ACAT Meeting - February 26, 2009

Meeting Info

Date:Thursday, February 26, 2009
Location:1900 Yonge Street, 7th Floor Boardroom
Meeting No:213
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.

Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.

Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.

Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.


  • Susan Davidson  
  • Adam Cohoon
  • Fadumo Dirie
  • Richard Greco
  • Heather Green
  • Garnett Martin
  • Marian McDonell
  • Robert Muzzy
  • Linda Napier
  • Sam Savona
  • Howard Wax 

TTC Representatives

  • Ross Visconti
  • Glenn Johnston
  • Janet O’Sullivan


  • Bill Castor    
  • Marcia Cummings    
  • Angela Marley    
  • Craig Nicol     
  • Penny Lamy (ex-officio)


  • Gary Webster
  • Vince Rodo
  • John Sepulis
  • Rick Cornacchia
  • Al Chocorlan
  • TTC Commissioners

1. Call to Order / Attendance

Susan Davidson, Chair, called the meeting to order at approximately 1:10 p.m.  Roll call was taken.

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest


3. Approval of Agenda

On Motion of Howard Wax, ACAT Approved the Agenda.

4. ACAT Vice-Chair Elections

Angela Marley withdrew her nomination for Vice-Chair. Susan Davidson read a statement outlining her qualifications as Chair and the three (3) nominees for Vice-Chair - Heather Green, Garnett Martin, and Sam Savona - presented statements outlining their qualifications for Vice-Chair.

Heather Green and Garnett Martin were elected for the 2009 term.

5. Review and Approval of January 29, 2009 Minutes

On Motion of Howard Wax, ACAT Approved the Minutes of the Meeting Held on January 29, 2009.

6. Business Arising Out of Minutes/Outstanding Items

Glenn Johnston indicated he would speak on matters pertaining to Metrolinx activities later in the agenda (Item # 14).

7. Report on Commission Meeting Accessibility Matters

Garnett Martin reported on the LRT Expansion Project, as presented by TTC’s Service Planning, and the TTC’s Accessible Services Plan which was approved by the Commission.

Howard Wax complimented the Service Planning Department on the accessibility plan and the LRT update. He indicated the details of the Transit City Plan were available on the TTC website at and clicking on the Transit City icon.

8. Deputations


9. Subcommittee Reports and Updates

Communications Subcommittee

At the February 8th meeting, Heather Green was elected Chair. Heather reported that the items discussed were the Wheel-Trans CommunityLink newsletter and Internet Trip Booking Video. 

Ross Visconti informed the group that the number of trips booked on the internet has increased to 3,000 per week, which would represent the work of three Reservationists and that, contrary to original forecasts, use of RideLine trip booking has also increased.

Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee

Howard Wax reported that at the February 12, 2009 meeting, Angela Marley was elected Chair of the Subcommittee and the discussion included Accessible Taxi inspection and decals to be conducted in March and the Secret Shopper Audits on Contracted Taxis Program.

At the February 25th meeting, members were introduced to the new Friendly Bus and were canvassed for their comments on the design of the vehicle. Discussion also included a plan for the naming of the bus to honour people who have made a contribution to accessible transportation in the City of Toronto.

10. Alternate ACAT Meeting Dates

Due to conflicts with Commission Meeting dates, the ACAT meetings dates in May, September, and October have been moved to Friday, May 29, Wednesday, September 23, and Friday, October 30, 2009. 

On Motion of Howard Wax, ACAT Accepted the New Dates.

Members requested that the TTC internet site be updated to reflect these changes.

11. Public Forum 2009

Glenn Johnston reminded members that the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal had directed the TTC to hold three annual Public Forums, but the TTC decided to conduct them every year. The 2009 meeting is tentatively planned for May at the same facility used in 2008. No details would be confirmed and no announcements would be made until they had been discussed with the Monitor for the Tribunal.

Members suggested staff consider an alternative venue and the distribution of the TTC Accessible Services Plan.

12. Procedures – When Two Consecutive Elevators are Out of Service

Wheel-Trans staff working with Subway and Collectors staff have finalized procedures. The report is attached. Collectors at stations will direct the customer to an elevator that has been confirmed as operational. Wheel-Trans is to provide service within one hour of notification.

13. Standards Development Process Update

Glenn Johnston reminded members that there will be four general standards and the standard specific to transportation. He noted that the Customer Service Standard was set in regulation and requires the public sector to comply by the end of the year.

The members were provided with an update on the status of the draft standards as follows:

Information and Communications – has been through public consultation and is scheduled to be finalized in the first half of the year.

Transportation – the Standards Development Committee has completed its work and has forwarded the draft standard to the Minister of Community and Social Services to finalize. The draft is posted on the Ministry website.

Employment – is presently available for public review.

Built Environment – still being developed and therefore has not been released for public review.  It is scheduled to be completed this year.

It was suggested that all the proposed standards would potentially impact the cost of operating transit systems, but the Transportation and Built Environment standards were expected to have the greatest effect on accessible services and facilities.  It is still too early to say what impacts all the standards would have on TTC budgets and TTC’s priorities for accessible services and facilities as set out in the accessibility plans.

Howard Wax requested a presentation on the draft Employment standard.

14. Metrolinx Update

Glenn Johnston informed the members the Metrolinx board had received a report on cross boundary ‘specialized’ services and a report on the development of an advisory committee on accessible transportation. Some ACAT members were present at the meeting for this.

The report on cross-boundary services will be referred to the ACAT Service Planning Subcommittee to be discussed as part of the assessment of service integration in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

The ACAT Chair is expected to receive a communications from Metrolinx in the near future concerning membership on their advisory committee.

15. Observation at Subcommittee Meetings

ACAT members or pool members not serving on a particular Subcommittee may attend as an observer but not participate at any Subcommittee meeting. Members were asked to advise Grace Santos if they are planning to attend. Dates for Subcommittee meetings will be circulated to all members.

16. Other - New Business

In response to a request from Richard Greco, Howard Wax volunteered to provide Metrolinx Internet links to sites on public meetings of interest to ACAT members.

17. Next Meeting

The next meeting of ACAT will be held on Thursday, March 26, 2009, in the 7th Floor Boardroom, 1900 Yonge Street.

18. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:15 p.m.

Janet O’Sullivan
For Secretary

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