESTO participants have agreed to provide technical solutions for smartcards and a business model of how PRESTO will work, including governance and decision-making, and the overall operation and financing of the system.
  • Other funding linked to TTC by joining PRESTO: gas tax, new streetcars, transit expansion

Traditional Smartcard:

  • System agency/Operator issues card, manages and updates system
  • “Closed” system:  card cannot be used outside transit
  • Hardware/software is proprietary
  • Capital costs tend to be higher
  • Change orders and obsolescence an issue

Open Payments:

There is a growing interest in using an open payment system among major transit properties. Open payments reduce costs compared to traditional systems, reduce reliance on proprietary systems, and allow transit to focus on transportation services.

  • Transit agency is a “merchant”
  • System accepts existing payment media issued by financial institutions (i.e. credit, debit, prepaid)
  • System management and updates done by third parties
  • “Open” system:  card can be used outside transit
  • System Hardware/software based on standardized infrastructure/equipment
  • No vendor lock-in
  • Multiple suppliers reduces costs

Commission Directives regarding Open Payments

In May 2010, the Commission engaged a consultant to assist TTC to develop a business case for open payments, and to work with TTC, to solicit/evaluate proposals from prospective partners, as well as to implement proposed solution. In June 2010, KMA Group was hired to provide consulting services for the development of a public-private agreement for an open standard-based fare payment system. At the completion of the procurement process, a report was to be presented to the Commission that identified the successful proponent and directed staff to seek agreement with the Province on an implementation plan. In January 2011, vendors were invited to submit proposals. The compliant bid presented the following business model:

  • To design, build, operate, maintain, and refresh Open Payments System
  • Vendor covers all capital costs
  • TTC pays a “fixed fee” to Vendor for back office services, revenue collection, servicing, and maintenance
  • “Fixed fee” based on percentage of TTC fare revenues
  • Equal to/less than TTC’s current fare collection costs
  • Terms and conditions of OSFS business model/deal provides clarity and certainty related to:
    • Roles and responsibilities
    • System deliverables
    • Decision-making
    • System ownership
    • Financial commitments

Metrolinx/MTO Position re: Open Payments

  • TTC should proceed with PRESTO
  • PRESTO can meet all TTC needs and also support open payments
  • The Province has made significant investment in PRESTO, integrated “regional” fare system
  • Funding for other projects at risk if TTC does not join PRESTO:
    • Gas tax
    • Transit expansion
    • New streetcars
    • CSIF

On June 8, 2011, the TTC provided the following directives regarding PRESTO:

  • Conditional approval to proceed with PRESTO
  • Integrated “regional” fare system, upgrade underway including Open Payments
  • Metrolinx/PRESTO to meet TTC’s customer, business, and financial needs
  • Other transit funding conditional upon joining PRESTO
  • TTC/City capital cost capped at $47 M
  • Open Payments proposal extended to November 23, 2011 until final TTC-PRESTO agreement reached
  • Commission to approve TTC-PRESTO agreements

Current Status

  • TTC-PRESTO “business requirements” have not been completed
  • OSFS submission valid until November 23, 2011
  • Discussions continue with Metrolinx/PRESTO on:
    • Funding - financial approach approved July 6, 2011
    • Governance and Operating agreement - TBD
    • TTC business requirements - TBD
    • October/November report to Commission for approval of final TTC-PRESTO agreement(s)
    • Ongoing consultation:
    • TTC-PRESTO system design review
    • ACAT Design Review Subcommittee
    • TTC is joining an “existing system”
    • Mutual dependencies
    • System capabilities
    • Metrolinx/PRESTO
    • Accessibility framework
    • Advisory Committee and Accessibility test panel
    • PRESTO has been invited to ACAT in September/October 2011

ACAT Feedback

ACAT members felt that previous advice and recommendations made to PRESTO had not been taken into consideration. The members had strong concerns about the implementation of PRESTO without accessibility modifications being made.

ACAT Executive noted that they will be meeting with TTC Chair Karen Stintz in September and will voice their concerns to her at that time.

Action: Glenn Johnston to distribute an electronic version of TTC Farecard Project presentation to ACAT.

Action: Donna Bryant to provide an update regarding the Farecard Project to ACAT prior to the October or November Commission meeting.

Action: ACAT Executive to discuss PRESTO with Karen Stintz on September 7, 2011.

9. Stair Riser Advertising on the TTC

Grant Waddell, Vince Rodo, and Christine Park (CBS Outdoor) discussed the use of advertising in the TTC. Vinyl ads currently appear on some stair risers in TTC subway stations, such as the Bloor Mezzanine level. They noted that prior to ad installation, the TTC consulted with the CNIB to discuss any concerns regarding the use of this type of advertising. They advised that two inch strips of yellow vinyl at the top and bottom of stairs serve as demarcation, to help those with visual impairments determine where the stair ends and where the floor starts. Photos of actual ads that appear on stair risers in TTC subways were circulated at the meeting.

