TTCs complaints compliments and suggestions
Complaints, compliments and suggestions
Your feedback is important and helps us provide you with the best experience possible.
TTC’s Customer Service Department welcomes all compliments, complaints and suggestions about our service and employees.
If your matter requires an immediate response, please contact us by telephone at 416 393 3030 daily 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (Please note the Customer Service office is closed on statutory holidays).
Submitting a complaint, compliment or suggestion online
Submitting a complaint, compliment or suggestion online is fast and easy. It is always helpful to include the following information as part of your description: date, time, intersection, direction the vehicle was travelling in, route, 4-digit vehicle number, subway station and location.
Wheel-Trans service
If you have any questions or comments about our Wheel-Trans services or policies, please contact Wheel-Trans customer service directly.
Fare Inspector & Special Constable Complaints (FISCC) Office
The Fare Inspector & Special Constable Complaints (FISCC) Office accepts complaints about the conduct of an individual Fare Inspector or Special Constable, as well as concerns about the policies and services related to the overall TTC Fare Inspector and Special Constable Program.
TTC's complaints, compliments and suggestions process
Step one: Submit your feedback to the TTC
- Online at (an email will automatically be sent to you to acknowledge receipt of your feedback):
- Complaints
- TTC Service
- TTC employee
- Compliments
- Give us a compliment
- Suggestions
- Suggestions
- By phone at 416-393-3030 from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily (Please note the Customer Service office is closed on statutory holidays).
- By mail to:
Customer Service
Toronto Transit Commission
1900 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M4S 1Z2 - In-person at the:
Customer Service Centre Office
Toronto Transit Commission
1900 Yonge Street, Main Floor
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
It is always helpful to include the following information as part of your description: date, time, intersection, direction the vehicle was travelling in, route, 4-digit vehicle number, subway station, subway line and/or route name/number and location. If you know the Operator’s badge number that’s helpful too.
- Online at (an email will automatically be sent to you to acknowledge receipt of your feedback):
Step two: Indicate if you require a response
You can choose to submit your feedback without requiring a response, or you can indicate that you would like to receive one. Either way, the Customer Service team will input your name, email and/or mailing address, phone number (if applicable) and your feedback into our database, assign a Customer Service Complaint (CSC) number to your file and will share your feedback with the appropriate department for their review and response. A CSC number will be shared with you so that you can reference it when communicating with the Customer Service team. If you do not require a response, your feedback will be marked as “For Information Only” when it is sent to the appropriate department. For feedback submitted online at, you can indicate if you require a response by selecting “Yes” under Response Required, or “No-For Information Only”. You will receive confirmation via email with the CSC number.
If you would like a response, our goal is to get back to you within five business days. Some customer communications require interviews with operators, route supervisors or other TTC staff and may take up to 15 business days for investigation.
To check the status of your file call 416-393-3030 from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily (Please note the Customer Service office is closed on statutory holidays).
The TTC is unable to provide information on disciplinary action taken against staff, ongoing criminal investigations, Legal and Claims cases and video downloads.
Step three: Response from Customer Service
Once the feedback is received from the appropriate department, the Customer Service team will share the response with you. Your response will be shared by the method you requested i.e. phone, email or mail. -
Step four: Escalation process
If you are not satisfied with the response you have received, you can request that your feedback be further reviewed. The Customer Service team will escalate your feedback within the appropriate departments and Customer Service. Following that, you can submit a letter to the Director Customer Experience, Marketing and Customer Experience Department, Toronto Transit Commission, 1900 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4S 1Z2
If you are still not satisfied following your escalation request, you can contact the Ombudsman Toronto office at 416-392-7062.