Vince Rodo advised that vendors were encouraged to submit proposals to the TTC for revenue-generating ideas, such as station naming and/or sponsorship electronic media possibilities. All ads must meet AODA standards and ACAT recommendations will be taken into consideration. He noted that these ideas were for consideration and that advertising would not be seen everywhere throughout the TTC system. Currently, out of a fleet of 2,000 vehicles, there are approximately 35 buses that are wrapped with advertising.

Crain Nicol recalled investigations and decisions made about 2001 on such aspects as the clear width between the stringer and the edge of advertisements on the risers to help demark steps. He will attempt to locate information from those discussions and share them with staff.

Several ACAT members expressed some concerns regarding this type of advertising. Vince Rodo encouraged them to forward their concerns to him regarding advertising affecting accessibility in TTC facilities or on TTC vehicles.

10. Subcommittee Reports and Updates

Administration Subcommittee (ASC)

The Administration Subcommittee met twice in July and revised the ACAT Terms of Reference.

Communications Subcommittee (CSC)

Angela Rebeiro provided a handout that highlighted the Communications Subcommittee activities during the month of July. The Subcommittee was in support of the use of advertising by TTC to generate revenue; however, they urged the TTC to consult with ACAT regarding the modes and use of sponsors and advertisers.

Design Review Subcommittee (DRS)

Craig Nicol (Chair) advised that the Design Review Subcommittee did not meet in July.

ACAT History Project

Brayan Bratanov advised that he continues to accumulate and compile documents that relate to ACAT history.

Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS) 

Anna Noviss (Chair) advised that the Service Planning Subcommittee met on July 20, 2011 and Glenn Johnston provided an update regarding the Lift Line. Transit Control and Marketing and Customer Services have implemented improvements. As of July 25, 2011, Transit Control took the lead on updating the Lift Line. Transit Control will gather information by 6:30 a.m., each day of the week, which will then be posted. That office will now make updates as required throughout the service day, including on weekends and holidays. Marketing will receive a print out of the Lift Line updates in order to cross check the information and respond to questions and observations from customers during the workday.

The Subcommittee reviewed and classified submissions from the 2011 Public Forum. The classified submissions will be forwarded to the appropriate parties for their further review and investigation once the task is complete and the information will be used in the upcoming Commission Report.
Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WT Ops)

Dorothy Creaser (Chair) advised that WT Ops did not meet in July and the next meeting is tentatively scheduled for August 4, 2011.

11. Information on Public Forum from the Committee Report

The continuing actions being taken by the ACAT Service Planning Subcommittee to assist staff with the assessment of public comments from the TTC’s 2011 Public Forum was mentioned by Anna Noviss in her report on the Subcommittee’s activities. The Subcommittee has scheduled additional sessions on this matter.

12. Report on Commission Meeting and Accessibility Matters

Valdo Tammark advised that he attended the July 6, 2011 Commission meeting. He informed the Committee that the TTC has launched a “Next Vehicle Arrival System” for buses. Smart phones or cell phones could be used to find information regarding bus arrival at specific stops. Additional information can be found at Valdo encouraged the ACAT members to test this system and report back to him regarding any difficulties using the new system.

13. Correspondence

A review of correspondence received was made by Sam Savona with the members.

14. Other / New Business

a. Emergency Protocol Procedures for ACAT at 1900 Yonge Street.

A member asked that the procedures for emergency evacuation of 1900 Yonge Street be reviewed. Bill Frost spoke about the last consultation with ACAT on this and the past ACAT decisions, based on those discussions, to hold the meetings at the Davisville offices. 

Action: The Administration Subcommittee was asked to discuss the matter again.

b. Light Rail Vehicle Prototype

Glenn Johnston advised that the Design Review Subcommittee had previously reviewed the Light Rail Vehicle designs and that three volunteers viewed a prototype in Thunder Bay. Modifications to the initial design were made as a result and a new mock-up of the Legacy vehicle is now ready to be viewed by all interested parties.

It is anticipated that the mock-up will be available for viewing by ACAT members at Hillcrest on Friday, August 19, 2011. The public is expected to be invited to view the cars on August 20 - 23.

15. Terms of Reference (Draft) for ACAT Review

The Administration Subcommittee revised the ACAT Terms of Reference which was provided to ACAT for their consideration. ACAT members were encouraged to email Sam Savona with any questions concerning the revised document. The intent is for the revised Terms of Reference to be approved by ACAT in August and then presented to the Commission in September.

16. Next Meeting – August 25, 2011

The next meeting of ACAT will be held on Thursday, August 25, 2011, in the 7th Floor Boardroom, 1900 Yonge Street.

17. Adjournment

On motion by Dorothy Creaser, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Lori Blinn
Recording Secretary

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